
Fairy Tail: White Ram

You already get the picture, someone gets transmigrated into Fairy Tail with a system that they will use to become extremely overpowered. Don't expect there to be a ship or love interest and don't ask for a harem I hate those.

Whatupmyfellowkids · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 1: Well This Is Bad

(General POV)

In a dark disgusting cell lies a small body covered with bruises and dried blood. The small body shivers from the cold feeling of the stone floor before waking up with a cold look in it's emotionless brown eyes. The body clutches it's head in pain as a small blue window appears directly in front of it's small head and a rush of memories alerts it to it's current situation.


[Mission Assigned: Gain Access To Mana.]

[In order to complete this mission you must gain access to mana through coming in contact with a large amount of it, meditate in order to unlock it, or consume an organism that has it.]

A sigh comes from the small child as it observes it's surroundings with a hateful glare.

'I can't believe I'm stuck as a child slave in the Tower of Heaven, fortunately I have the memories for the kid who had this body before me. Consuming his soul should have given me the possibility of obtaining mana or ethernano naturally.'

The small boy crawls over to a pool of piss in disgust as he scrutinizes his horrible luck. The reflection looking back at him shows a small and thin figure clearly suffering from abuse and malnutrition. Mangled brown hair full of grime and dirt irritates his scalp and the dried blood on his body causes him to scowl in annoyance.

'Well I suppose I don't have any other way out of here other than breaking out so acquiring mana is my current priority.'

The small boy clicks on on of the icons on the bottom of the blue screen that resembles himself. A new screen appears showing himself and the equipment he currently has as well as all the skills he has.


-Wool Coat: Grants the user resistance to physical attacks and resistance to the cold.

-Hard Hitter: Grants the user an increase in strength and critical hit chance.

-Horn Crown: Grants the user the ability to grow retractable horns from their head with mana as well as an increase in bone density.]

The small boy looks at this list in confusion at why the skills all seem to signify something.

'Why are 2 of these skills related to sheep or goats? Does this mean that my innate magic is related to animal transformation? I don't know whether this has any significance on my innate magic but I hope I get something better than being able to transform into a magic goat or sheep.'

Sitting down on the cold stone floor the little boy rests his head against the wall as he clears his mind of any obscure thoughts that would hinder his meditation and he sits there without moving for over 4 hours.

"Wake up you fucking slaves it's time to work in the quarry. If you don't wake up you'll be tortured and executed in front of the others to serve as a warning."

A man wearing a strange mask rings a large bell and all of the prisoners wake up including the 2 other slaves in the little boy's cell. An old woman slowly gets up from one of the corners of the cell and a middle aged man crying at the door of the cell get also gets up. The little boy examines both of these people with a cold glint in his eyes as he makes his next moves to get out of the Tower of Heaven.

'I still haven't been able to gain access to mana through meditation and I really have no idea on how quickly people learn magic in the first place. I can only hope that I'll be able to use my innate magic once Erza starts the rebellion otherwise I'm screwed. The only thing that I can use to get stronger right now are the rewards I receive from completing missions. I don't know how I can even use magic, I don't have a dragon to teach me like Natsu, I don't have some wizard saint or famous guild I can turn to for training. I'm stuck in a prison as a weak starving kid with no magic and no mana. I don't know if I'll be able to sur-.'

"Form a single file line you bastards, anyone that acts out of line will be tortured and sent to solitary confinement," The guard shouts out to the prisoners as he opens the little boy's cell door.

[Mission Assigned: Survive Being Tortured.]

[In order to complete this mission you must cause a commotion and survive being tortured.]

Staring at the blue screen in hesitation the little boy ponders on the best course of action.

'Should I take the risk of dieing from being tortured in order to get a reward that can help me or should I wait for a less risky opportunity? I do have the Wool Coat skill so I am resistant to physical attacks but at the same time I don't know to what degree. I have to make a decision now so fuck it.'

The little boy walks out of the cell with a pitiful frown and tears rolling down his face as he pleadingly looks at the guard with a hopeless expression.

"Could you please spare me some food I don't think I'll be able to live for much longer."

The guard laughs as he towers over the small frail boy with a menacing smile plastered on his face.

"I don't think you understand your place in this tower boy, you are a slave born to work and die for the resurrection of Lord Zeref."

The guard forcefully lifts up the pathetic child from his feet as his horrific laughs echo throughout the prison jail cells.

"Did you really think you would get food by asking for it? We don't care by what methods are needed in order to build this tower, all that matters is that Lord Zeref will be revived."

All of the slaves lined up against the stone walls looked on in pity at the poor unfortunate child that dared to ask for help and the guard strapped the boy down to a chair overlooking the cells from an elevated piece of stone as if he was some type of circus animal.

With a hard whip the man released his magic power as a sharp iron flail struck down on the boy who squirmed against his restraints.
