
Fairy Tail: My Magic Bathroom

A man had transmigrated into the body of a handsome man called Solis Xenova, a resident living on the outskirts of Magnolia, a few days ago. When entering Magnolia to shop for food, he hears the cheers of the citizens celebrating the return of the Fairy Tail Members returning from Tenrou Island after 7 long years. Thinking nothing much of it, he headed home to relax as usual. A few hours later, however, a loud knock is heard on his door which he goes to open to see. Lucy Heartfillia...? And not only that, "Um... sorry, could I use your bath, if you don't mind? Please?" She asked. Confused at the weird scenario, Solis was about to ask what she was doing until a message appeared in front of him: [BoL (Bathroom of Lust) System has been Activated!] Inspired by Doujin: #353104 and a MHA Bathroom Fic, but I think that's gone from Webnovel now

Casual7 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 9: Drip, Drop...

A/N: Should I make it so that he gets [First Time Rewards Gained: **] for every girl. Unintentionally, I phrased it in all my chapters that made it seem like because it was his first time with LUCY he got all them rewards... should I do it with every single girl? 


The morning after losing my virginity to the Heartfilia beauty, I decided to look at the points I gained. Last night, I was too exhausted and excited from the fact I lost my v-card so I forgot to check it.

[You Received 2 Blowjobs (1 Complete and Incomplete) from Lucy Heartfilia. 204 Points Earned]

[You Received 2 Handjobs (1 Complete and Incomplete) from Lucy Heartfilia. 159 Points Earned]

[You Grabbed and Fondled the Tits of Lucy Heartfilia for 294 Seconds. 931 Points Earned]

[You Grabbed and Fondled the Ass of Lucy Heartfilia for 71 Seconds. 248 Points Earned]

[You Made Out with Lucy Heartfilia for 512 Seconds. 2,177 Points Earned]

[You Made Lucy Heartfilia Orgasm 47 Times. 1,683 Points Earned] And Finally,

[You Had Sex with Lucy Heartfilia. 439 Points Earned. Bonus Points For Taking Her Virginity: 200 Points Earned]

[First Time Rewards Gained: Double Points Of Everything Earned From The Session with Lucy Heartfilia. Special Magic Shop Unlocked - Open for more details. Passive - Blessed By The Stars]

[Blessed By The Stars: All Star/Celestial-Related Magic will have their Upgrade Cost Halved. Spells use less mana] 

[Total Points Gained: 12,082] [Points: 1,858 -> 13,940]

Wow. I was expecting quite a lot... but this is A LOT. 12k Points, a passive ability, and a 'Magic Shop' unlocked? Awesome! I decided to open up the new, small shop which only had 1 category and an explanation about the shop:

[Celestial Spirit Magic - 20,000 Points: A Holder-Type of Spatial Magic which allows you to summon Celestial Spirits, magical beings residing in the Celestial Spirit World, using the Keys of their respective Gates] Below that was a sub-category consisting of Lucy's keys, including: Aquarius, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn - Her 10 Golden Keys (Going for 15,000 Points Each, other than Leo and Aquarius who were 20,000), as well as her Silver Keys.

The system then revealed a brief explanation about the shop:

[This Special Magic Shop only consists of Magic and its respective Spells of the women you have successfully had sex with. The Magic's spells aren't limited to the Spells within the shop, but the Level of the Magic (Depending on the Magic) must reach a Certain Level for you to create your own skills] (A/N: Hope this makes sense) 

From what I understand after reading the explanation, I can basically unlock and get the magics of the women I have sex with with points; there are specific spells from the women I can purchase, but I can create my own spells after reaching a high enough level to do so... and I think that's basically it, it's relatively simple I think.

For Lucy's Celestial Magic, I figured her magic went for quite a bit due to how rare it is. As for her golden keys, it's definitely expensive because it's one-of-a-kind. Wait, now that I think about it, how the hell would the Golden Keys work if there's only one of each?

I shrugged my shoulders of the thought though, as I weren't planning on buying Celestial Magic anytime soon as I'd rather use my points on other important things such as my stats, my own star magic, or a magic better than Celestial Magic - in my head I was thinking particularly of people like Ultear, Minerva, and a few others for the future, hopefully.

Looking at my stats, I did the maths and figured out that upgrading the four of them to 100 would only cost 2,760, so I did just that.


STR: 31 -> 100

VIT: 31 -> 100

DEX: 31 -> 100

MAG: 31 -> 100

Points: 13,940 -> 11,180]

Then after that, I used the points to upgrade my Star Magic level 3 which cost 500 points, initially being 1,000 until the passive I received... Screw it, I'm upgrading it to level 4 after seeing that the upgrade costs 1,000... Fuck it, level 5 - which cost 2,000 points.

[Star Magic - Lv. 2/10 (Upgrade: 1000 Points -> 500 Points) -> Lv. 5/10 (Upgrade: 4,000 Points]

[Star Magic: Allows the user to generate and manipulate stars at will at the cost of Mana. The higher the level, the stronger and faster the spells, with less mana used and more control of the magic gained, allowing for more complicated skills to be made]

[Points: 11,180 -> 7,680] Honestly, I'm tempted to upgrade it once more, but I decided to hold off against doing so as I decided to get changed into a plain white shirt, brown cargos and a black scarf accompanying my neck. I could appreciate good style, and I was glad that the previous Solis had some.

It was quite close to the afternoon, so I decided to head over to the guild to see if I could do something, whether it be talking to others or going on a job quest for the fun of it and to get experience.

Arriving at the guild hall, I was kind of surprised to see pretty much everyone here. Only a few people like the Thunder Tribe, Erza, and Natsu, Lucy and Happy were out - on a quest, I'm assuming.

"Good morning, Solis" Mirajane greeted from the bar, earning my attention as I waved towards her, "Good morning, Mirajane" I sat at the bar, asking for some apple juice which caused her to giggle, "Apple juice, how cute... and please, call me 'Mira' like everyone else" 

I don't know why she was laughing, apple juice is the best (Second to milk, though)... plus, I was never really a fan of alcoholic beverages and stuff. I found the taste of it disgusting, I don't understand how people can be alcoholics and drink that stuff pretty much everyday. 

"Here, apple juice, on the house" Mira winked playfully as she placed the glass of juice in front of me, giggling once more as she went to take the orders of the others here at the bar. I could hear Wakaba and Macao, and a few of the other 'adults' in this guild, laughing at my 'childish order' but I didn't care about their opinions.

Finishing the drink in a few gulps, I held the empty glass in my hand and began throwing it, switching between my hands. As I was doing so, I saw, once again, Juvia down in the corner alone looking at Gray who was fighting Elfman.

With a sigh, I stood up from the bar, taking the glass with me accidentally, and walked over to her which she didn't notice until I sat opposite her and said, "Mornin', Juvia" Grabbing her attention.

"Oh... hello" She gave a small bow, exhaling loudly as she had a depressed smile on her face, "Juvia greets Solis a good morning"

"You alright?" I asked, to which she shook her head slowly, not saying anything, "Gray again?" She nodded.

Damn, is this what going through a heartbreak feels like...? Thank god I never had one.

Looking at the glass in my hand, an idea entered my head as I looked at Juvia with a serious expression, "Juvia..." She looked at me, her eyebrows raised, "Would you like to know how Gray actually feels about you?"

I saw her eyes widen for a moment, before they began twitching as she looked away and brought her hand to her chest, biting her lips through grit teeth. It looked as if she already had a rough idea about them, but she took a deep breathe and exhaled, gazing at me, "Yes... Juvia would like to know" She muttered, her arm shaking in anticipation

It seemed like this was going to be the final straw. Either Juvia would, possibly, get over her feelings for Gray. Or, she'd keep them.




"Yo, Gray" I went over to the shirtless man, taking a seat opposite him with a glass of water in my hand that I took a small sip out of before placing it on the table.

"Wassup, Solis?" He asked, resting an arm on the table as he focused on me with a smile, "You settlin' into the guild well?" 

"Yeah, it's pretty nice" I replied with a smile of my own, looking around the lively guild, "There's good people here"

"Of course, we're fairy tail!" Gray laughed in a way reminding me of Luffy, genuinely proud and happy to have been part of this familial guild for so long.

"If you don't mind, I have a few questions I'd like to know. S'that alright?" I asked, taking another small sip of water as I saw him nod, "Go ahead, lay it on me" He insisted.

"Alright... first of all, what happened to the guild all those years ago? How come most of you suddenly disappeared and then came back a few days ago mysteriously?" I saw his face darken, some trauma coming back to him as his clasped hands shook.

"There was... an unforeseen accident during our S-Class trials..." He frowned, "A black dragon..." 

"I see..." I nodded, waving my hand out in front of me, "It's okay, you don't have to say anymore... I can see that you'd rather not remember it" I said, Gray nodding his head in gratification as he returned to his normal mood, "Next question... I heard Gajeel and Juvia were part of a rival guild of Fairy Tail that attacked you guys years ago, how come they were allowed to join? Not to be rude or anything, obviously" I clarified.

"Well..." I saw Gray start to think, trying to remember how it happened as well, "With Juvia, and even Gajeel, Master saw that they had no other place to go, so he threw away the grudges he had and allowed them to join..." He smiled, "And that's why we love him, he's the only one who could do something like that - especially in Gajeel's case... I'm pretty sure everyone, from what I remember, was against him joining in the beginning" He chuckled.

"Oh, yeah!" I hit my palm, catching Gray off-guard as I quickly fired out my next question, "Speaking of Juvia... there's rumours of you two having a thing going on, is that true?" I asked

"Huh!? No!" He replied, face palming himself with a sigh, "She just follows me around, so I think that's where people get the idea from" He groaned, one hand over his eye which he peaked at me through, "She's not even my type"

"Oh? Then who is?" I asked, to which he crossed his arms over his puffed chest, "Lucy, 100%. She's very pretty... plus, she doesn't stalk me" He shivered, but not because of the cold 

*Crack* The glass holding the water had a small crack, which Gray and I took notice of as he looked at me concerningly, "Uhh... you should probably get that fixed?"

"Yeah, I'll do that right now" I said, grabbing the glass and walking away from Gray, "See ya later! Thanks for answering some of my questions!" I waved

"No problem, man! Talk to me anytime, maybe we can go on a quest together too" He replied, looking for his lost clothes with an angry expression.

As I headed to the kitchen, I turned around and made sure no eyes were on me before going to the empty bathroom closest to there.

Closing the door behind me, the glass in my hand shook a little before it shattered, cutting my hand a little as I looked down at the water puddle on the floor

"Juvia... has no purpose left... drip, drop..." The puddle of water revealed Juvia's depressed face, a small cloud forming in the bathroom which drenched me, "Everyone's the same... drip, drop..." The water puddle slowly raised up and transformed into the gloomy Juvia, her head weighed down

Unsure of what to say, the only thing I did was walk up to her and wrap my arm around her neck, pulling her into a small hug as her unmoving head dug into her chest, her sad tears wetting my shirt and a bit of my scarf.

"What's there to live for... Juvia will never experience eternal happiness. Drip, drop..." She muttered, her voice muffled due to my chest.

"That's not true" I whispered, knowing she could hear me due to how close we were, "You just need to find the right one, Juvia..." I gently pushed her off me, revealing her red, puffy eyes, "You know what they say, there's plenty of fish in the sea" I attempted to lighten up the mood

"A fish must be able to swim around the sea to find his other..." She said, her voice strained due to her dry throat (Which I didn't get as she's a literal 'wet' woman), "And right now, Juvia has no will to swim... Drip, drop..."

Her face was solemn, causing my heart to ache as my lips trembled, thinking of something to say as I grabbed her shoulders and made her look up at me, her face surprised as I boldly declared, "Then, I'll be here to help you swim" She began to sob once more, this time initiating the hug of her own accord as she wept into my chest for over 5 minutes.

Eventually, the bathroom was silent as her sobs were over, "You okay?" I asked, tilting my head down to get a better look of her dead face as I separated the two of us.

"No" She snorted, looking up at me with a forced smile, "Juvia thanks Solis..." She dragged herself with heavy legs, walking past me with eyes resembling a dead fish, "But Juvia wishes for some alone time right now..." She stated as she transformed into a water state and left the bathroom through a small vent.

As I looked at her final droplet, I began to wonder if I looked like the piece of shit dude that takes advantage of a girl going through a breakup... but then again, it's not my fault.


A/N: Reminder, this is a wish-fulfilment, smut fic with a bit of plot. 

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STR: 100

VIT: 100

DEX: 100

MAG: 100

Points: 7,680]

Casual7creators' thoughts