
Chapter 1

"Mom, I am definitely NOT wearing this on my first day of school! I just wanna blend in. I don't want to be remembered as 'the girl who showed up on the first day wearing a shirt from the 60's!' I'm going to change." I said storming back upstairs.

"You get your ass back down these stairs and apologize. You do not, I repeat do NOT speak to me that way." My mom yelled back at me.

"But mom-"

"No complaining, you are wearing that shirt. It looks nice." She said admiring it.

I looked down at my shirt, it was covered in various bright colors and peace signs. "Mom-"

"Go to school." She said as she pointed at the door.

I walked out the house cursing that damned shirt. Why? Why did it even exist?

"Girl, why are you spacing out? Get in already, we're gonna be late!" I heard a voice yell.

My friend Nat was parked in my driveway. I hadn't seen her all summer due to her vacation. She had grown her hair out and gotten her braces off. She was wearing a black v-neck with ripped jeans and some sunglasses.

"You've changed..." I said looking at her outfit.

She looked me up and down before getting out the car. She walked up to me and pointed a bony finger in my face.

"What are you tryna say Luna?" She grinned.

"I'm just saying, last year your picture was in the dictionary under the word dork." I laughed.

"Don't worry love, I'm still the dork you know and love. Now get in the car." She smiled.

As she drove, we caught up with each other, talked about our summers, our annoying siblings, and how our families were.

When we got to school, we saw some new and some familiar faces. One in particular, Nathaniel Parker, the school fuckboy. I rolled my eyes when I noticed him. Nat and I walked into the building when three guys approached us.

"Damn girl! You done got hot over the summer. Don't tell me, you're 80% fake now?" The first guy said as he eyed Nat.

"Y'all can fuck off, ok? It is too early to deal with this." Nat rolled her eyes.

"Oh, oh so it's like that? Ok ok, watch your back Nat." They walked off.

'Should I ask?' I thought to myself

'Would she get mad if I asked?'

'Nvm, fuck it.'

"Sooooo, who were they?" I stood in front of Nat.

She folded her arms and sighed, she didn't want to talk about it. So, like a good friend, I didn't pester her....that day.

We walked into our first period, only to see him. Nathaniel. We took the farthest seats from him.

-after class-

Nat and I began to walk when I felt a tug on my arm. I kept walking. Once again a pull on my arm. I turned around believing Nat pulled me.

"What do you wan-" I stopped. Nathaniel looked at me with a pouting expression. I shot a look to Nat who shrugged. I looked him up and down. He was wearing ripped jeans with a black hoodie, his long black hair straight down. His hair was beautiful, if I could just tou-

"You know Luna, any other day, I wouldn't mind you checking me out," he smirked, "but I need to talk to you about something." He pulled my wrist and dragged me to an empty class.

"Hand me your phone." He demanded.

"What, no, why?" I asked.

"So I know you won't record this." He stared me straight in the eyes.

"Record what?" I took a step back.

"You'll see, just hand it over." He walked towards me.

"You'll have to take it from me then." I teased and shoved my phone in my bra. I felt superior...for a moment.

"Fine wanna play it that way?" Nathaniel said. He stood in front of me and grabbed my hands, "Do me a favor and don't do this again ok?" He stuck his hand in my bra and grabbed my phone.

"What the..." I mumbled in shock. He just touched my...how could he just...this jerk, treating me like this. He thinks he can get away with it just because he looks good.

Looks good? No he doesn't. I mean he does but not to me...ugh whatever.

"You're staring again, princess." Nathaniel laughed.

I blushed and looked away.

"Anyway," he started, "I need your help."

"My help? What could I help you with? And why me?" I questioned.

"Well Luna," he stepped closer, "would you go out with me?" He smiled.

"Go out with me? Why? You're the school's playboy. So many beautiful girls lined up to get in them jeans." I scoffed.

"About that...," He combed his hand through his hair, "yeah I'm not really a playboy y'know?"

"Yeah sure," I rolled my eyes, "You've been with most girls in the school, hell you're a walking STD. Anyway, good talk Nathaniel, I'll be going now." I opened the door, and he pulled my arm again.

"Wait, let me explain. I need you to be my girlfriend because I want to get the girls of the school off my back, I know you don't like me so it works out, right?" He stared me in the eyes. His eyes were beautiful, one minute they were blue, next they were green.

"So will you?" He asked.

"I'll think about it." I walked out the class and saw Nat waiting for me.

"Let's go." I walked off.

(AN: Hello! I'm a new writer so, sorry if the story isn't that good, I'd be willing to take any other writers to help me out, thx for reading!

By the way, if there are any spelling mistakes, feel free to point them out!)

Ani925creators' thoughts