
Fairy Tail: Shinigami

This is the story of a man who died and reincarnated in a completely different world, with powers beyond his understanding. Life, Death... who would've thought they were so flexible?

CORNBRINGER · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
310 Chs

Chapter 13 - Little Steps.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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Don't forget to check the auxiliary chapter about Adam. It's like an info chapter.


[Adam POV]

Things got better after my talk with my Zanpakuto. Not only had my inner world finally taken a definitive shape, but I felt all things considered very well.

My connection to Zanryuzuki had also grown stronger.

I could now hear her voice much easier.

All and all, I was happy with how things had worked out. 

Now I was working on figuring out how to use my Zanpakuto as it was meant to be used.

My time under... Brain, had taught me nothing. I had no battle experience, nothing to back up the powers I had, which in a way made them useless.

A weapon is only truly dangerous in the hands of a master.

And power is only truly useful in the hands of someone that knows how to use it.

At first, I tried to fight a sword's master, if anything I would learn how to better wield a blade, but there were none in all of Magnolia, and the guild had no sword users.

It wasn't until one night that Zanryuzuki reached out to me, saying it I truly wanted to learn how to wield her.

I didn't hesitate with my answer.

I had survived once out of luck, I didn't want luck to be a factor ever again if I could help it.

It was here that I learned there was more to my Zanpakuto than I originally imagined there would be.

Zanryuzuki said that under her I could learn how to use her, how to become a true Shinigami, revealing that she had knowledge no other Zanpakuto would normally have by her own words.

She didn't elaborate on what she meant by that, but the matter remained the same, she would teach me how to wield a blade.

I wasn't sure how that would work exactly seeing training would take place within my inner world, and I didn't know how that would translate to the physical world.

But I would cross that bridge when I came to it.


Training was hard, revealing another side of Zanryuzuki I wasn't familiar with.

She was strict, and very harsh with her way of teaching, beating me up when it was time to spar without flinching, or showing any hesitation at all. 

On that note, I was surprised to find out that pain within the inner world felt pretty real, and lingered for a while even after you left that world.

It was a painful cycle, but I was happy to say I was learning.

It felt good every time I managed to grasp something new, every time I managed to take a step forward in the right direction, it was exhilarating.

During this time I had also noticed something new, but more on my part, and that was that I was learning faster than I would have expected to learn.

It wouldn't take me long to learn things after Zanryuzuki showed them to me, and while I was happy that was the case, I knew it wasn't something that I had always had.

At first, I assumed it was because I was training within my inner world and that perhaps that little detail was making a difference in how I perceived and learned things.

It wasn't until Zanryuzuki said that wasn't the case, that I humored another possibility. Perhaps, I was simply a genius.

I didn't say that in an arrogant manner, but in the way that this body was different, meaning it was safe to imagine its capabilities, mentally speaking were different.

I mean, my body had already proven to be incredibly durable, so thinking I had a better brain or something wasn't out of the realm of possibilities.

Either way, I was more than happy I was grasping things fast because it meant I was closer to learning new things. 

Which is why I was currently smiling as Zanryuzuki rushed at me to end our spar with a powerful strike, forcing me to drop to the ground, panting and sweating from the rigorous training. 

Meanwhile, Zanryuzuki stood tall, her eyes sharp and fierce, her hands gripping the Katana firmly.

"Grasping your sword with both hands brings forth more power than you can imagine," Zanryuzuki said, extending her hand to help me up.

I took her hand and got up. "I will remember that."

Zanryuzuki smiled. "That should be enough for today. Tomorrow we can continue."

I gave my Zanpakuto a fond smile as the world around me melted away, replaced by the familiar wooden walls of my room in the guilt. 

I sighed, stretching my arms and legs as I looked around, wiping some sweat from my head. Even in the real world, I was sweating, it was honestly impressive how everything I did in that world translated to this one.

I felt exhausted, just as I had felt in my inner world.

Well, that's good. If you feel it, it means it is working.

"Adam, dinner is served!" Makarov called.

"On my way!" I shouted back.

I really owed that old man a lot, he was taking care of everything I needed without complaining. I was grateful for that, I truly was, but it wasn't in my nature to be a burden. 

I started working young my first life, this shouldn't be the exception.

I really ought to start taking some missions.

In fact, I will take my first mission tomorrow!

Time to make some money!


The following day, I woke up ready to take a job from the guild. Remembering from what I knew from the anime that anything below S-class jobs was free real estate.

Or so I had thought.

You see, the first mission I tried to take was one that required me to eliminate a pack of wolves in a town nearby, the reward was 120,000 Jewels, however, once I took the mission to the counter to get it approved, it was denied.

By no other than the Master of the Guild himself.

It was here when I learned that there was such a thing as different levels of permission within a guild to take missions besides the obvious one that came with the title of an S-class mage.

So, on that note, my levels of permission were heavily limited, only allowing me to take quests that fell in the chore category. When I asked why this was, Makarov replied by saying I had yet to show him I could take on everything those Jobs had to offer.

In short, I had yet to pass a test of some kind in order to prove to him I could indeed take higher-risk missions.

Once explained, it became understandable why that was the case. I was new to the guild, and this was my first mission ever, so the master keeping my permissions limited was a pretty sound thing to do from his perspective.

"How do I prove myself then?" I asked the old man.

Makarov remained silent for a bit before showing me a big smile. "Well by attacking me of course!"

No wonder everyone in Fairy Tail loves to fight, he encourages it. 

"By attacking you?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't worry about me, as the master of this guild I'm fully capable of dealing with the power of my children in order to teach them," Makarov replied before his expression drew dark and his body began to expand in size. "You want to prove yourself, brat? Then don't hesitate!"

I wasn't planning on hesitating.

He's one of the Ten Wizard Saints, and at the level I have right now, hurting him is well out my reach.

"So, do you have the resolve?" Makarov asked, his voice a lot deeper than it normally is, his size towering above me, and silencing everyone in the guild.

Taking a step forward, I unsheathed my Zanpakuto, and the steel of my blade glinted in the light. Then taking a deep breath, I gritted my teeth and brought the blade up, holding it above my head with both hands.

A wave of energy seemed to emanate from the sword as I shouted the releasing command. "Judge all things in this universe! Zanryuzuki!" 

"Oh?" Makarov muttered with interest.

Then without further ado, I brought my blade down, pointing the tip at the old master, unleashing a wave of translucent energy with a guttural shout of "Uchuryu no Kiba!"

The attack I had unleashed roared through the guild hall, shaking the walls and sending sparks flying as furniture tumbled over creating a massive cloud of smoke. Unsure, I waited with bated breath for the smoke to settle, revealing that the enormous figure of Makarov remained in place, unharmed, which was pretty much what I had expected.

Makarov's giant form shrank to its original size, and his large, bushy eyebrows arched with approval. He gave a hearty laugh and clapped his hands together, sending a few billows of smoke floating away from him. "Not bad," he said. "You have my approval to take any missions from the mission board below! You earned that!"

Well, that was easy.


[Makarov Dreyar POV]

I knew before wanting to test Adam's power that the kid was strong. His aura resonated with power, but what I never expected was the full magnitude of his strength. 

His unique magic was not only very powerful, but it was very dangerous.

The attack he had unleashed on me had warped the very space around us, forcing me to use some of my magic to create a shield in front of me to avoid any injuries.

It was honestly impressive, I was proud of my brat, I mean, his magic seemed to ignore most forms of conventional defense. He would need to work on some stuff before truly making use of his full potential, but I had no doubt he was on the right path. 

I shook my head and stifled a laugh as I muttered. "If only you were here to see him, Rob."

Only time would tell how high the brat would reach. And I couldn't be happier to be part of that.