
chapter 10

Just InCommunityForumMoreFairy Love by Dr Yandere Anime » Fairy Tail Rated: M, English, Romance & Drama, [Erza S., Natsu D., Mirajane S.], Words: 119k+, Favs: 317, Follows: 324, Published: Aug 8, 2020 Updated: Jun 14, 2022214Chapter 10: Poryluscica

Did any NaZa fan out here who read ch.63 of the 100 Years Quest sequel die internally from the last pages? To all you canon fans and JErza shippers, congratulations! It's gonna be a blissful road for you folks.

Meanwhile, a NaZa fan like me is writhing in agony over here. I knew no matter how hard I wished for it, my ideal version of FT would never happen. That's one of the impossibilities of this world. Those canon pairings were a long time coming, but seeing my OTP (NaZa) get destroyed right before my very eyes with a few panels hit harder than I thought. I have officially resigned from reading the sequel and any works written by that mangaka. I've been reading it all this time to see how far I could take it, but that last chapter utterly devastated me. Maybe a part of me also hoped that some unexpected development will happen, but seeing as how content creators are slaves to the majority of their fans, I also understood there's not a hell's chance of seeing anything I like. In the first place, Mashima himself seems to be sold on the idea of the typical pairings in his works, so I didn't really expect much.

With that said, I only acknowledge the existence of Fairy Tail through my ideal versions in my head. All those fanfictions I liked being part of it. The canon universe is dead to me. That's all I wanted to get out. Hate on me, I don't care anymore. I've already died on the inside.

Oh, and the past of Team Makarov for this chapter is just my own honest interpretation since we never got it from the anime/manga, so don't take it too seriously. And also, because of the latest chapter of the manga sequel, I've decided to speed things up a bit between Natsu and Erza. It's hard writing them torn apart from each other any longer. It's time for some serious shit to go down.

With that said, for those who read and support this story, enjoy!

Chapter 10: Poryluscica

The celebration performance of the guild went well.

A lot of people visited Fairy Tail on Makarov's birthday. When his old friends heard of what the guild was planning for him, they decided to go celebrate it with the guild as well. Yajima, Master Bob, and Master Goldmine rounded up members of their guild who wanted to tag along.

Of course, this included the likes of Ichiya and the Trimens, Bacchus and the Wild Four, Jenny, and Jura from Lamia Scale who decided to celebrate his senior former wizard saint's special day.

A lot of other people from the other guilds all around Fiore visited as well for another reason. When news got out that the core members of Fairy Tail's 3rd generation were performing, a lot of people wanted to go and watch. Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, Sabertooth, and many other guilds were in attendance.

Ul's family (Ultear and Meredy) also showed up. But most unexpected person to visit them today was Erza's newly-revived mother.

"What are you doing here, mother?" Erza flusteredly asked. When Irene was revived, she became closer with her daughter. Although they weren't as close as normal mothers and daughters are, they were on speaking terms with each other. Of course, Erza didn't really get that close to her because Irene had a habit of teasing her daughter, something she couldn't stand.

"I came to watch my darling daughter. Is that what you wanted to hear?" She taunted, getting a growl as a response.

"Where's Gray?" Ul asked Lyon.

"He's on his honeymoon." Lyon grumpily said. It looks like he still couldn't get over the fact that his crush got married to his former fellow pupil. He was also out of it during Gray and Juvia's marriage.

"Why so salty? At least try to act happier for them." Ul said. When she got back to the world of the living, her daughter and former students spared no time telling her about their lives. So she was aware of the love triangle between her two former students and the water mage.

"Quite an interesting way to celebrate your birthday, Mackie." Yajima chuckled, the other members of Team Makarov tagging along with him.

"Your children are wonderful! And I see you even got Porly-chan out of her hibernating shell" Bob said, distinctive of the way he called Poryluscica. He liked teasing her because of her reactions.

"Yo Poryluscica! You still look as radiant as ever!" Goldmine said. Apparently, he had a crush on her during their days.

"Shut up, you idiots! This is why I don't like going out!" She shot both of them down just as she always used to back when they were still a team.

Yajima and Makarov just chuckled at their friends' old display. It was nice to know that even now that they're old already, they still stayed the same.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, they decided to start the performances.

Wendy and Chelia were the first performers. As the Sky Sisters, they've accumulated a devoted fan base, and they got a lot of cheers from the crowd. The opening act was a success.

Next was Gajeel's song, who actually improved a lot since he started pushing his singing talent to everyone back then when he was still new at the guild. A lot of people still weren't a fan of his songs though.

And then, it was finally time for the awaited event. The lights in the guild dimmed. And then the spotlight was focused on Mira.

Mira had on a scarf around her neck to hide the hickey Natsu gave her when they were at the training center. It looked odd at first since she was supposed to be a fairy, but she had on a scarf with glitters to make it match her outfit.

Peering outside the curtain, Freed dressed as the old Master Precht was sweating "Why are there so many people?" Freed may not look like it, but he had a bit of stage fright, especially now since he was going to be portraying such a complicated character.

"Don't be so nervous. You're making everyone tense too." Evergreen said.

"Wha-" Freed perked up at this comment.

"Look at Erza, she's shaking like a leaf." Bickslow said, pointing at Erza who had swirls in her eyes with sweat pouring down her body, her legs trembling. She looked just as nervous as she was back when Team Natsu performed 'Frederick and Yanderica' 9 years ago.

"No, no, she's just like that." Lucy waved her hands, remembering how enthusiastic Erza is when it comes to plays despite having stage fright.

"Just suck it up and don't let it ruin our performance. This is for Gramps, so let's do it properly." Laxus encouraged them.

"That's right! Let's show Gramps the fruit of our efforts." Natsu added.

And so, after Mira introduced them, the play officially started.

The story centered around the time they came across Poryluscica and helped her out when she was sent to Earthland from Edolas. During this time, she became a member of the guild so she could earn a living whilst she was residing in the unfamiliar world.

When the actor of Rob showed up, the members of Team Makarov felt emotional. Even Erza was when they first practiced for the play. Actually, if you look carefully at the crowd, Milliana was also caught up in the moment. He touched the hearts of many people when he was still alive, after all.

Apparently, it was no secret she harbored feelings for Makarov, but he ended up loving someone else. Goldmine was her persistent admirer who never gave up on her, even until now. Since it was Natsu and Erza who played the parts of Goldmine and Poryluscica, the observant people saw how she tensed up whenever Natsu got closer to her in a Goldmine-fashion sort of way. While Natsu played his role of the overbearing skirt-chaser properly, Erza lost her composure playing Poryluscica's dull character and acted out of character. When they had a scene together where Natsu held her hands (as Goldmine did back then, according to the members of Team Makarov), Erza was overwhelmed by their skin contact and kicked him in the face. The memory of Natsu and Mira's physical interaction was still weighing on her mind.

The ones who knew how the story was supposed to go were shocked. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to reject his advances by swatting her hand away and telling him to "Get lost!"

It was explained that Poryluscica started distancing herself from others when Makarov got married to someone else. As a fragile girl in another world, she found someone who was able to make her feel like this was her new home. But the shock and trauma from her unrequited love made her feel like she didn't have a place to belong here anymore, and so she hid herself from the rest of the world using the excuse "Humans are filthy creatures" as a disguise to hide her own feelings.

While the rest of Team Makarov already saw that coming, Makarov and Poryluscica were surprised at that scene. Poryluscica didn't know how they got that information and Makarov was shocked to know that this was the reason behind her self-isolation tendencies. It looks like they had a lot of things to sort out after the party's over.

When the play ended, the crowd exploded in loud cheers and shouts of praise. Besides Erza's mistakes during her scenes with Natsu, everything else went better than expected. The actors really outdid themselves. Who knew talented mages could also pass as great actors?

While the rest of the performers were being congratulated personally by their fans, especially the ones who played the members of the old Team Makarov, Erza was left to talk with her mother again.

Looking at the teasing smile on her mother's face, Erza blushed and said "Fine! Go ahead and tell me how much I sucked"

Irene had a momentary look of surprise, but said "I didn't think you failed to capture your character at all."

Thinking that this was just her mother offering false flattery "What? Don't kid with me, even I know how much I messed up." Erza said.

"No, really. I really do think you captured the essence of the character you were playing."

"Really?" Erza was really glad that her own mother was able to enjoy her performance.

"Of course. I actually found your interactions with your boyfriend interesting…" She boldly stated.

Thinking about Poryluscica and the young Master Bob, Erza didn't know what part of those two's interactions were cute. They barely even spoke to one another in the group.

"…Especially when you kicked him in the face"

"What? When did I do that?" She didn't kick Jellal (as young Master Bob) in the face, did she? But wait, the only one she kicked in the face was-

"Natsu's not my boyfriend!" She loudly said, capturing the ears of nearby people. Looking around her, she got embarrassed and blushed.

"He's not? But I could've sworn he was."

"No, he's not. My boyfriend was the one playing the handsome guy in the suit. His name's Jellal."

"But I didn't sense any chemistry at all between the two of you."

"Of course you wouldn't, the characters we played barely interacted with each other. In the first place, what gave you the idea Natsu was my boyfriend? There's even less chemistry between us."

"Is that what you think? Seeing you act out of place whenever you were with him gave me the impression he was someone special to you."

"Well, he's not. He's just a friend." Erza said downtrodden. As soon as she heard what escaped her mouth, her eyes widened. She didn't expect to say it in such a negative manner, but saying what their relationship was struck her harder than she thought. She was already at that point where she could no longer resist her feelings for Natsu. Especially after the stinging pain of witnessing him get intimate with Mira 2 days ago, it made putting aside her feelings for him even more difficult.

Seeing her daughter's downed expression, Irene decided to leave her be for now, but not before imparting some words of motherly advice.

"I see. Well, I don't want to keep you from celebrating with your friends any longer. But let me offer you one piece of advice, as your mother"

Erza looked up at her mother, curious what she meant.

"Don't be like your character in the play."

"What do you mean by that?" Erza didn't know what she was getting at.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out on your own. But you better realize it quickly, before it's too late." Before her daughter was about to say something else, she left.

'What did she mean by that?' Erza asked herself.

As soon as Erza was left to her thoughts, her eyes drifted to the Team Makarov reunion.

She saw how they were teasing Poryluscica about how she used to be, and her flipping out on them.

Then a thought entered her mind. The character she played was Poryluscica, so what did her mom mean by telling her not to become like the Edolas version of Wendy's dragon parent? Maybe grow old not resenting humans like Poryluscica did? Remembering the supposed reason why, Erza wondered. But since she already had Jellal, she highly doubted that what happened to the old healer will happen to her.

But when she put this together with her mother's last words, "But you better realize it quickly, before it's too late", she suddenly realized what that was meant for, to be more exact, WHO it was meant for.


Knowing how intuitive her mother was, she probably picked up on her love for Natsu from the bits and pieces of their conversation and her reactions. She was right. Erza was tearing herself apart biting her tongue and telling herself she is fine with the way things currently stand. She kept on pushing it down and trying to kick it away, but she realized that she could never get over Natsu. Even if she doesn't know what the future has in store, she does know that even if she spends the rest of her life with Jellal, having a family with him, and growing old until she eventually dies with him, putting herself on her deathbed in the future, she knew she was gonna end up regretting it.

Poryluscica decided to distance herself from others because of how broken she felt when Makarov chose someone else. She didn't have the strength to love again. However, Erza would have none of that. She wouldn't just give up and simply accept the way things are now.

She already spent a lifetime of suffering. First, her childhood was marked with the black stain known as the Tower of Heaven. Then when she got to the guild, she distanced herself from everyone because of her past. She faced and overcame countless obstacles without relying on anyone unlike Natsu who got his power from his nakama.

Suddenly remembering her favorite Christmas memory from her childhood, she realized maybe her love for Natsu was already there even way back then.


(This part is entirely credited to TimStormX6's "Thinking about you". It's a wonderful story, so if you want the full and original version, please check it out. This is sort of like my short version of it, so I can't promise it's as good as the real thing. I just wanted to write this in here to spread how good TimStormX6's stories are as much as possible, and also because I felt like this would be good to explain some things in this story. Don't worry, I already asked his/her permission to borrow this part, so it's A-OK.)

Christmas for Erza wasn't always a good thing. Back then, when she was still a loner, and despite Gray's attempts to make her open up, she always distanced herself from others.

One Christmas Eve day, as the guild had the perfect winter holiday vibe, their peace was disturbed by the guild doors crashing open and one of their members running out.

Everyone looked at that person worriedly, but none more so than their newest member, Natsu.

Mira was teasing Erza about how she'll probably skip Christmas this year again, and that no one would probably give her anything for Christmas this year as well. One thing led to another, and Mira ended up going too far and hurting Erza's feelings.

"Stupid Mira! I don't need anyone to give me anything." She said as she run out of the guildhall crying.

"Now you've done it, Mira-nee." Lisanna said.

"You should apologize to her tomorrow." Elfman said.

"Shut up! It's her fault for always being alone. I just wanted her to realize that it won't be so bad if she opens up to us and gets off her high horse." Mira quipped.

"What you did still wasn't right, Mira." Master Makarov said, hugging his staff (I seriously don't know why they wrote that out. It fit his image nicely) and sitting at the bar counter.

"But it was you who said we should all treat each other like family here." Mira answered back.

"I did. However, you must understand that a person warms up to people at their own pace. It may not seem like it, but I'm sure Erza cares about everyone in the guild just as we do to her. You'll just need to give her the time to take that step forward by herself." Master Makarov sagely said. After he said this, Mira couldn't answer back anymore because she understood what he was saying.

When the Master saw Gray passing by seemingly looking for something, he knew Gray was eavesdropping all along. "You're not gonna go after her this time, Gray?" Master Makarov asked. He spotted Gray and Erza that day at the riverbank, when Gray was comforting Erza.

"Why should I? It's not like she'll listen to me, anyway." Gray scoffed as he walked continued to search for his missing clothes.

Noticing Natsu who was going around the guild to get everyone's signatures for a present, Master Makarov mumbled "You may be wrong about that…"

Erza didn't come back to the guild for the rest of the day. She stayed in Fairy Hills and spent her time there cooling off. Ever since she escaped the Tower of Heaven and joined Fairy Tail, this was how she usually spent her Christmas season anyway. But just when she thought of joining the guild this year out of curiosity, Mira just had to ruin it for her.

She wore her cotton pajamas and read a book with a Christmas theme. Just because she doesn't celebrate it doesn't mean she dislikes it. This was her way of keeping the holiday tradition for herself. And if she was being perfectly honest, she wanted to celebrate it properly with everyone this year. But after what Mira said to her earlier, she lost her courage.

She propped herself on her bed and enjoyed her Christmas routine. After she reads a book, she's probably going to bed early again to spend the whole day the next day celebrating by herself, alone on the holiday that should be celebrated with others. She always wished herself "Merry Christmas" when she heard the clock signal the beginning of Christmas day. She was perfectly convinced that being alone was the most comfortable for her, too afraid and not wanting to admit that she wanted to share at least one person's warmth.

"I don't need anyone. I don't need gifts. I'm fine on my own." She childishly pouted. Since she was still in the stage where she was stubbornly refusing to trust anyone, her thoughts were influenced by her immaturity.

"Don't say that. You'll just make yourself feel lonelier" Another voice unexpectedly shot back.

Jumping up in surprise and requipping a sword, she pointed it at the direction of her intruder.

Seeing that it was just Natsu, she put her sword down "Natsu? How did you get up here?" She said with a hint of hostility in her voice. How dare this boy just barge into her room and interrupt her peaceful time alone.

"I jumped through the window, obviously"

"Never mind that..." She said, making Natsu think 'You were the one who asked.'

"…What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be back at the guild celebrating with everyone?"

"I could say the same for you. Why are you brooding by yourself in your room on Christmas? That's just sad." Natsu boldly retorted.

Erza felt her eye twitch "You've got some guts saying that to me…"

Ignoring her last comment, he remembered why he was here.

"I got something for you." He said, rummaging through the sack he was carrying on his back.

He gave her a picture frame of everyone in the guild together, even Laxus and Gildarts was there, with him and Erza at the middle doing the Fairy Tail hand sign pointing towards the sky.

Seeing that she was speechless, Natsu told her to turn it around. When she did, she saw the signatures of everyone in the guild. Then she realized why he gave this to her.

"Merry Christmas, Erza. We all love you very much" was written on the middle with everyone's signatures around it.

She covered her mouth in shock. Letting a single tear escape her eye, she placed it on the nightstand.

"Is this your gift to me?" She shyly asked.

"It's everyone's gift." Natsu smiled. Erza felt very warm at this moment. 'What was this feeling?' She asked herself.

She knew it. He was listening in on their fight earlier at the guild, and she was touched that he went out of his way to get everyone to make this for her.

"This way, you can prove Mira wrong when you come to the guild tomorrow." Natsu said, implying that he wanted her to be there with everyone to celebrate Christmas. Another tear escaped her eye.

"I never had someone give me a gift before. Thank you, Natsu." Erza said softly with the gentlest look on her face. Natsu blushed because he never saw this side of her.

"No problem, Erza. Well, I'll be going now. I have places to go and stuff to give." He said, kneeling on the ledge of the window carrying his sack behind him, about to jump down to go on his way to continue delivering his gifts for everyone.

Before he launched himself forward, Erza held onto his wrist and pulled him back inside, making him fall on top of her and hitting his head on the floor beside her head.

"Wait, Natsu!" She cried out.

"Ow! What's the deal, Erza?" He rubbed his head and looked at her.

"I want to give you my present too." She said.

Natsu beamed when he heard this and asked her what she got for him.

"What did you get me? What is it?" He asked twice out of excitement.

She put her hands on the sides of his face and told him, "You have to close your eyes first."

Thinking that maybe she just wanted to keep her present for him a surprise, he followed her instructions obediently.

As soon as he did, Erza kissed him on the lips.

His eyes immediately opened when he felt the soft sensation of her lips on his mouth.

When Erza broke their kiss apart, she looked at the side blushing and shyly told him, "Did you like my present?"

Natsu's eyes were still as wide as saucers and his face was still red, just like Erza's hair.

"Erza, why did you do that?"

"Didn't I just tell you? That was my gift to you. I once read that the first kiss is the most important one in your life. So I gave you mine as my Christmas present."

"R-really? Then since you stole my first kiss, it's only fair if I do this too." Natsu said as he reunited his lips with hers. Erza was just about to stand up from their compromising position but fell back down on Natsu's lap when he sat up.

She wrapped her arms and legs around him after her surprise was quickly replaced by the feeling of happiness.

They pulled apart after what felt like an eternity after their desire for air overwhelmed them.

She stroked his hair with a satisfied smile while saying "That was… Wow…"

"Yeah…" Natsu said with a smile of his own.

Holding him tighter, Erza said "Can you stay the night with me?"

"But I still have to-" Natsu couldn't finish his sentence as Erza cut him off.

"Please. I don't want to welcome Christmas alone this year…" Seeing how vulnerable Erza was being, in Natsu's young mind, he was thinking that she didn't want to feel lonely anymore.

Smiling, he decided to indulge her, "Alright. I guess I'll do the rest tomorrow" He said, referring to the gifts he had yet to give.

Erza uncharacteristically smiled even wider than he did and led him to her bed.

Natsu was at bliss. Her bed felt so soft and comfortable compared to his hammock. Meanwhile, Erza was smiling in happiness. She hadn't been this close to anyone in a long time.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to sleep in your bed tonight? I wouldn't wanna dirty your sheets." Natsu asked. He did clean himself up earlier, but going around town to deliver his presents got him dirty again.

"It's fine. Just stay by my side tonight, please" In Natsu's young mind, he was happy that he was able to get Erza to open up to him like this. Ever since he first arrived at the guild, he always saw Erza as this serious and mature person. Seeing her act her own age for once made Natsu happy.

When the clock struck midnight, they wished each other a Merry Christmas before they let sleep take over.

"Merry Christmas, Erza."

"Merry Christmas, Natsu."

Everyone was delighted to see Natsu bring Erza with him the next day. Mira walked up to her which got everyone a little tense. But they all heaved sighs of relief when Mira apologized to Erza, making the scarlet-haired mage smile.

After the first time Erza spent Christmas at the guild, she celebrated it the next year, and then the year after, up to this day. Of course, this also served to close the distance between herself and her guildmates.

Looking at Natsu in the middle of everyone, she silently thanked him for her first and most memorable Christmas.


Looking back, she realized Natsu always had a special place in her heart. But when she first met Siegrain in the Magic Council, her past caught up to her again, and her heart was too clouded to move on from her past.

She's only ever been thinking of Jellal all this time, but she never stopped to ask herself why. Maybe because he was her childhood crush and first love? Maybe because she felt that the way they parted back then wasn't right? Maybe she really was the kind of woman to desire the unattainable, so going after Jellal all this time might have been influenced by her twisted personality.

What did she feel about Jellal really? Was this truly love? Or was it a misplaced sense of affection that brought her back to the time she innocently placed her entire trust and devotion to others? Perhaps being with Jellal reminded her that she wasn't as broken as she thought after all, and having someone just as cracked as her made her feel like she wasn't alone in this world.

But with Natsu, it's different. He made her want to reach out her hand to everyone again. He was the one who was able to succeed in getting her to share the warm camaraderie she has with her guildmates now. She imagined, what if she never met Natsu? Would her life be as perfect as it is now? Would she be able to laugh and share moments like these with her friends?

Thinking of her first Christmas with Natsu, she already knew her answer. She was just afraid to admit it and say it out loud.

She could move on even without Jellal by her side as she did several times in the past, but the boy who healed her heart was the only glue keeping its pieces together. But if she gives up on Natsu now, she would also be giving up on herself. She couldn't allow that. They made a promise that they were going to live for the sake of their friends, so she would do just that.

She was going to profess her feelings for Natsu.

Even if it seems hopeless now, even if it's shameless, even if it will hurt someone else, she decided to be true to herself and finally accept Natsu into her life.

She doesn't care if he rejects her, or pushes her away, she's gonna pierce through his heart just as he did for her.

She knew it was selfish, she knew stealing him away would be wrong, but being with him felt so right. As long as she had Natsu, she didn't mind even if this was the last shameful deed she will ever do in her life.

She decided tonight is the night she was going to set things straight, with herself, with Jellal, and with Natsu. She wasn't going to make the same mistake of waiting until it's too late again. Her cowardice and indecisiveness was what made Natsu slip from her hands in the first place, so she was going to do the opposite this time. Even if she becomes forceful, even if it is a difficult road ahead, even if she knows how the heavens will curse her for doing this, she will not hesitate anymore and was going to work hard for her happiness for a change.

She was going have Natsu, no matter what.

She walked over to Jellal.

"Where were you, Erza? I've been looking for you."

"Jellal, we have to talk." Erza said with determination.

"Aren't we talking right now?" Jellal chuckled lightly. But when he noticed how serious Erza was being, he stopped.

Seeing that he caught on to her serious mood, she pointed outside the guild, "Let's go outside for now."

Jellal had this bad premonition that something bad was about to happen, but he followed her anyway.

BOOM! Does anyone know why this chapter's title is Poryluscica? This is pretty much the trigger I was talking about for Erza to wake up and realize that Natsu is the only one for her. It was anticlimactic and probably didn't meet your expectations, but I personally liked this idea. Sometimes, a trigger doesn't need to be that strong to get someone moving. It just makes more sense to me this way, tbh.

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