
F*ck Yeah! I’m The Villain

Walking across the street 23 year old Bai An saw an injured kitten limping across the road as a huge vehicle sped towards it. Her animal lover instincts kicked in and she pushed the kitty away just in time it's body landing on an old torn up mattress. However Bai An herself was not as lucky with no one wanting to risk their lives to save hers she quickly fell victim to Truck Sama. "At least I did a good deed" was her final thought before her mind gave into the darkness. Waking up she sees her self floating in the air, everything around her is pitch black as her mind races wild with idiotic thougts. "What the-..." all of a sudden a ball of light appears out of nowhere. "WELCOME MY DEAR CHILD TO THE DIMENSION OF SPIRITS" A fat man bellowed his bald head shining brightly with vigor as if saying " look at me, look at me see how smooth I am I know u wanna touch it." Bai An laughs at her ridiculous thoughts before bringing her attention back to the piece of blubber in front of her. The fat man whose name she learned is Jun Qiang told her that he's from the committee of gods who decided that her death was too early so they decided that she would be Reincarnated into one of their worlds. Which one she doesn't know but she's a little excited because from the novels she's read before the protagonist always gets sent to a world that's a game they already played in their past life and they have a ton of cheats so she's hyped up. Jun Qiang then wishes her good luck as she feels her spirit being sucked into a vortex. "Awwwww YEAHHHHHH" she screams but it comes out as a baby's wail instead as her arms flail around her eyesight blurry.

queenk091 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
119 Chs

Chapter 14

This chapter will just be about the cultivating stages because ya girl a little lazy and need sometime to think for the next chapter. Hehe ✌

Btw it's listed from highest to lowest.

Qi Refinding stage - When you cultivate this level your body gives off a royal blue glow with spiritual energy surrounding you. It helps with the fluctuations of key and how to control it's fluctuations. When you have reached the peak of this stage all of your veins and meridians will be as strong as titanium.

Body construction stage- you are basically tearing apart your body bit by bit and rebuilding it back together. When you reach this stage a lavender glow envelopes your body and you absorb the spiritual energy in the air. This stage is slightly harder than the last one as your mind needs to be cleaned of all world thoughts and you must be one with the earth. When cultivating this level you can only do it at night as your basically rebuilding your body. At the peak of this stage your skin will be smoother, 5 facial body parts sculpted to near perfection with hands and feet soft as silk. For women. But when a man reaches the peak of this stage his muscles will be harder and more toned with a lot of power in his punches.

Mental energy refining stage - When cultivating your body gives off a golden hue as you can feel your mind expanding and thoughts of others as well as their locations filter through your brain. This is a dangerous phase because if your core and mind doesn't have a strong foundation you can literally turn crazy.

Core foundation stage- When cultivating this your Dantian filled with spiritual energy forms a core, well basically a root. The stronger your your body and mind the higher level your root will be. Their are 9 levels for your core, depending on how experienced and the texture of your spiritual energy it will vary in color from red being the lowest to yellow, orange, green, blue, purple and the strongest being multicolored.

No one has seen a multicolored spirit root for millenias. The last one to have it was said to have already transcended to the immortal realm.

Internal energy refining stage- When you attain this level your internal strength receives a huge boost but if you do not have the proper knowledge this will be detrimental to your organs as your Dantian cannot sustain the wild source of energy and it will basically be a ticking time bomb. If you do have the right amount of information though your martial arts will rise in leaps and bounds and you will be able to train and master the legendary winging. Though only a handful of people has mastered this and they are all old people who've went into seclusion a long time ago. If you want to be an alchemist or a physician this is also good. When you treat patients or refine pills you don't need to use a lot of strength as you have an unlimited supply of internal energy.

Tongxuan Stage refining-The opening of acupoints, the connecting of the meridians, allowing zhenqi to flow without any hindrance. This process is extremely painful but the benefits it brings are outstanding. It widens your meridians and veins so that a substantial amount of spiritual energy can flow through. You have to have a strong resistance to pain in order to cultivate this. But now most people take the easy way out and eat pills, it may help you level up faster but your meridians will be fragile and can't take a lot of strenuous activity.

Spirit Breathe stage refining- This is the very first stage. When cultivating you sit in a lotus position and clear your mind of all thoughts. Your breathing has to be even. With your eyes close you send out your spirit to sense the in the air and drag them towards your body. With all of this going on your body leeks out a black substance full of impurities to make it pure. Though not fully, you can retain a lot of health benefits. Their are ten elements in total; wind, fire, water, earth, light, dark, lightening, Void, Space and Time.