
CHAPTER 1. " First Encounter"

On a Sunday Morning, Dev was having a normal day. She was supposed to be at school, but she didn't go. Again. It's been weeks since she stopped going to school. And her mother is always mad at her about it. If she doesn't go for another week, she may be expelled. Her mother kept shouting at her about how she shouldn't neglect her studies. But, she just walked out on her own.

While she was walking, she bumped into a guy. He was wearing a polo shirt tucked inside his pants. He was also wearing a headphone. He was busy looking at his phone so he didn't see Dev walking. "Mygosh, Please watch where you're going!" Dev shouted at him. Dev fell down the floor when she bumped him. "I already had a bad morning, don't make it worse." The guy answered. "I did as well, and I wasn't asking." Dev answered angrily.

They both go on with their own ways. Dev was at a comic shop. Dev really liked reading comic books ever since she was at 4th grade.You'll see her room full of comic books. She likes to read webtoon all day, or when she is having a bad day. She dreamed of being a webtoon writer one day. But, in order to achieve that, she must go to school daily. If she doesn't want to fail. Dev is already a college student. But she is still a trouble to her mother. Who knows? Her things might be right outside their house when she gets home. She spends the day reading comics, and she'll go home once her mother is no longer mad at her.

Aside from comic books, she also idolize the K-Pop group, Astro & Mamamoo. She makes money and uses that money to buy their latest albums. Fangirling Mode, isn't it? She wished to have a life like her classmates. But, her dad's company went bankrupt, and her mom is running a small convienience store. She sometimes stays there if both of her parents are not at home.

One morning, someone went inside their store to buy something. When he reached the counter, Dev recognized his voice. "Those headphones.... That voice..." Everything about him was so familiar. Even his polo. Who could he be?