
Fairy Tale of A Village Girl

He is a third generation heir of famous Patel family in Pune, India. His family has made a name for themselves in restaurant chain business. They have also many franchises in different cities of India. He is proud, cold and highly intelligent. Everyone thinks in his big family that he can bring greater prosperity to the family after two generation of hard work. He has just completed his masters in management from one of the most reputed universities in India. He is a dream husband for many girls and dream son-in-law for many business class families. The only flaw in his personality is that he is a person with a traditional cultured view about family and relationships. Well, it is flaw according to modern thinkers and the girls mostly. His mother is afraid he will be taken advantage of because he is too emotional. And then the person who takes advantage of him is his grandmother, whom he loves and cares about the most in the family. She has promised a relative in the village that she will set up a marriage between their families and now her most favorite grandson has to do it for her. His dream of a fairy tale love gets shattered just like that. She was a hard working girl in her family. She has passed 12th grade with first division from the government school in the village. When she was 10 years old she was told by her grandmother that her marriage was fixed in a family in the city. She has learned to cook food, have been extra attentive in her studies and also tried to learn English well because she wanted to make her husband proud. She completed her education of up to 12th grade at the age of 17. After that, she could not go to college because the city was far from her village and because of being everyone's darling in the family they did not wish to send her away. It was already decided that at the age of 20 she will be married and she will go to the city. So, everyone in the family said that she can do college at that time. So her last 3 years from the age of 17 to 20 in the village were gone while learning to cook food, doing vegetable gardening and serving her elders and dreaming of her husband. Will he look like one of those actors in movies? I should perfect myself in cooking and learn how to respect elders, what if I embarrassed him in front of his family and relatives? I should take care of myself and not get any wound or scars while doing garden work or cooking on the stove, what if he finds me ugly? In the summer of year when she turned 20, her family received a call that people of boy's family are coming to see the girl and fix the marriage date and the boy is also coming. She felt like her dream is going to come true. She felt shy, self-conscious and dazed all the time. Finally, her dream of fairy tale love and the valiant prince is going to come true.

Kritdeo · Geral
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73 Chs

A Significant Progress

Around 6 PM, Patel family reached the airport in the city of Banaras. Youngest uncle of Akash walked ahead along with Grandpa in front while pushing a luggage trolley.

Behind them, Ira and Varsha walked hand in hand while looking around and giggling. Earlier Varsha felt shy but Grandma scolded her and said that she has to enjoy herself like she did before otherwise she will be angry and Varsha easily took this opportunity to satisfy her curiosity and enjoy things together with Ira.

Grandma walked holding the hand of the cousin sister of Akash followed by his mother and aunt. The youngest cousin of Akash is jumping and running around.

Akash and his other cousin brother are in last dragging two suitcases each. Everyone else has only their small bag or purse which is making his cousin brother complain continuously.

Check-in is done in no time and everyone reached the boarding gate soon. Ira is excited about her first plane journey and has no qualms about hiding it. Varsha is also looking forward to it. Their excitement is making Akash to keep a distance from that so that they don't embarrass him.

Grandpa sees Akash standing at a distance with his cousin and he felt amused seeing his expression which says 'I do not know these people'.

Airport looks very extravagant to Varsha and she is more curious to see Delhi airport which is their next stop. She said "This airport looks so good, I wonder how Delhi airport will be. Now I have lost my interest in this one." It made Grandpa who is sitting a few chairs far from her laughed and said "It is very big. You will enjoy that more. We have two hours of wait time there and you can wander around with Akash there." It made Varsha shy thinking the implied meaning of the words of Grandpa.

Ira pulled Varsha and dragged her to window shop in the shops in the airport. For Varsha airport seems like a new world where everything looks so white and clean and she is in awe while being dragged by Ira.

They boarded their plane by 7 PM. Inside the plane also both girls enjoyed too much. Sitting while putting the belt on also is a new experience for Varsha. Ira shrieked when the plane took off and even Varsha laughed and acclaimed that it felt like she is riding a swing in full motion. After one hour they again enjoyed the descent of plane on Delhi Airport.

On Delhi Airport Grandpa asked Akash to accompany Varsha and Ira in showing them around inside airport. Akash felt irritated but he has to follow them as Ira pestered him too much.

Akash also felt frustrated that his wife is wearing traditional dress Saree with pieces of jewelry which is attracting a lot of attention because she is young and looks different. Varsha looks like a cute innocent girl but for Akash, it is different from the norm and irritating. He wished that she wore a girly dress like his sister but Grandma and his mother said that she looked beautiful and in her excitement, Varsha declared that she will wear the traditional dress if Grandma and mother think it looks good. She looked toward Akash at that time but he only could show his irritation.

Two girls of twenty, one is wearing bloomers with a cotton top and another Saree giving a picture of modern and traditional together. Ira is chirping happily and she also bought few items. Ira also forced Varsha to choose something and made Akash buy them for her. Although Akash was forced by Ira to buy items, still it made Varsha happy.

Around 11 PM they boarded the plane to Pune and reached Pune around 1 AM. As everyone was tired and already done with the dinner on the way, once they reached home they directly went to their rooms and went to bed.

The elder aunt of Akash who had stayed back with elder uncle has already prepared the room of newly married couple and it was no surprise to them when they were told to use their room.

The only issue Akash and Varsha faced when they enter their room is that there are only a big King size bed and no couch in the room. Akash is tried and now also feeling frustrated.

Seeing this Varsha said meekly "Can we do it this way that I take the left side of the bed and you take the right side of the bed?"

After asking this, Varsha lowered her head feeling shy and hearing no response from Akash raised her head and said "If no, then I will take the quilt and sleep on the floor. It is your house and I don't wish to be the cause for you to sleep on the floor."

Akash gazed at her speechless. This girl is very logical in her reasoning and he did not know if he wanted her to sleep her on the floor. Seeing her resolute gaze he is sure that she will also not sleep on the bed if he slept on the floor. He also can not go to other room otherwise this will embarrass his wife and also make his grandparents sad.

Seeing his internal struggle, Varsha felt happy internally. She bit her lips to control them from smiling and murmured "We can put pillows in between. Please do not go to another room or arrange for a couch. Okay?"

Akash understood her fear that everyone will know which will be embarrassing. What can be worst for a married woman? Even if her husband does not love her, she can still put a happy front. But if everyone will know how unloved she is, that will be unbearable for her. Although he does not wish to lower his pride, he also does not want to make her life miserable.

Finally, Akash decided and said "Okay" and also added in stern voice "this is also your house, so never give some stupid reason like that it is my house so you don't want me to sleep on the floor." and he moved and put a pillow in the center of the bed and slept at one side and pulled the quilt over. He turned toward the outer side of the bed and said in an irritated voice "What are you still standing for?"

Varsha hailed herself internally for her own acting skills of a pitiful girl. Although he scolded her but it made her feel happy. Her husband has told her that his home is also her home. She felt happy that she gave that stupid reason and got a good scolding in return. If Akash knew what she is thinking, he will say 'a dumb peasant girl indeed'.

Unknown to Akash, behind his back someone is smiling on her own success and is happily pulling the quilt over her own head on the left side of the bed.

Varsha looked at the back of her husband and remembered the promise he has made to her on their first night and felt like there is hope that he will definitely understand her feelings.

She thanked God for the significant progress she has made in her love life today. She felt content and fell asleep soon with a blissful smile on her face.

So, our village girl has reached the city. Her husband is still irritated and is discontent. Her only strong support in family is grandpa, grandma and Ira.

This volume ends here with this. New volume is the story of her struggle to adapt, facing taunts and biased people. Let us see how she goes through all this next.

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