
fairy's from another world

David Miller is a young boy who saw his parent's die due to humans, David wants to get stronger so that he can avenge his mother and father, and his race. he then gets sent to another world by the goddes he was changed to a she

that_boy_ssudeey · Fantasia
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6 Chs

the beginning

In the land of the fairy's lived a young boy,

his name is David Miller, David lives in

a quiet and peaceful town his father

who was sent off to war, by the lord of

the fairies. to protect the

home of all the fairy's from the

wicked humans.

[10 thousand years ago]

the humans would use the fais

in their wicked experiments,

they did this to use

Magic is a mysterious force

only the fairies and other

non-human races could use.

the humans once lived among

the Various races but due to

the power-hungry nature of

human, it eventually led to


[present day]

the fairies are losing the war to

humans. humans are

extremely cunning and

have many ways of using weapons.

in the peaceful town, David was in was

being ransacked by the humans they

we're gathering all the fairies for there

experiments. young David was out in

the forest when the town started to get

attacked, after seeing smoke coming

from the town, David ran home to see if

his parents were OK

but when he got home he saw his

parent lying on the ground within

a pool of blood

David started to cry after these

unfortunate events unfolded

but minutes later some humans

saw him, the humans spoke to

them selfs and said looks like we

missed one boss what do you want

us to do with it, the boss said,

just kill that ugly creature.

the humans started to go near David,

while the humans were talking about

how fun I was to hunt and kill the

fairy's, and especially the one on the

the floor beside David. after hearing this

David couldn't hold in his anger he ran

towards the two humans, David let out

several ferocious attacks but to no

avail the humans were completely

unharmed, the humans looked at one

another then back at David and they

laughed maniacally, then the humans

brutally beat him till he was on deaths

door then they left the dying fairy's on

the floor, David in his own pool of

blood said I wish I can get stronger

to avenge my family and the other


after he said those words a young

a female voice spoke and said young

the boy is what you truly wish for?

David hesitated before he answered,

David said yes this is what I wish for

I want to avenge my family and my

race, I want to become stronger so I

can kill these despicable

humans for what they have done.

the female voice spoke once again

and said I will grant your wish but on

one Condition you have to venture to

another world and became the

the strongest living being in this world,

I goddess of life and rebirth will

give you a gift once you have been

born into the new world. I will be


[to be continued]