
Face The Truth

Nobody could believe that the world they once, slept, ate and laughed in was now so broken and torn, that around every corner you had to be vigilant or else.. you could very well die in a second.

Dr_Pibs · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Episode 2- Skills Acquired

[You will receive specialized skills in 5 seconds]

"Huhh, what is this?" I thought to myself.

[You will receive specialized skills that will be similar to what you did in your everyday life]

[You will receive 3 specialized skills in 4 seconds]

"4 seconds.. it seemed like a short amount of time, but every second counted when running from this ludicrous monster." I thought to myself.

-3 seconds-

It wouldn't catch up to us in 3 seconds, but these "skills" could be the difference between life and death.

-2 Seconds-

I started thinking, "if these "skills" were like skills in a video game they would be pretty cool". "Since I played video games all the time, that means I might get some cool 'gamer' skills.

-1 Second-

Just now I realized that Kabu should also be receiving these "skills". He was always a nice and helpful person, so he'll probably receive some supporting skills.

[You have received 3 new skills]

[You have received <Teeth of Fury Lv 1> Description: You eat significantly faster. ]

"WHAAT!?, how's this supposed to help me" I thought to myself frustratedly.

[You have received <Bonus Nutrition Lv 1> Description: When eating you will heal faster. You also have a chance do gain the special properties of whatever you eat.]

"This can be useful, IF I DON'T DIE RIGHT NOW!" I thought to myself agitatedly

[You have received <Iron Belly Lv 1> Description: You will not gain body fat. You digest things faster. You have to urinate and poop much less often. You are also immune to many weak harmful substances. Ex. Food Poisoning and weak poisons/venoms.]


Then I realized I shouted that out load and enraged the monster even more. Kabu also looked at me as if I had gone insane.

After that I heard something in my head


"What is this" I thought to myself

"It's me Kabu, did you also receive these 'skills'?".

"Yeah, but how come I can hear you in my head?" I asked.

"It's one of the skills I received called <2 way link Lv1>, it allows me to connect my mind and somebody else's mind as long as we are both in a 20 meter range."

"What skills did you get?" asked Kabu.

Then I quickly told Kabu the skills I had received.

"Hmm, those skills are... very... unique." said Kabu with a cheeky smile.

"I'll tell you mine later" added Kabu

"How do you feel about eating a big monster." asked Kabu

"I can't say I'd ever look forward to it, why..?" I asked worryingly

"Well if we keep running we're going to die, and I have an idea, but it involves you eating part of that thing" said Kabu.

I gulped..

"Yes...?" I replied

"In 3 seconds turn around and just start eating him I'll take care of the rest, it involves me using 2 of my skills to help you, so be ready." said Kabu.

"uhhh, are you sure about this.?" I replied feeling sick in my stomach

"Yes, ready?" replied Kabu


The monster was still getting closer as we ran.




"GO" I heard Kabu say in my mind.

Suddenly I felt stronger and more agile and it seemed that the monster was becoming a little weaker and slower.

I was eating... I kept eating rapidly..

The monster took a bite at my leg as well, but I had to keep eating, because if I didn't we would all die.



Eat more...

Faster... FASTER!!!

Then I bit into nothing but air...?

"Wow, you really do eat pretty fast." said Kabu in shock

A bit longer.. Yay!. I know grammar can be off sometimes, I apologize, I am merely a Highschool freshmen trying to get better at writing. THANKYOU

Dr_Pibscreators' thoughts