
Fairy Tail's Lucky Star! (Fairy Tail Fanfiction)

When Makarov was young a beautiful Fairy Goddess Visited him in his sleep. Decades Later he finds out that he has an illegitimate daughter living in far away town. When he goes to visit and meet this mysterious daughter of his, he instead finds a 12 year old boy waiting for him. Boy: "Are you my Grandpa?" This is the story of Drexel Arcanus Dreyar. The illegitimate Grandson of Makarov Dreyar. A boy born with 3 powerful lost magics. Read as he fights for his home, his guild, his family and all of Earthland against all manner of powerful beings such as Dragons, Gods and much much more! Author: I do not own Fairy Tail. I'm just a fan who couldn't suppress the urge to write a fanfiction about Fairy Tail. Anyway I'm writing this only for the sake of satisfying my inner imagination, to have fun and of course for the experience.......XD Author: "Please take note that I might also end up adding elements from other animes, manga, novels.

Lord_Killen_King · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Prologue: From this day forth you are Drexel Arcanus Dreyar!

At this moment a short elderly man with a thick white mustache could be seen standing outside an ordinary blue house.

The short old man lowered his head and looked at the piece of paper in his hand as he muttered: "Well... this is the address."

The short old man's name is Makarov Dreyar. He is none other than the 3rd Guild Master of the Fairy Tail Guild, one of the strongest Magic Guilds in the Kingdom of Fiore. Besides this he also happens to be one of the ten wizard saints, who are known as some of the most powerful wizards in the entire Ishgar Continent.

Makarov looked towards the ordinary blue house with a nervous expression.

The 3rd Guild Master of the Fairy Tail Guild is known to never be shaken even in the most direst of situations, but today was different. Today he was to meet his Daughter that he had only found out about recently. A Daughter whom he had not been given the chance to raise. Needless to say she was his illegitimate child.

As such Makarov was prepared to be hated and cursed. Knowing that he wasn't there for one of his children felt like an unforgivable sin to him. However the short old man was ready to make up for lost time he was prepared to offer her all the love he could give and then some, all so he could compensate for the fact that he wasn't there for her all this time.

As such the Guild Master raised his hand and knocked on the door.


When the door opened what Makarov saw wasn't what he was expecting. From the information he had obtained, he knew that his child was already an adult woman. To his surprise the one that opened the door was a dark blue haired little boy.

Before Makarov could speak, the boy asked: "Are you my Grandfather?"

Hearing the sudden question Makarov was somewhat startled.

Makarov then smiled and asked the boy: "What makes you think that I'm your Grandfather?"

The boy quickly felt some sort of warm and strange connection with Makarov the moment he first saw him. The boy didn't know why, but he quickly took a liking to Makarov. Which is also the reason why he thought he might be his Grandfather.

The boy tilted his head and answered: "Because before Mother left she told me that my Grandfather would come to pick me up today."

Hearing the boy's words Makarov was surprised as he said: "Did she now?"

The boy nodded and said: "Yup! So are you my Grandfather?"

Makarov gave a warm smile and said: "Well why don't we find out?"

Makarov then held out his hand towards the boy and asked: "Young one would you mind showing me one of your hands?"

The boy tilted his head in confusion but still obediently held out his hand towards Makarov.

When Makarov touched the boy's hand a bright light flashed and a red magic circle suddenly appeared before him.

Seeing this Makarov smiled as he muttered: "Red.... So you really are of my blood."

Seeing the red magic circle the boy's eyes shined: "Wow is that magic? Grandpa are you a wizard?"

Makarov smiled seeing the boy's reaction: "That's right I am without a doubt a wizard."

The boy then said: "Wow that's so cool!"

Makarov then turned his attention towards what was inside the house and noticed that the whole place was silent. Clearly no one else was living here.

Makarov then turned his head back to the boy and asked: "Are you living here alone?"

The boy nodded: "Yup!"

Makarov: "What about your Mother?"

The boy's expression then turned sad as he replied: "She... When I woke up she was already gone. Last night she told me that she was gonna leave today and I'll have to stay with my Grandpa from now on."

Seeing the boy sad, Makarov quickly showed a goofy smile and said: "Then it's a good thing I your Grandfather have finally arrived isn't it!"

Hearing this the boy's expression turned to absolute joy: "So you really are my Grandpa?!"

Makarov showed a big smile and said: "That's right! And I've come to take you home with me!"

"R-Really?!" The boy said in excitement.

The boy then lowered his head and said: "B-But.... Won't I be a bother?"

Makrov patted the boy's head and said: "Of course not! Your my Grandson after all!"

Hearing Makarov's words the boy smiled and felt warmth deep down in his heart: "Thank you... Grandpa."

Makarov smiled: "Well why don't you go and get your things ready."

The Boy: "O-Ok!"

The boy was about to rush upstairs and get his stuff when Makarov suddenly interrupted him with a question.

Makarov: "Oh and if you don't mind I'd like to take a look around the house."

"Sure!" Answered the boy before he proceeded to run upstairs and prepare his things.

Makarov then took a look around the house and saw that it was just a simple ordinary house. He then noticed a photo by the side of the couch and picked it up.

On the photo the boy could be seen being hugged by a very beautiful woman with blonde hair. One look at the woman's face and Makarov knew she was definitely his daughter.

Makarov sighed and muttered: "How am I to make up for not being there for you if your not willing to meet with me."

"I'm ready!" Said the boy who was hurrying down the stairs with a kid sized travel bag.

Makarov then smiled and said: "Good."

It was at this moment that Makarov realized something.

Makarov embarassedly scratched his head and said: "Goodness it seems I really am getting old."

Makarov then turned to the boy, smiled and asked: "Grandpa seems to have forgotten to ask for your name hehe."

The boy happily replied: "It's Drexel Grandpa! Drexel Arcanus!"

Makarov: "Is Arcanus your father's surname?"

Drexel shook his head and said: "No.... Actually I've never met my father. Mother said she gave me the surname Arcanus cause it reminded her of something wonderful."

Makarov smiled: "I see.... Then would you like to take my surname as well?"

Drexel's eyes shined as he replied: "I'd like that."

Makarov nodded: "Then from this day forth you shall be known as Drexel Arcanus Dreyar! Grandson of Makarov Dreyar!"

Drexel showed a bright smile hearing Makarov's words.

But before he could say anything his stomach suddenly growled.

Drexel blushed in embarrassment: "I-I haven't had breakfast yet."

Suddenly a growl was also heared from Makarov's belly.

With a goofy smile the old man said: "Perfect! Then how about we go get something to eat!"


Several minutes later Makarov and Drexel could be seen chowing down on a large buffet of food.

"burp!" Pleased with the food he ate, Drexel rubbed his small belly in satisfaction.

Seeing this Makarov couldn't help laugh out loud: "HAHAHA.... Your definitely my Grandson there's no way you could've gotten that appetite from anyone else but me HAHAHA!...burp!"

Drexel: "That food was really good! Thanks for the meal Grandpa!...burp!"

Makarov: "Anytime my boy...burp!"

Makarov then said: "Well then I guess we better get going otherwise we might miss our ship."


At this moment a small passenger ship could be seen docking into Hargeon Town.

Inside the ship, Drexel was sleeping on Makarov's shoulder as the old man read the letter that Drexel's Mother had left for him.

Dear Father, forgive me for not being able to meet with you this time. Something extremely urgent had come up that I must personally handle myself.

I trust that by the time your reading this letter that you've already met my little angel, my beloved little boy.

I have been keeping track of your achievements through the years and know of the things you have accomplished as both Fairy Tail's Guild Master as well as one of the Ten Wizard Saints. Needless to say I am proud to call myself your daughter.

It is also due to this that I can rest at ease entrusting my dear little angel to you Father. Must know that he is very much captivated by magic. And as such I was confident that he would be overjoyed to spend some time with you and your Guild.

Do take care of him for me Father, he is my life's greatest pride and greatest joy.

I wish the day when you and I can meet each other as Father and Daughter would come soon.

Wishing you a happy, healthy and long life.

Your Daughter... Phantasia.

After reading the letter Makarov wiped the small tear by the side of his cheek.

He then turned to the boy comfortably sleeping on his shoulder and thought: "Rest for now my boy. When you wake up I will take you to a place where you will be welcomed as part of a much bigger family. I will take you... to Fairy Tail!"


When the passenger ship finally docked, Makarov turned to Drexel and nudged him to get up: "Drexel it's time to get up. We're here."

"Eh?" Rubbing his eyes, Drexel got up and looked towards Makarov: "We're here Grandpa?"

Makarov: "Yup... Come on let's go."


When the two finally got off the passenger ship, Makarov turned to Drexel and said: "Well my boy.... Welcome to Hargeon Town!"

Drexel's eyes shine as he said: "It looks so much bigger than the town I grew up in!"

He then turned to Makarov and asked: "Grandpa are we gonna be living in this town from now on?"

Makarov shook his head: "No... From here we'll be taking a train going to the city of Magnolia."

Makarov then turned to look at Drexel with a smile on his face and said: "That is where our home will be."

Upon boarding the train, Makarov noticed that Drexel had once again become drowsy.

And when the train started moving the boy had once again fallen asleep.

Makarov noticed this and thought: "How strange..... He was very energetic just now, but then he quickly became drowsy and fell asleep again the moment the train started moving... A form of motion sickness perhaps?"

Makarov then sensed a bit of magic fluctuations and quickly realized that it was coming from his Grandson's back. Makaov's eyes then turned serious as he gently placed his hand on his sleeping Grandson's back.

He then closed his eyes and focused.

Makarov: "This is..... A Magic Seal?!"

Makarov with a serious face then said: "It seems we'll have to make a stop at Porlyusica's place before we head to the Guild."


After getting off the train Drexel's eyes opened wide in shock as he stared at the town that was literally the size of a city.

Seeing Drexel's expression, Makarov smiled as he placed a hand on his Grandson's shoulder and said: "Welcome to Magnolia my boy!"

Drexel: "It's..... IT'S SO BIG!"

Makarov: "Oh yes... I hope you don't mind but I would like to visit a friend before we head to our intended destination."

Drexel happily replied: "Sure! I'd love to meet one of your friends Grandpa!"


After arriving at the east forest outside Magnolia, Makarov and Drexel stopped in front of a large tree.

Drexel then took a look around the forest and asked: "Um Grandpa?..... Is this where your friend lives?"

Makarov smiled and pointed to their front: "Her house is right in front of us."

Drexel: "B-But that's a tree."

???: "Hmm... Now who's causing a ruckus outside my house?!"

Suddenly a door opened by the side of the tree and a slim and tall elderly woman with pink hair came out.

Seeing this Drexel's jaw dropped as he thought: "IT REALLY WAS A HOUSE?!"

Seeing the elderly woman Makarov went up to her and greeted: "Good Afternoon Porlyusica. By any chance are you busy today?"

Seeing Makarov, Porlyusica scowled a bit and said: "Ugh! What do you wan't Makarov?"

Seeing Porlyusica scowl scared Drexel quite a bit which made him hide behind Makarov as he thought: "She's kinda scary."

Makarov(cold sweat): "Um er.... I was just wondering if you could help me out a bit?"

Porlyusica's expression relaxed: "So.... talk, what do you need? The faster I can get you humans to leave the better."

Makarov then turned to Drexel and said: "First I'd like to introduce this young man to you. This is my Grandson Drexel Arcanus Dreyar."

Drexel nervously said: "H-Hello mam."

Porlyusica stared at the boy in surprise: "I see...."

She then turned to Makarov and said: "So it was as you thought?"

Makarov sighed and nodded: "Indeed.... But before we discuss that could you first please run a checkup on my Grandson?"

Hearing Makarov's words, Drexel stared at his Grandfather in confusion: "I need a checkup Grandpa?"

Makarov then smiled at him and replied: "Oh nothing much I just wanted to make sure your healthy."

Porlyusica then said: "Well if it's just a checkup then come on inside already."

Inside Porlyusica's house....

Porlyusica looked towards Drexel and said: "Alright kid.... Take off your shirt and let's get this over with."

Drexel nervously replied: "Y-Yes!"

As the boy took off his shirt both Makarov and Porlyusica's eyes turned sharp as they noticed something.

There were three triangle shaped symbols on Drexel's back.

Makarov thought: "As I thought..."

Porlyusica thought: "....Magic Seals"

Porlyusica then turned to Makarov with a questioning gaze. As if asking: "Is this why you brought him to me?"

Seeing Porlyusica's gaze, Makarov gave a slight nod.

Porlyusica sighed: "Good grief!"

Noticing Porlyusica's reaction, Drexel couldn't help but ask: "I-Is something wrong?"

Porlyusica knelt down to the boy and asked: "Are you aware that their are triangle shaped symbols on your back?"

"Ah!" It was at this moment that Drexel remebered about the symbols on his back.

Porlyusica: "From your reaction it seems you were aware."

She then turned towards Makarov and said: "From what I can tell these symbols on his back aren't really harmful to him. Instead it just prevents him from using three specific types of magics. Also these three seals are extremely complex. I have never seen anything like this before. I don't think that I'll be able to remove them."

Hearing her words Makarov nodded then turned to his Grandson.

Seeing his Grandfather's gaze, Drexel became a bit embarassed: "Sorry Grandpa. I forgot to tell you about it."

Makarov then smiled and waved his hand: "No need no need... If it's something you don't wish to talk about then...."

Drexel then interrupted him: "No it's ok. I wanna tell you."

Makarov nodded then sat down beside Drexel.

Porlyusica then said: "I'll leave you two to talk then."

After Porlyusica left, Drexel started to explain: "You see Grandpa, Mother said that when I was born I awakened 3 especially powerful types of magics. She said that she was afraid that people might take me away because of these magics so she had someone put these three seals on my back to prevent me from using them."

Makarov nodded: "She just wanted to protect you. Do you know what these three types of magics you awakened were?"

Drexel shook his head and replied: "She never told me. She said it would be better if I never find out."

Makarov: "I see...."

Makarov thought: "If that's the case then there's a chance that they might be dangerous types of magics... And if not then they might be the type of magics that could attract dangerous people instead."

Makarov then smiled and said: "Well if your Mother thought that that was for the best then we shouldn't bother ourselves with those magic seals for now."

Drexel then asked in a nervous tone: "Um Grandpa.... Since I can't use the magics I was born with, can you teach me your magic instead?"

Hearing this Makarov smiled wide as he said: "Of course my boy! Let me tell you I your Grandfather have learned numerous types of magics. So I can teach you as many as you want!"

Hearing this Drexel became overjoyed: "R-Really?!"

It was at this moment that Porlyusica reentered the house and said: "Seeing as you two have become quite noisy I'm guessing your done talking then. If so then what are you waiting for? GET OUT ALREADY!!!"


Outside Porlyusica's house, Drexel had a face full of fear as he muttered: "That old woman is really scary."

Makarov(sweat smile): "Yes she can be quite hard to deal with sometimes."

Drexel: "So Grandpa about teaching me magic?"

Makarov: "Hmm..... Oh yes!"

The short old man then twirled his finger and suddenly ten balls of light appeared before him.

Drexel then used his hands to shield his eyes from the blinding colorful lights as he muttered: "So bright!"

Makarov: "You can look now my boy."

As Drexel lowered his hands he saw ten palm sized orbs floating in front of Makarov.

Each of the orbs seemed to be made of a specific element.

An orb made of fire, an orb made of water, an orb made of wind, an orb made of earth, an orb made of lightning, an orb made of white light, an orb made of darkness, an orb made of metal, an orb made of wood and finally an orb that seemed to be made of grass and leaves.

Makarov: "For now how about I teach you one of the elemental magics. In front of me are elemental orbs, each one is respectively made from the elements of fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, light, darkness, metal, wood and plant. Now my boy, approach these orbs and tell me which one of them you feel the most connected to."

Drexel then approached the orbs and as if by instinct closed his eyes and began to relax his breathing.

Seeing this Makarov couldn't help but be a bit surprised. After which the old man gave an approving nod as he thought: "Good! It seems he has a natural connection to the elements."

Drexel then raised his hands towards his chest and suddenly a minuscule amount of magic power started to gather above his palms.

Seeing this Makarov couldn't help but smile as he thought: "Very good! He managed to do it so fast. As expected of my Grandson."

After a few seconds the minuscule amount of magic power started to form into a small thumb sized ball of wind.

Seeing this Makarov's smile grew even wider.

When Drexel opened his eyes and saw the thumb sized ball of wind floating above his hand, he was overjoyed: "I did it!"

He then turned to Makarov with a face full of excitement and said: "Look Grandpa I did it! I did it! I created a small ball of wind! I can use magic!"

Seeing this Makarov happily laughed and said: "Yes I see it, I'm very proud of you my boy!"

After a few seconds the thumb sized ball of wind suddenly vanished.

"Ah?" Drexel then pouted: "It's gone."

Makarov then patted his shoulder and said: "Well it is the first time you've used magic. Don't worry, you will definitely get better. I'll make sure to train you everyday to make sure you do."

Hearing his words Drexel couldn't help but give Makarov a big hug: "Thank you Grandpa."


As the Grandfather and Grandson duo were once again walking the streets of Magnolia, Drexel couldn't hep but ask: "Is your house big Grandpa? Are there a lot of people?"

Remembering his beloved guild and his dear children, Makarov had a happy smile on his face as he replied: "Be patient. You'll see when we get there child."

After a few minutes they finally arrived at their destination.

Makarov: "We're here."

"Eh?" Drexel raised his head and saw that they arrived in front of a large building with the words FAIRY TAIL above it's doors.

Drexel was surprised: "Th-This is..... a Magic Guild?!"

Makarov: "That's right.... This is home."

"Eh?" Hearing the old man's words, Drexel stared at his Grandfather in shock.

But before the boy could even say anything, Makarov quickly pushed the doors open.

And as he did so.... BONK!

A wooden chair came flying out and hit Makarov directly on the head immediately knocking the old man down.

Drexel: "Ah?! Grandpa are you ok?!"

Voices came from within the building.

???: "HAHA! You missed ice breath!"

???: "Damn! I'll get you next time pinky!"



The two: "Y-Yes Mam....T-T"

Makarov quickly stood up shaking in anger, he then shouted: "You Brats!...... What the hell were you doing while I was away?!"

???: "Ah? The Master's back!"

???: "Welcome back Master!"

A red haired little girl politely greeted: "Welcome home Master."

A pink haired little boy smiled and said: "Your back Gramps!"

Everybody inside the building cheered: "WELCOME BACK MASTER MAKAROV!"

Seeing the warm welcome his Grandfather was receiving, Drexel's eyes widened as he thought: "Grandpa is a Guild Master! He Is...... very loved."

Seeing his children warmly welcome him home, Makarov's exasperation quickly vanished as he smiled and said: "Yup I'm back! And I brought a new family member with me."

The red haired girl's eyes started to shine: "Oh a new guild member!"

A little boy with spiky black hair asked: "Is he strong?"

The spiky pink haired little boy then exclaimed: "I won't lose to anyone!"

"Alright calm down calm down." Said Makarov as he was signalling the guild to quiet down.

He then turned towards Drexel who was standing behind him and said: "Come now my boy, don't be shy and introduce yourself."

Drexel nervously nodded then stepped forward to introduce himself: "Hello everybody I'm Drexel...."

He then took a quick glance at Makrov who nodded to him.

He then turned back to the guild members with a big smile and continued: "Drexel Arcanus Dreyar!"

After a few seconds, the entire guild cheered: "WELCOME DREXEL!"

???: "Wait he said Dreyar?"

The red haired girl then turned to Drexel and asked: "You have the same surname as Master and Laxus?"

Makarov then said: "That's because like Laxus he is also my Grandson."

The Guild Members: "............."

After a few seconds.....


The red haired girl then said: "I see, so he is also the master's grandchild!"

She then turned to Drexel with a smile and introduced herself: "It's nice to meet you Drexel my name is Erza Scarlet."

Drexel then smiled and replied: "It's nice to meet you too Erza."

The boy with black spiky hair then approached him and said: "The name's Gray Fullbuster. By the way what magic do you use Drexel?"

Drexel then gave an embarassed smile as he replied: "Oh um.... Grandpa just started teaching me wind magic today."

Before Gray could ask him another question...


The spiky pink haired boy then came out of nowhere and landed on top of Gray's head completely knocking him out.

The spiky pink haired boy then said with a toothy grin: "I'm Natsu... Natsu Dragneel I also just recently joined the guild. By the way have you seen a big Dragon with red scales called Igneel?"

Drexel shook his head at the question: "No I don't believe I have... sorry."

Natsu looked disappointed: "You haven't seen him either."

He then lowered his head and muttered: "Seriously where did Igneel go?"

Drexel: "Um.... If you want I could help you find him."

Hearing his words Natsu's eyes began to shine as he roughly placed his hands on Drexel's shoulders: "Really? Ok from now on, you and I are gonna be friends!"

Drexel(cold sweat): "S-Sure..."

But before Natsu could say something else.... poof.....He was hit in the face by a basketball sized snowball.

Touching the lump on his head, Gray pointed at Natsu and said: "That's for landing on my head lizard face!"

Natsu quickly got up and pointed back at Gray: "You wanna go ice princess?!"

It was at that moment that the two began to wrestle.

After a few moments the two did not realize that they had accidentally squashed a strawberry short cake.

Suddenly everyone heard Erza's panicked scream: "MY CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!"

It was at this moment that Natsu and Gray turned to the cake they had squashed and began to sweat in fear.

Natsu & Gray: "Uh oh.... we're so dead!"

Erza with a face full of rage then held the two of them up by their collars and said: "Y.O.U T.W.O!"

Natsu & Gray with tears in their eyes: "Have mercy on our souls!"

Seeing this scene Drexel couldn't help but laugh along with the other guild members as he thought: "This place... is very warm."

It was at this moment that Makarov spoke: "Alright lets all go inside and have a welcoming party for Drexel."

Hearing Makarov's words everyone cheered once again.

As everybody entered the guild, a teenage boy with blonde hair standing at the corner of the large lunch hall muttered with a smirk: "So it turns out the old man had another Grandson huh.... Interesting.... Hopefully he doesn't bring shame to the Dreyar name."

Drexel stared at the first floor of the Guild with a face full of wonder: "Wow.... Such a big place."

Makarov then placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and said: "From this day forth, this place will be both your home and your family. Welcome my boy..... to Fairy Tail!"