

Waynehead803 · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

Breeze and Ice Phoenix team up

Breeze regroup on us. We need to rethink our strategy." "Rethink our strategy? Clearly your intel was off so the new strategy is we kick these guys asses. Split them up again so they're not fighting as a team."

"Damnit!" "Your right. Ice Phoenix take Steelhead and be careful. Regroup with me if you feel like you can't handle it."

"Don't worry me and icey hot got this right beautiful?

Ice Phoenix rolled her eyes then went after Steelhead. Breeze quickly was by her side and they attacked together as they have been trained to do. Ice Phoenix attacked low while Breeze tried to hit him with a flip kick to his head. Steelhead stood there and smiled as he knew that they would do no damage while his was in steel form. They both continued to attack landing hard hits but still did no damage.

"It's this is the best you can do then this is gonna be quick. Not only are you weak but your slow. What did you really come here to accomplish huh? Or did your leader lead you into a fight that you weren't ready for? Either way we kill you both today."

"Hey Ice Phoenix does this guy think we were really trying. If so he's in for a real surprise." "Your right about that kid. Let's show him how hard we can hit."

Ice Phoenix still could not control her powers but she could feel which power is going to come out but the feeling in her fingertips. She could tell by if they where hot or cold. Right now her fingertips where cold so the ice power was available. She covered her fist in a thick layer of ice while Breeze pulled out his sword. Ice Phoenix rushed in and threw 2 quick punches. Steelhead stood there as if his was testing here strength. This time her hits had some effect. Breeze quickly followed up with wind slash from his blade knocking steelhead off balance.

"What the hell was that. Any regular ice crack against my steel and how did that kid hit me. He wasn't even close to me. I blanked and i felt a powerful hit to the chest. Looks like im going to have to put a little effort into this fight."

Ice Phoenix tried to keep up the assault with a fury of punches but steelhead dodged them this time and grabbed her. He had her in a tight bear hug. Breeze quickly flipped over them landing behind steelhead and hit him with another wind slash in his back forcing him to let go. Ice Phoenix the put her hands together and created i hug ice boulder. She smash him in the head but he still didn't fall. Breeze and Ice Phoenix regroup so they could come up with some plan.

"You got a plan icey hot because we're getting some good hits i don't think we can beat him like this."

"First i planned to kick your ass after we kick his if you call me icey hot again. As in a plain for beating this as simple. Get him back in human form." My ice did damage my fire will do the trick. Now pay attention and be ready to use your wind powers kid." It's about to get hot in here."

Steelhead was done playing around. He quickly attacked before they could get their guard up. He kicked Ice Phoenix knocking her off her feet then knocked Breeze up in the air then jumped up grabbing him and slamming him into the ground.

"Breeze are you ok?" "Yeah just a few brushed ribs no big deal. But i suggest we get to part where we're kicking his ass." "We're getting to it. When you see an opening do a wind slash but aim it it his feet. I'll take care of the rest." "Ok i see what your getting at."

Steelhead rushed in again and continued to pound on them. They finally were able to get some space between them making a wider range of targets for steelhead but he could still get to both of them pretty quickly. But Breeze saw a slight opening as Steelhead began to slow down. He gathered all the wind he could to threw a giant wind slash at his feet causing him to stumble. That was Ice Phoenix opening she was waiting for. She rushed grabbed him and engulfed them both in flames. She held on to him until her powers switched back to ice. When she did let go his body was glowing red from the heat. His insides was burning up forcing him to turn back to his normal form. Breeze quickly ran up and put his hand over his mouth and sucked the air out his lungs causing his him to collapse from exhaustion. Ice Phoenix then formed another ice boulder and knocked Steelhead unconscious
