
Kagura's Tragedy

(Jason's POV)

I sighed, "Damn." I said, "I wonder if it's appropriate for me to walk through that door."

"Well, if it were me, I would." I heard Gray say

I was in the building where Lucy told me they were. Inside, there were dozens of injured villagers that Wendy, Lucy, and Porlyusica were tending to.

Gray, Natsu, and Happy were standing behind me as I stood in front of a shut door to a room where Kagura was.

"I don't know what to say to her." I said clenching my fists

"Doesn't matter." Gray said, "I say you should still go in."

"Yea." Natsu said, "If I were you, I would do it too. I wouldn't want Erza to be mad at me if I were you."

"It's not Erza who I am worried about." I said, "I...."

"Listen..." I heard Happy walk up to me, "I don't know you much, I guess....but I know you're a good guy from what Lucy tells me....."

I looked down at the cat who was looking at me with a sad face.

"It's a sad thing, really." Happy said, "We're all sad about it.....but....if I were you, I would go in too. As sad as it is, this is what life is about...I hate to even say it too...but it's the way it is. You can't ignore it, Jason. You have to walk in there and speak to her..."

I looked at him for a while. I never imagined that a talking cat of all people would come up with that.

But I guess he was right. I had no choice but to walk in there and speak with her.

I nodded, "Yea." I said, "You're right."

I opened the door and walked in.

Inside, sitting on a bed, was Kagura. She had her hair let down, her forehead was covered in bandages. She was wearing a regular white button-up. Her eyes were red as if she were crying.

Next to her was Erza, who stood by her side, she looked at me with a serious look on her face.

"You-" She started

"I came to speak with Kagura." I cut her off, "Alone."

She raised her eyebrows, "As If I would let you do that."

"Erza..." Kagura said softly, "Please...it's okay..."

Erza looked at her while her expression softened. Kagura didn't look at her, just looked down at the sheets.

Titania then sighed and began walking past me.

She stopped next to me, "I'll never forgive for this." She said with anger in her voice, "I should kill you for what you did to her. To my little sister.."

I didn't say anything, just looked at Kagura.

Erza then walked out the door and shut the door.

I didn't move from the spot I was standing in. I looked at Kagura who couldn't lift her face up to meet my gaze.

"Kagura." I said

Kagura didn't respond, just sat there in silence.

"I want to hear it from you." I said

"Why?" She said softly

"Because." I said, "This is a serious thing. And I want to hear from your mouth."

She clutched the bed sheets tightly, "I'm such an idiot...." She said as tears began rolling down her cheeks, "I'm so stupid..."

"Kagura." I said

"I was pregnant, Jason!" She looked at me with tears in her eyes, "I was pregnant with your child! I couldn't believe it!"

There was a mixture of anger and sadness in her voice.

I looked down, "I'm sorry." I said, "I was irresponsible. I should've worn protection..."

"It happened so fast, Jason....I didn't know what to do...." She said, "It was conceived so fast....it had barely formed....I was told by Erza once that the best doctor in the country was Porlyusica, so I went to her...."

I looked at her, "I see."

"She...confirmed the pregnancy." She continued, "I was shocked. I had no idea what to do. I was beginning to feel scared, Jason. I knew, I knew it was yours right away. I was so afraid of telling you. I didn't know what to do..."

The last part, she said it so softly I could barely hear it.

I walked up to her and placed my hand on hers. She was beginning to shake due to holding back more tears. I could tell this was hurting her more than I expected.

"Jason..." She said, "I was helping....Porlyusica with some errands....when it happened..."

"What happened?" I asked

"This village..." She said shakily, "It was attacked by Grimoire Heart....by chance...Erza and her companions, Lucy and Natsu were near....."

I nodded, "I see.."

"It happened so fast...." She said as he voice cracked, "They came, bombarded the place. We.....fought.....I felt.....so tired.....I should've handled them easily.....but I....."

"You were weakened...." I said, "Because of something with the baby....something must've happened and it drained your energy..."

She nodded as she wiped tears away, "I was defeated.....in a humiliating fashion...." She said, "And after I recovered...I couldn't....I couldn't feel it's lifeforce....I....lost the baby...."

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I could tell this devastated her. Even if we didn't know each other that much, it was still a life, it was still her child. And she lost it. No matter how you look at it, it would definitely destroy her.

"I'm sorry, Jason!" She sobbed, "If I wasn't so stupid, I wouldn't have lost our child!!"

I hugged her, "No." I said, "Don't say that. It's not your fault. How could you have known?"

Kagura cried in my chest, "But Jason!" She sobbed

"Shh..." I said, "It's okay....Just get some rest....I'll take care of everything."

I pulled back and looked at her. She looked at me with tears.

"What're you going to do?" She sniffed

I gave her a smile, "Don't worry about it." I said, "I'll handle it. Just get some sleep, okay?"

"Okay." She said

I then turned around and walked away.

As I opened the door and walked out, closing it behind me, I saw the others looking at me.

I gave them a serious look, "Tell me." I said, "Give me a name."

"Who the fuck was the one who did this?"