
Fallen Angel - An Eternal Love Story

"Let's meet again in our next life.. Ok?" "Don't say like that please.." "I love you" "I love you too".. A forbidden & heart-touching love story between A Fallen Angel and A Human being.. Duke, a fallen angel who was supposed to be the cause of Juliet's death fall in love with each other. Will their love bloom or let them to a dead end?

Scarlet_C · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 19: The New Beginning

As the new dawn broke, Duke went to the old church but Angelo wasn't there. Even after Duke deeply wanted him to come and tried to contact him but it seems Angelo didn't want to meet him yet. So as the sun rays became more brighter he came back to the house. After coming back he got ready for the office. It was not an ordinary office day because it was the final presentation day for the upcoming 'Next generation high tech robots' that they were going to launch. Juliet was making efforts and going for all nighters almost half a year now for this project and today the companies that are going to invest in it were coming to 'Dreams'.

It was pretty hectic from the morning hours. Juliet didn't utter a word since the whole morning.

The meeting was fixed in the afternoon hours after the lunchtime at 2 p.m.

It was 10 on the clock when the Tech. A.I. group of 'Dreams' notified Juliet that they are completely prepared for their presentation in the afternoon. Juliet herself went to watch the demo but she still was feeling restless as this was one of his father's dream projects. Duke placed a coffee cup in front of her saying "Everything will be fine". Juliet's eyes shifted from the desktop screen to meet another pair of eyes telling her to hope for the best. Juliet just said thanks before she again fixated her gaze to the screen.

In an instance the lunch break was over and everyone gathered together in the meeting room for the pre-determined purpose. This project was more important than any others because in this project the most investment shares is going to be done by one of the top 7 tech. groups in the whole world, 'HiTech Group & Co.' , which was indeed a great step for Juliet's company to flourish further towards the international market.

The meeting was about to start at 2'o clock but everyone was waiting for a certain someone to arrive. When the clock ticked at 2 in the afternoon, the glass door slided and a tall, fair, stout figure wearing a hawaiian half sleeve shirt with a faded blue linen trousers,and an odd pair of yellow shoes entered the room. Stroking his light brown, slightly curved hair on the back he said "Oh! I made it Just on time!!!".

Everyone was quite stunned after looking at his appearance, some of them were annoyed, some laughed secretly about his dressing sense, but some kept their composure as usual. Juliet was nonchalant with all this though she twitched her eyebrows a little after watching him walking in like that as it was a formal meeting to begin with.

With this mysterious person a formally dressed one also stepped in. He started talking once they were in front of Juliet. "Hello ma'am, I'm Secretary Byun and this is the CEO of the 'HiTech Group & Co.', Mr.Joshua Richardson. We are sorry for the late introduction as one of the previous meeting took a bit more time." After the introduction part was over everyone had a astonishing look on. Some of them who already co-operated with Mr.Richardson in the past were silent. They know how this person was. But the others were quite surprised that a person this big, how can he act so casual. One of the main reason behind their reaction was because there was literally no picture of the CEO of the HiTech Group in any websites.The online searches and news were all about how mighty the HiTech is and the success story of Mr. Richardson, his working efficiency, work ethics, his humble behaviour towards the employees,his righteousness, and every other work world related details. Among them the most talked about topic was his calm and composed smile and his weird taste in the closet. The persons who met with him once, obviously noticed these two things for sure. But he restrained any media from taking any pictures of him. He gave interviews a lot even on the television as well but he never allowed this activity during his interviews. So the whole world only know the name but the appearance is always unknown.

Everyone seated in their position, Juliet started her initial speech and then she directed the Tech. A.I. team for the demonstration and presentation of the next generation high tech robots of their company. The meeting went for 2 long consecutive hours. Every invester except Mr. Richardson questioned about the robot and it's working efficiency. They got their satisfactory answers as well. The deal was final and the project contract was signed without any flaws. Juliet thanked all the investors for joining the meeting and asked Duke to take them to the refreshment zone. She heaved a sigh of relief. She was really busy these whole month for this preparing so that her father's dream can be fulfilled. While everyone was headed towards the dining lounge, Juliet remain seated in the meeting room. When almost everyone was headed to the dining hall, Mr. Richardson said, "Mr.Byun you also please join the after meeting arrangements, I have something to talk with Ms.Juliet". Secretary Byun noded and head out of the room.

Juliet wasn't sure what he wants to talk about as he didn't question anything during the whole presentation and demonstration. He signed the contract where 65% of the investment was done alone by his company. She was a bit surprised as this was a huge lot of money to be invested but he didn't utter a single word during the whole meeting. But she wasn't afraid, somehow his presence wasn't indicating any uneasyness for her. So, she spoke while keeping her elegance as usual, " What do you want to discuss about Mr.Richardson?"

Sorry for updating after a long time... It was my exam month so I was quite busy with the paper... From now on as my practicals are going on hopefully I'll be able to update but if not then I am asking for sorry beforehand. Enjoy reading.

Thank you for reading..❤

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