
Faded Away

I... I died Players summoned from across the galaxies to fight a battle that isn't winnable. I left my old life behind I wanted to be a hero I wanted to be rich I wanted to be noticed But... I died

lowg · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


Death slowly gleaned over the battlefield. The once beautiful plains were now littered with enough craters that could be mistaken for rocky mountains. The amount of blood from the dead can fill a lake, no, it can fill an ocean.


Blood seeped through a man's mouth. His gaze soon fell upon the battlefield.

'Where did this all go wrong?'

Thousands of corpses scattered the area. Not a single body among them was alive.

The man felt a stinging sensation in his chest, that's when his gaze landed upon a gaping hole.

"Ahh… I'm dying…"

Struggling to keep his closing eyelids open, he thought to himself.

"What a shitty life."

He let off a small chuckle to himself.

"You fucking bastard Jin, you're really making me use this."

Silence soon descended upon the area

Before speaking the man took a deep breath then spoke

"Hail, O Osiris, I have come unto thee; I am Horus and I have avenged thee, and I feed this day upon the sepulchral meals of oxen and feathered fowl, and upon all the beautiful things offered unto Osiris."

He waited for a response, but nothing came back. Puzzled, he recited the verse again.

"Hail, O Osiris, I have come unto thee; I am Horus and I have avenged thee, and I feed this day upon the sepulchral meals of oxen and feathered fowl, and upon all the beautiful things offered unto Osiris."

It was then a black line appeared in the blood red sky. The line split into two and began to separate further and further creating a break in the sky.

There descended a majestic figure that looked as though it had no place on this planet. A shade of black darker than anything he has ever seen before. Pure yellow gold that radiated and blinded anyone who looked at it.

[I have heard you calls, I have seen your battles, I have felt your passion, what is it that you need from me boy]

This presence… No, this aura was almost the same as the Demon King.

[So what is your request for summoning me. Although I have seen your merits, depending on what you ask for, you may not have enough to satisfy me]

Taking a deep breath, the man soon answered

"My request… I request that this man here, Jin, be reborn into the past."

A heavy silence descended

[You… Do you know what you're asking for?]

A low pitched dark voice radiated throughout the area


[No. Do you know what you are asking for? The cost for merely summoning me is your already fading life. What you are asking for is a complete revival of the boy]

An ominous voice shook the planet

[Combining your battle merits with his, that still is not enough to satisfy your request.]


[Boy… If you truly want to revive your friend, the path for not only him, but myself will become a much more treacherous road.]

Perhaps the majestic figure was moved by such a pitiful scene.

[If this is what you really desire… If this is what you really want… Do you know the consequences?]

A deafening silence that no one can speak above took over

"No, but I am ready to face it."

The dark figure chuckled to himself in regret.

[Ohohoho. How long has it been since I have seen someone with such passion.]

The figure reminisced about the past before speaking again.

[Alright boy, if this is what you truly want, then your existence itself will cease to exist. This moment in time will cease to exist. Everyone that has ever seen you, known you, spoken to you will soon forget about you. Even me… Do you still wish for this?]

Taking a long pause, the mysterious man soon uttered beneath his breath.


[Alright boy, I will accept your request.]

[I, Osiris, God of rebirth will hereby revive player Jin Kim. Although he has been reborn, he will forget all of his moments entering this planet. May luck be on your side…]

With that, the majestic figure soon ascended into the sky and the gaping hole soon ravled itself back in line.

The man's consciousness rapidly declined, and his pupils faded until they were transparent.

At that moment in time, the mysterious man who had contacted a God was soon forgotten forever. His name erased from the universe, his soul, his body ceased to exist.