
Night of Feast 1

Kyrie never thought that the worst part of hunting crocodiles wasn't fighting and defeating said crocodiles, but their hunger frenzy. Even without his input, they started to eat and devour their own kind without hesitation, stealing the ones he killed or exploiting gaps to kill the ones closer to them.

'Those crocodiles scored more kills than me. Seriously, why are they this way?' The rabbits had shown fear and care for their comrades in retreating, but the crocodiles? The moment they saw a gap or opportunity, they killed the ones closest to them without a second glance.

It was a sickening sight but at the same time comforting. 'There are things far worse than me out there.' The water reptilians proved this point with unmatched efficacy. 'Normal crocodiles are this way too. It isn't something exclusive to them when I think about it.'