
Fairy Tail - Developer Magician

Fairy Tail Story. MC will still have fate powers. The powers have changed considerably.

Hyperalex08844 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Abandon Village

Brian looks at his body to see that he back as when he was just a little kid (about a 4-year-old) in a bed. The room is filled with the usual things for a bedroom. Brian thinks to himself that he has the ability to walk and have a smaller version of his clothes from his previous life. He gets up from his bed and walks around to see what's around him. The house is full of things you would usually fine but it's empty. There is also no sign of movement in the village either. I look around the house to see anything useful. When searching around there is a backpack, a water pouch, and food. Nothing out of the ordinary. I gear up and bring the backpack full of food before heading out.

When traveling through the village I find that nobody is in the village. There are very important things in the village such as magic books, magic items, and weapons. The restaurant has preserved food, the police station has the weapons, the mansion have some good magic items, and the library have the details to some magic that I read on.