
Fairy Tail: White Ram

You already get the picture, someone gets transmigrated into Fairy Tail with a system that they will use to become extremely overpowered. Don't expect there to be a ship or love interest and don't ask for a harem I hate those.

Whatupmyfellowkids · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: Escape Part 2

Chapter 7: Escape Part 2

(General POV)

"If I may ask what guild where you apart of before coming to the tower?"

Asriel smirks before bursting out in laughter as he releases his magic power. The slaves all fall to their knees from the ridiculous pressure forced onto them. Asriel's eyes glow white with power and the air around him begins to crack and shatter like glass from his mana being exerted out of his body.

"What guild did I join before being trapped in here? I am Asriel Grayhorn, I was taught magic from my father who was the leader of a dark guild that was captured and arrested by members of the Fairy Tail guild. Due to my father being arrested I was sold into slavery and ended up in this hellhole."

Asriel walks up directly to the small frail man and picks him up from his head to meet his eyes.

"Tell me why I shouldn't pop your head like a balloon Fairy Tail wizard."

The old man Rob faintly smiles as he feels the little girl standing behind Asriel tug on his leg.

"Because just like you I also have those I want to protect, children that have committed no sin nor done no harm. Just like that girl standing behind you, I have to protect them. Whether you want to kill me afterwards doesn't matter, just please help me free the innocent people enslaved in this tower."

Asriel just continues to stare into Rob's eyes with an amused smile.

"And why do you think I care about any of the people here old man?"

"I believe that no human is truly evil nor born evil, it is the circumstances around a person's upbringing that makes them into who they are. Human compassion is in everyone even though many try to hide it, I believe you also have this kindness deep in your heart. No matter how much hatred you may hold in your heart for mages or Fairy Tail."

Asriel let's the old man down as his face becomes calm and his mana becomes dormant allowing the slaves to rise.

"That was the best answer you could have given old man, even though I may not agree with your philosophy. I will help everyone escape from this tower, no human being should have to suffer through something like this, especially not a child. Drink this old man it'll heal your injuries."

Grabbing a regeneration potion from his inventory Asriel gives it to the old man as Erza, Milliana, Wally, Simon and Sho all run up to help the old man.

Erza stares daggers at Asriel and he chuckles in amusement at this child with no magic trying to appear intimidating.

"I suppose I'll grant you a favor old man."

Pressing two of his fingers on Erza's head Asriel channels his mana into Erza's ethernano container to forcefully awaken her magic power.

Erza screams from the massive influx of energy as she forms a magic circle under her and she causes all of the weapons in the area to levitate.

'How incredible, even though I just unlocked her magic power she immediately started to use her innate magic as if she was born using it.'

With new power filling her Erza stands up with a fiery look and a red aura surrounding her.

"Let's continue taking on the tower, they've already cleared this portion so can skip directly to the 5th area."

The slaves follow after Erza as they see her impressive power and Asriel places Rosemary on top of his shoulders.

Rosemary angrily tugs on his hair as she questions him, "Why would you hurt the old man if you already planned to help everyone?"

Asriel just laughs before explaining, "I was extremely angry when I felt the insignia on his back. My father was captured by the Fairy Tail guild and that was the turning point of my life that completely ruined my future. If you want to go with the others instead of staying with me you can do so."

Rosemary wraps her arms over Asriel's head with a pout and she pokes his closed eyes.

"I don't care if you're related to a dark mage or if you were one before. Your the only person who bothered to help me when I was about to tortured and I wouldn't abandon you just because of something you did in the past."

"Thank you Rosemary...that means a lot to me."

The duo follows the mob as they continue to knock out and kill any guards that the mob encounters.

After arriving at the slave cells Erza and the others free all the slaves from their restraints and they continue the bandwagon of freedom.

After a few hours of this cycle dozens of dark puppets fly into the final area that the mob hadn't yet taken over and they blast apart dozens of the slaves causing blood and body parts to fly across the room.

Everyone stares in horror as the dark puppet charge up a second wave of magic blasts.

"We...we can't do anything."

The slaves all begin to run away in fear as Erza tries to take control of the situation.

Amongst the chaos Asriel sets Rosemary down on the floor and he releases his magic power.

With a mighty roar Asriel transforms into a hulking monster with bulging muscles, dark orange eyes, gigantic curved horns and faint hooves for hands and feet.

This monster charges at the dark puppets at incredible speed, headbutting them into pieces and shattering then from stomps and punches.

Charging up a ridiculous amount of mana Asriel curls up into his himself as he becomes a wooly ball of destruction.

[Wool Cannon.]

Asriel bounces around the room with overwhelming speed and he crashes into every single one of the puppets.

Just to make this clear Asriel is a physical monster and in his Horned Sheep form he can one shot Jellal at this current time. Just wanted to make it clear since people are bitching that he's too weak when it's only been like 7 chapters.

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