
The Fun Begins Now

Let me talk about my family! My mother and father are on their death bed. They aren't going to die from old age, of course not. They're on the brink of death because of a new disease. You're most likely wondering what I'm talking about, right?

This disease is from the uprising in saviors. Anyone who didn't have a skill set, they're considered crippled and my whole family just so happen to be crippled. Now to the actual point, this disease is from elongated amounts of time spent near saviors. Currently the cause of this is unknown and they're still working on a cure.

And they've found one. It costs tens of thousands of dollars. Any normal person who got "awakened" would be able to pay this fee off quite easily, but just as it seems, we're living in poverty because of the new system and government. I didn't want to start like this but it'll have to do for now.

I recently just got a part-time job as a cashier at the local gas station. There weren't many people but I still took mental notes of what they got each day for fun since I had nothing better to do.

Jack, 23, got a pack of cigarettes and some snacks every week. Molly got the same bag of chips and sprite everyday, I wonder how she lives, really. Then finally, we have Levi, a kid from school. He is a delinquent that smokes every day, or at least that's what I heard.

He rarely buys cigarettes and smoke them, and when he does buy a pack, I always seem to see him giving it to his mates. Always the exact same excuse every time, "My... My uh... My dad wanted these again...". I know I shouldn't be doing this but I feel bad for him, you know?

I hope the guy gets better friends next time. He truly needs a better group to hang out with. I ended up asking for his contact information so that we could talk about this earlier today and I'm texting him right now. He seemed so surprised I found out about his 'secret'. We exchanged hello's and then we started talking.

He said that he was kind of pushed into this situation because, from his words, his friends started acting this way ever since last summer. He had never seen them like this before but he still wanted to be friends with them. The whole thing about him being the one not to mess with was just a bluff in order to not involve more people but he attracted the attention of other delinquents from other schools.

Long story short, he accidentally tripped one of them and ran. The others saw something completely different, "A monster... He had killing intent in his eyes and tripped him, he said 'don't come back unless you want another beating'".

It was 'scary' for said delinquents. I don't know which story to believe but I'll believe Levi for now. He seems trustworthy and I don't think I'll regret ever trusting him. Let's hope my guts aren't lying to me this time around.

I gave some somewhat useful advice for Levi and yawned. It was 9:34pm, Sunday. I turn off the lamp and turn to my side, tucking myself under the covers and then slowly drift off to sleep. I think I can do this type of work. This is nice.