
F l o w e r s

Kiaaaaaaaaaaa · Realista
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1 Chs


It has been more than 7 hours from home, my dad took me off with his car to head to my gramps place. Which is kind of boring since his place is far away and we have 2 hours more to ride on a yacht just to get there.

My dad hummed a song happily as he drives I, on the other hand stare outside the window admiring the forest as we passby .

"Travis" My dad called out I turn around and met his gaze"We have to get out of the car"

"Are we already here?"

"Yes, and now we have to get out or else we'll miss our ride."

I must have fallen deep on thinking,that I didn't realized we arrived. I help dad took out my stuffs and we walked off to find our ride

A few minutes later a voice called out my dad's name "Conner! Hey Conner over here!"

We both turned around and saw a man on his mid 40's smilling as he waved his hands

"Tim!" my dad yelled and walked off to the man, I followed him and the man named Tim.

As Tim place the yacht perfectly along the other yachts we walked inside and both of them hugged like they haven't saw each other for a long time

"You look ugly as ever mate!" yelled tim my dad laughed and pat Tim's shoulder "It's good to see you again my friend"

"It is glad to hear you visiting the island, I haven't heard anything from you for the past years."

"I've been busy with my work and kid"my dad replied looking at me and tim followed his gaze to me with a smile

Tim walked up to me and hugged me tight, I was shocked knowing that a man who I don't recognized is hugging me.

"Nice to meet you laddie, I'm Timothy Smith also known as tim for short, what's your name my boy?" he happly asked

"Travis, Travis Scott" I shyly replied looking at him, Tim smiled and looked back at dad

"Your lad here looks like you mate although his eyes are just like his mother's, how's Samantha doing by the way, why didn't she come with ya?" I looked at the sea trying to distract myself from their conversation

I heard my dad sighed in sadness as he replies"Samantha died a year ago due to car accident" I looked back at them with sad eyes

"I'm sorry mate-"

"It's alright, you didn't know."

"Mate is it alright to ask what happened?" asked tim Dad nod and gestured to talk inside Tim nod and took my stuffs, Tim looked at me with a sad smile "Try to looking around the sea you'll find some amazing sea creatures, I suggest if you sit there" He pointed the way to the peek of the yacht

I nod and walked off, and heard his footsteps away with dad as they both walked in.

I sat on the peek of the yacht, I tried to mesmerized myself to the sea.But I can't help to think about my mom, and how much I missed her.

As the yacht started to move, I sighed and looked back to the land behind as we move far away. I saw the mountains and the place where we left our car.

I looked back infront and saw a small island which is a few miles away from us, I looked up and saw some seagulls flying .

"Hey kiddo" I heard My dad voice, I turn around and saw him taking a seat beside me."I know, its hard for you to be far away from home. But will you promise me to obey your gramps while, you're there?"

"I'll try-"

"Also, you have to take care of yourself while I'm not there, only you can tell if you're not feeling okay. And if you do, you have to tell gramps so that I could come and take you to the hospital"

"I will, It sucks to have this kind of dieses"I replied my dad pats my shoulder and sighed heavily "I know, but we'll find a cure for you,because I don't want to loose you and I swore to your mother's grave that I wont let anything happened to you."

I smiled at dad and we both looked at the view of the island, anytime now we'll be there.