
Chapter 1-Fairy Tail-Heroic Spirit Summoning

In Nasuverse, Austin is having a confusing day in the throne of heroes In his mind he is going what the hell is going on. After a few minutes, he thinks to himself what's going to do now that he died and probably is going to summon as a servant in a random parallel world in the near future.

'If I'm going to be a staying here for a while I better fix this place up'

In the Throne of Heroes, there is nothing really there but empty space. So Austin decides to fix the place and make a temporary place to live and to do his own stuff. Which is strange because the Throne is supposed to be a collection but there are individuals that get to do things in the Throne of heroes.

Meanwhile, in the world of Fairy Tail, Lucy is in a desperate position. All of her celestial spirits have been beaten and Hibiki has been knocked out. In desperation, she just reaches for anything in her pouch and there she finds a strange key in her possession from a random shop before.. The key somewhat looks like Gilgamesh's Bab-ilu but more color schemed but down sided and not golden-colored while also being seemly more advanced. She did not think and just let the key activate.

"Open, gate of Root."

The key turns all by itself like a 3D puzzle on the computer that is figuring itself out. At the end of the maze puzzle thing two circle are turning very rapidly to get the point of the key to glow super brightly until it becomes too bright to handle the energy anymore. Which also makes what seems to be a void and a slowly turning magic circle the size of a house and in the language of a specific civilization which conquered their own universe. (What's this civilization you say? What will happen in the future? You just have to wait.) The magic circle is shape like a big circle in the middle and has 3 circles in the edges that form a triangle with an extra circle inside of the big one if that makes sense.

While this happening, all of Lucy's magical energy is drained from her and is barely conscious. The only reason she is still conscious is the massive amount of energy and feeling of shock from the key she opened. While Angel is feeling quite a bit scared of what Lucy did and wonder what she actually did. The same goes for Gemini. Not only the rest of the people in the raid but the entire world felt the influx of magical energy. The world of fairy tail is suddenly consumed by great bright lights that filled the entire dimension of the rainbow while also materializing a person.


Lucy's Pov

A half white with black hair, red-eye, and a half pale skin with white hair and blue eye come more into view. The clothes that he wears looks like an imperial military uniform with some armor in the inside and some fully metal gloves and boots. When he has fully summoned the color, time, and space distortion stopped which means everything went back to normal.

He looked at me with indifference when he said, "Are you my master."

The guy suddenly appears a sword in his hand with its tip being on the group. I immediately reply, "Yes.".

For a quick moment, Angel snap out of her surprise and ordered Caelum to fire.

"Caelum fire at him."

Caelum fire a beam in which the man looked at but he didn't look at all worried. The beam straight in the chest. The attack that took pierced both Leo and Aries together didn't leave a scratch against this guy.

Angel is sweating and getting really nervous about the new being that showed up and made all her efforts against him futile.

"Gemini go hold off that person"

Gemini transforms into Austin but didn't have his powers.

'What's going on? I can't access his powers or memories'

"Oh, a copier huh. Sorry but I have protection against such acts. "

Gemini seemed surprised by this fact. Then it's face change. Gemini begins sweating as soon as the sword emits a blue flame of some sort of feeling of death. Uniform changes to some sort of crystalize armor.

"What are you?", the copy said with the voice of a trembling.

The man has rainbow eyes looking straight into the spirits.

"I hope you're to fight little spirit"

The man gets ready to launch himself at the copy and the massive amount of magical energy enclose on the copy and it seems like the spirit is unable to handle the pressure and go back to the spirit world which surprise Angel. I felt magic energy constantly draining from me.

"What?! It just left me! When I get my hands on it!"

The man gets back to his relaxed state and swings his sword downwards which blows away Angel and the machine spirit in a single attack.

My magical energy is depleted and so is my energy to stand up and lay down to rest when the man comes forward to me.