
Fall for earth but moon

Love Amazingly, such a tiny word can evoke such a wide range of feelings. It has the ability to inspire us to do things that are either good or bad, but never in our wildest dreams did we think we would. We simply choose to be friends without taking into account how the other person will benefit us, and that is when I fell in love. When I reflect on the past and see myself doing those kinds of things for the people I adore, I consider my transformation from a shy person to the individual that I am today. Despite the fact that my passion did not last, it gave me courage. Although I'm not sure how to refer to our discussion, I would still choose the same course of action. Even though it would mean putting my heart in danger once more, I would choose to travel the same path once more, fall in love at first sight once more, pursue you once more, and confront my fears in order to mature and learn the value of having him in my life. I had to experience my first love's sorrow all over again in order to grow as a person. His love made me realize how valuable I am, whereas your love may have taught me how to be brave. I believe that the definition of love and what it means to be in love is to have the world show its concern for me while also loving the person nearest to me. I found serenity when he looked at me warmly while the entire world was looking at him. . ___________& Readers, allow this heartwarming tale to warm your souls. follow me on insta novel128paka

novel128 · Urbano
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6 Chs

Disaster Next (day part 1)

Next day she woke up and went to schol as usual every ordinary students do in their ordinary life.

while she was on her way to class she noticed she droped her keychain she had tied to her bag. This was present from her grandfather. She went looking for it downstairs and time is not in her favour every body is in class or on their way and she is coming down in complete opposite way. This going to be tough. As she was looking down search for it and moved downstairs and saw it finally .

She was bended down and she was about to pick it up she bumped to solid rather to a person.

"Hey watch where you are going..... Dumb"said an arrogant voice.

She picked it up and made eye contact with the owner of that arrogant tune.

She saw chest well she looked up and titled her neck high, She saw beautiful pair of black eyes they were pitch black and a heavenly handsome face , sharp eyes, nose , and jaw and ear piercing not one but twice. Awww she remember how it hurt to have it once but he is having 2 on both side.

"Ohhhh hello" he waved his hand in firnt of her face to make her snap out of her thoughts.

" Ah yes sorry I was just searching for it I didn't saw you " replied Aisha even though he called her dumb as it was clearly her fault not seeing where she is going.

And as she was about to introduce herself and walk that person passed her and went upstairs. She is stil standing on her spot and then teacher yelled " WHY ARE you not in your CLASS go to your class fast"

She quickly made her way and day started as usual but she can't seem to forget that eyes.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Are you curious who is this person well new character introduced I am struggling to write and I am really new to writing myslef hope u won't mind my awful grammar and who cares about rules all its about sharing feelings through words and I hope I am doing good at it even if I am 1 % I am sure I "ll develop. Now his name would be revealed in next chapter stay tunee and thnks as my new year gift I got my novel crosssed 1.12k view trust me last time I saw it was around 700 or something.

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