
Fairy Tail: White Ram

You already get the picture, someone gets transmigrated into Fairy Tail with a system that they will use to become extremely overpowered. Don't expect there to be a ship or love interest and don't ask for a harem I hate those.

Whatupmyfellowkids · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Escape Part 1

Chapter 6: Escape

(General POV)

A red haired girl with a eye patch grabs onto a guard's spear and she rams it through the guard's torso before she raises her voice for the other slaves to hear.

"We need to fight for our freedom, we can't stay here as slaves. Think of the lives you all lived before being captured here, think of the family you left behind, think of how your life could've been had it not been for this tower. We must fight for our freedom."

The slaves rise up against their masters with the motivation from the red haired girl named Erza and the guards are quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number of slaves despite their magic capabilities.

The slaves begin to pick up weapons from the fallen guards as they move to secure control over this sector of the prison.

In another part of the Tower of Heaven a certain blue haired boy named Jellal is blankly staring up at the ceiling as a demonic creature puts him under mind control. Unknown to Jellal this demonic creature is not the dark wizard Zeref like it claims to be but a young woman named Ultear.

"I understand now...this idea of escaping the Tower of Heaven isn't freedom. To achieve true freedom I must resurrect the dark lord Zeref to bring about a world of magic."

Jellal maniacally smiles as he continues to listen to the whispers of the demonic creature.

Back to Erza Scarlet she and her team of slaves have secured multiple sections of the tower and are heading towards the 4th section.

In the 4th section of the Tower of Heaven Asriel and Rosemary are both mining away at the rocks in the quarry and Asriel stops moving.

One the guards watching their group tries to whip him to continue working but Asriel just smiles before blitzing behind the man and popping his head like a balloon. Slaves scream in horror and the guards panic at the sight of one of their comrades dying so easily. Asriel picks up the frozen Rosemary and he makes a run for it while killing any single person who dares to stand in his way.

"Close your eyes and bring your hands to your ears Rosemary I don't want you to have to hear anything."

Rosemary quickly complies to the request of the man who saved her from starvation and she brings her head to Asriel's chest as she hopes that everything will be okay.

Asriel quickly and efficiently crushes every single guard with just one of his fists. Every swing caused the death of a guard, every kick broke bones and skulls. After getting over their initial shock the slaves take the opportunity of freedom and they follow this seemingly invincible man.

Using his Mana Sense skill Asriel bursts into the guard storage unit and he quickly shoves everything he can find into his inventory, food, water, clothes, lacrima, everything and anything.

After the other slaves catch up with him Asriel orders them to head towards the first 3 sections of the Tower of Heaven.

"I understand that all of you are confused and concerned about what is happening so I'll give a quick run down. A revolt has started in section 1 and they've already cleared and secured section 1, 2 and 3. Now that there is hope to escape we must meet up with the other slaves and take over the tower. Do any of you want to follow me to freedom?"

The slaves are all hesitant and no one raises their hand untill a small kid around the age of 12 shouts to the adults.

"Why are you all hesitating, all of you have already lost the hope of leaving? This man killed every single one of these guards by himself, if we fight together we can escape this tower."

The slaves become invigorated from the reminder of the man's strength and they all raise their hands.

"Very well since you've all agreed it's time to go to the others and escape this tower."

Leading the slaves Asriel heads towards Erza's magic signature with a plan of action.

'Once I do wipe out the entirety of the guards I'll immediately escape with one of the boats. The reason none of the slaves were able to escape in canon was because they waited for Erza to get Jellal so they could leave. I'll just take a rowboat and escape with Rosemary before Jellal even awakens his magic power.'

Along the path to section 3 multiple guards run towards Asriel and his mob of slaves. Striking down everyone in his way Asriel continues to hype up the mob by killing the magic using guards with ease.

'It's strange that these dark mages tried to resurrect Zeref despite not having much magic power or physical strength. I suppose the 3 big bosses haven't come out yet so I still do have a challenge waiting for me if I dare to take the shot. Hades, Brain, and Ultear, all three of these mages are arguably at the same level of some of the Wizard Saints later on in the series. I definitely can't stay here for long otherwise I'll be killed or captured.'

Erza and her group of slaves head towards the 4th sector hunting down any escaping guards and they come face to face with Asriel and his mob.

A few seconds pass as the two leaders stare at each other before Rob comes out ahead of the group and he looks Asriel up and down.

"You're quite strong boy, too strong for you to have do so on your own. If I may ask what guild were you apart of before coming to the tower?"

'Well time to make up a backstory, I didn't think that Rob would remember my magic signature since it's been a couple years. He can definitely tell I don't have incredible talent so I can't just say I'm self taught.'