
Fairy Tail : The Strongest Creature

Kyros traversed the realm of Fairy Tail and acquired the Template System. This system dutifully rewards daily signk-ins with complimentary attribute points, empowering Kyros to grow stronger with each allocation. Kyros opted for a character template modeled after Kaido, the infamous beast hailed as "the strongest creature in the world" within the One Piece universe. As Kyros assumed the form of a resplendent blue dragon, a fierce aerial clash ensued with Acnologia, the notorious black dragon. Acnologia bellowed, "I am the supreme Dragon King!" Boom! A resounding strike from a mace sent Acnologia hurtling to the earth. Cocking an ear, Kyros retorted, "What kind of king did you just proclaim yourself to be?" ******** I will upload a chapter every other day. ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 25 early chapters. patreon.com/AniScout ********* *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.wuxiabee.com/novel/the-strongest-creature-in-fairy-tail.html The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail 妖精公会里的最强生物 This is a translation of Chinese Novel.

Ani_Scout · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
81 Chs

Chapter 11 : S-Class Test!


The exclamation rippled through the group, prompting a few raised eyebrows. Mira wasn't exactly known for volunteering to pair up with others.

"I happened to notice that Laxus guy looking a bit displeased. Pfft, he's just a few years older than me, yet acts so haughty, looking down on everyone. It's infuriating. When I grow up, I'll give him a proper lesson," Mira remarked with determination.

Kyros chuckled, "Sounds like you can't stand him being more arrogant than you."

Laxus, once boasting about his strength during the Grand Magic Games, now constantly parading as the guild's strongest.

"Huh! Can't stand it? Got a problem with that?" Mira challenged.

"N-no, not at all."

"Haven't heard you agree or disagree yet."

"Agree, definitely," Kyros conceded.

Observing Kyros's acceptance of Mira as his partner, Erza refrained from pressing him to be hers.

Natsu relinquished his pursuit; he couldn't currently match Mira's strength. Prior to Kyros's arrival, Mira and Erza, both of similar age, held the title of the guild's strongest.

Meanwhile, Laxus departed with the three Thunder God Tribe.

"Damn that Kyros and his arrogance!" Bickslow fumed.

Evergreen gritted her teeth, "Absolutely! How dare some kid vie with Laxus for an S-rank mage position? He's playing with fire."

"Don't underestimate Kyros. I heard he bested Macao and Mira when he first joined the guild," Fried interjected, a tone of calmness contrasting his comrades' agitation.

Laxus sneered, "Humph! Defeating a low-tier wizard and a mere girl like Mira inflated his ego. I'll show him what a true Fairy Tail wizard is made of."

Bickslow proposed, "Laxus, choose me as your partner! Let me humble that brat and his little minions."

"You might as well choose me. I'll petrify him and crush him," Evergreen added eagerly.

"Let's go with Fried. I don't know the specifics of the test, but if I encounter him, I'll immobilize him with your technique. He needs to learn the consequences of defying me," Laxus decided.

Fried nodded solemnly, "Understood."

A week swiftly passed, marking the arrival of the S-rank assessment day.

"This exam consists of two stages. Let's begin with the first," Makarov announced, standing on the cliff and gesturing towards a small town nestled below.

"That town there is where the first stage will unfold."

"It's a bustling town, popular among adventurers for its proximity to the Monster Forest. Many come here alone or in groups to hunt monsters, seeking valuable materials to sell."

"However, things changed half a month ago. A powerful monster, along with hundreds of its kin, emerged from the depths of the forest, seizing control of the town."

"The Mage Guild in that town requested assistance through the local guild alliance, and Fairy Tail answered the call."

"The first-stage exam is fairly straightforward. You're tasked with entering the town and eliminating twenty monsters within a three-hour time frame. Success in this stage hinges on strength, luck, and wit. It's a standard S-level mission quest. Completing it is a significant milestone on the path to becoming an S-level wizard."

"Prepare yourselves!"

"The exam begins!"

Kyros, Mirajane, Laxus, and Fried wasted no time and swiftly departed.

Before long, Kyros and Mirajane arrived at the town, greeted by a scene of destruction with numerous buildings in ruins.

"How dreadful," Mira remarked involuntarily, taking in the sight.

Kyros nodded in agreement, contemplating the devastation that would ensue if his own home were ravaged like this.

"Boom! Boom!"

The ground rumbled as a jackal-like monster emerged in the distance, covered in scales with menacing claws and teeth, standing over three meters tall. Its gaze fixated hungrily on Kyros and Mirajane.

Sensing the imminent threat, Mirajane acted swiftly, tapping into her magic instinctively.

"Embrace the Soul of Satan!"

Mirajane transformed into a demonic figure, sporting a pair of imposing demon wings and a thick tail. Her hands morphed into razor-sharp claws, while her feet took on a demonic form.


The monster let out a deafening roar, charging towards Kyros and Mirajane.

But before Mirajane could react further...


Kyros's foot crashed into the ground, sending him airborne. With a bloodthirsty grin, he wielded his mace and struck the monster with formidable force.

"Boom!" A crater formed upon impact.

With a swift blow, Kyros severed the head of the colossal jackal monster.

Mirajane stood momentarily stunned, beholding Kyros's prowess.

Wiping the blood from his mace, Kyros turned to Mirajane with a smile. "One down, let's find the next one."


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