


1- reflection of your inside is your wife which is the beauty of your inside that reflects to your outside

2- reflection of your hair is your eyes and what do you see

3- The reflection of the blue fabric is water and the loving heart

4- The reflection of two rivers flowing besides each others is the reflection of several flowers to those two rivers

5- the reflection of sunlight is mountains and deer and the A girl who reads poetry

6- The reflection of 3 faces, white face, black face and white is the night sea and the dark sea

7- My reflection when I think, like a bird looking for a heart and standing on the love of the spiciness and the water behind my head

8- The reflection of the hand and feet is to sink deep inside, and you should be placed in a jar of water

9- The reflection of the blossoms, I am the icy and love is fiery


1- Machine mind 3 stones on his head

2- machine sea waves machine soil

3- Machine is the necklace of the mountain

Falling off the piano

4- Machine is your tear in my drinking glass

5- The machine is the shadow of the pen and the pattern on the water

6- The machine is falling from a height, my love is in bed (referring to the apple falling from the tree, the law of gravity)

7- The machine is the dancer heart in the sky and the sea

8- The machine is a white flower and fire leaves on the stem

9- Machine is a man on fire in the cold desert and a man on fire standing on a wooden boat

10- machine, people dressed in white and drowned in in the kiss of the mind

11- The machine, the mountains passed through the door and reached to the clouds and the boat stayed on the water

12- Machine, people are covered with leaves like a tree, and the face is a pattern on the body

13- The machine,human melted like ice and Pour into the pond of heart

14- Machine, humans catch the sun on their heads and they burned and become light and they shined on the earth


River by Eyewind (similar to heraclitus philosophy)

1- with my hand I pour water between my five fingers, I am standing by the river

2- A way to the center of the river

3- The river opened its wings of light and water

4- The body of the river and the water of his blood

5- She thinks about the laughter of the rocks and soil around him

6- The underwater world is beautiful, and the life of fishes

7- The flowers are all thirsty for him and like inside a glass of water

8- Water like cloth covered the chair

9- I went to the water, meaning was flowing

10- Bloody river hands in my hands

11- People are like columns in water and they flow forever

12- The water of the river flows in the rain, the sea, the spring, and the tears of my eyes

14- The river is like rain and it seems It seems to be falling from the ground to the ground

But it doesn't rain sometimes

Rather, it continues forever

Life goes on forever

1- Lift the stay up the stay if tree upon the water

2- the stay of your eyes on Sweetness and taste

3- stay of wishes and swimm of the flower

4- stay of Thoughts of you going up and achieve

5- Stay of burned fishes in fire of heart

6- stay of two fiery loves in a flower pot

7- Seeing stay in the mirror and seeing love in stay

8- stay of branch of love on the lips and

Crossing the bridge of love and eye

9- stay of heart It flows like a river in my book

10 - Stay if sun under the feets and the soil above it

11- stay of the fish in the picture and stars in the heart

12- Stay of the crying flowers