
Eyes Only for You

Veridin let go of his hand and stepped back, leaving him standing alone in the air. He slid his arm behind his back, holding out his hand out to Anaroth once more. A grin spread across his moonlit features, violet eyes sparkling mischievously behind golden strands. “Your highness Anaroth, may I have the honor of your first dance?”

TheKatKing · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

The Capital

Another uneventful two weeks passed. The capital was visible on the horizon when the soldiers began to cheer. Even Rowan couldn't help but smile. They were so close to the end of the war. Veridin turned to Anaroth.

"Are you ready?"

"Of course. I'll force him to sign a treaty, one way or another."

"I was asking about how you'll feel riding down the main street."

"That? I'm a king. I can deal with the eyes of a crowd."

Veridin nodded with a slight smile. He couldn't hide his own anticipation. For the first time, he felt excited to return to this rat's nest before him. Soon, everything here would be within his control: The nobles, the soldiers, and the high priest. He was looking forward to the faces of those who looked down on him contorting in dismay.

The clamor of people grew louder as they approached the city gates. The messenger they had sent a few days ago had already informed the capital of Veridin's return. As they entered the city, flower petals rained down and decorations adorned the streets. Crowds of people cheered and hollered at the soldiers. Veridin waved with a practiced smile. When he tilted his head, dozens of women screamed and threw flowers out at him. Anaroth flinched when a rose bounced off of his parasol. Veridin whisked the flower from the air. He held the flower out to Anaroth.

"I believe this is yours."

Anaroth glanced at him. "What nonsense. They're cheering for you."

"I think they're cheering for you, so take it."

"Fine." Anaroth held his hand out for the rose. When Veridin set it into his palm, its petals turned from red to white. Anaroth held the flower back out to him. "Now it's yours."

"Very well." He paused before he took the white rose and tucked it into his armor with a satisfied expression.

The procession continued down the streets. People hugged each other and celebrated; They called out to soldiers with tears in their eyes. It was "the end of the war" that they cheered for. Not a single one noticed Anaroth under his black parasol. Only one person acknowledged his presence. It was the same person beside him in shining armor, a tattered cape, and hair of gold that sparkled in the bright sun; His warm smile soothed the crowd around them; His wave caused hearts to skip a beat; And his striking violet eyes caused swooning on more than one occasion. He was clearly beloved by the people. This visage was such a stark contrast to what Anaroth had witnessed that he even doubted himself. That was until those violet eyes met his own.

What had looked like a kind smile to others was undoubtedly cynical and cunning. The subtle contortion of his expression brought out the sharpness in his eyes. Those eyes as bright as jewels were darkened with deceit. The golden strands sparkling in front them only deepened the shadows beneath. He really was a disgustingly two-faced man. For once, Anaroth was grateful that he knew the truth about this so-called hero.

Despite all that, Anaroth saw no reason to point out their folly. Just as Veridin chose to keep his mouth shut about Anaroth's inhuman hearing, he felt no need to expose Veridin's secrets. As such, the two maintained a cautious truce. Anaroth didn't particularly concern himself with how humans saw Veridin. He only wanted to sign this treaty as soon as he could. That desire would soon be fulfilled.

The injured and lower ranked soldiers had fallen out of the procession when they reached the square in front of the imperial palace. The crowd had seemed to follow them from the city gates as people filtered in behind them. Anaroth's gaze wavered when he saw the human king. There was only one work that encompassed his entire being: Pig. He was a pudgy man with gray streaked hair. He stank of wine to Anaroth, even atop of his horse. When they began to walk up the steps to the platform, Anaroth's stomach began to twist from the overwhelming stench of liquor. His displeasure was even more prominent when standing directly in front of the king, but it was only noticed by Veridin.

"You must be King Atries," The human king scratched his chin.

"That's right. You are King Deston Lanel the IV?"

"I'm flattered you know my name." The two shook hands. "I doubt you wish to continue with the pleasantries."

"Of course. Let us get started." Anaroth procured a piece of paper from his suit. He placed it on the prepared podium at the front of the platform. He closed and lowered his parasol.

In an instant the crowd grew silent. Anaroth's pure white hair, his scarlet eyes, his majestic figure, they were features that rivaled the holy knight standing behind him. His hair shimmered in the sun like freshly fallen snow. To the crowd before him, he was unearthly. To the man behind him, he was dignified and beautiful. His voice rang out over the crowd.

"I am the demon king, Anaroth Atries. By the consensus drawn between us, I am here today to sign the peace treaty between humans and demons. The terms of the treaty will ensure five hundred years of peace! And I swear, as long as I live, as long as my descendants live, demons shall honor this agreement!"

Anaroth glanced back to see Veridin finishing whispering to a panicked king. Suspicion arose, but he didn't dare to risk saying anything now. Deston stepped forward.

"Ahem, you stole the words from my mouth. As you have heard, the war between humans and demons is coming to an end. We have agreed to move forward, to put this war behind us, for the sake of the future! I, Deston Lanel the IV promise that I and the future kings of the Empire will honor and uphold this agreement!"

Anaroth nodded and picked up the pen from the inkwell. The moment he began to lower it down to the paper, an arrow whisked towards him. A flurry of gold blocked his vision as he heard the crackle of splintering wood. Anaroth's eyes widened before he removed the hand wrapped around his shoulders slowly.

"What a warm welcome. I could have taken care of such trivial matters by myself."

Veridin cast aside the broken arrow as the crowd broke free of its daze and began to panic. "I would have failed the test had I not done anything."

Anaroth narrowed his eyes with a smile. "That's right," He yelled out over the crowd, "Do not worry! The moment this treaty is signed, the futures of our kingdoms will be intertwined! Something this trivial will not disturb us in the slightest!"

He signed his name on the paper. Deston took the pen offered to him and signed immediately after. The two shook hands and the crowd began to cheer. A moment later, Deston cleared his throat and the crowd drew silent. A strange feeling of unease began to gnaw at Anaroth when he started to speak.

"Now that this war is drawing to a close, I think it's high time that the old begin to make way for the new. In other words, I mean to say that I believe this crown is more befitting of another. That man is none other than the man who chose to end this war, the Holy Knight Veridin!"

Anaroth's mouth fell agape. He could barely form a thought while Veridin walked past him with a pleased grin. He knelt before the king.

"This is not the most luxurious or proper coronation, but what do you say? Will you take up this responsibility?"

"It would be my utmost honor to accept your majesty. I have, and always will, serve this kingdom with my whole being."

"Then I crown you the next king of the Empire."

Deston lowered the crown onto Veridin's head. It shone even brighter on Veridin's golden hair. As Veridin rose to his feet, a shout rose up over the crowd.

"Long live the Hero King!"

The chant quickly spread through the crowd. The clamor of voices continued to call out. The people rejoiced. The war was over and their beloved Holy Knight had become king. Yet, there were still some who were not as pleased by these turn of events. Behind the three, where the nobility had been standing, were figures with shadows darkening their expressions. When Veridin turned back, his eyes caught the glare of the high priest. He gave a composed smirk. The high priest's knuckles turned white while he smiled back. Veridin turned back to the people.

"I'm incredibly grateful for the fact that this centuries long war has ended today. Today is a day of rejoice, of union and reunion, of fruition. Today is proof that your families' struggles were not in vain. Today is a day that will be forever inscribed into history. Today, laugh, cry, and celebrate to your hearts' content!"

Cheers filled the air behind him while he walked up the steps to the imperial castle. Deston and Anaroth quickly followed him. The high priest began to follow them in but the guards on standby stopped him. His outrage, along with the shouts of the people, faded into silence behind the heavy castle doors.

Veridin walked through the palace with ease. He had been here many times before, from parties, to mere invitations, to reports. He did not know these halls by heart, nor did he need to. He could already sense the whole layout of the castle from where the people were to the location of the nearest washroom. This was not known by the two who followed him into Deston's old office. Veridin calmly ran his hand over the empty desk and sat down behind it as if he had owned this place his whole life.

"Now, why don't you two take a seat?"

The two were whisked into the seats before him. Anaroth flinched at the sudden fluctuation of mana while Deston shivered in fright.

"Since when could you do things like that?"

Veridin exhaled and leaned back. "When I made the decision to end this war, the Goddess lifted the restrictions placed on me. I've been able to cast magic freely since then. Now, I trust you've made the necessary preparations?"

"Yes, yes! I've made sure the servants and guards will listen to you." Deston glanced at Anaroth. "Our deal still stands, right?"

"Naturally. Before you go enjoy your retirement, take one or two servants with you. Have them report back to me should you have any problems."

Deston chuckled and mumbled 'Of course, of course' before he stood up and shuffled out of the room. After a moment of silence and bewilderment, Anaroth burst out into questions.

"What kind of deal did you make to become king? A man like that wouldn't give up his status for anything! Just what in the world did you do? Is this why you were so confident when we first met?"

Veridin's eyes widened in surprise which quickly faded into amusement. "Now that you have the peace treaty secured, did you lose both your reservations and your wits? You're incredibly blunt now."

"I want answers! Real answers!" Anaroth stood up and placed his hands on the desk with a thud.

"Let me ask you this, you don't want that greedy pig to be king do you?"

"You're avoiding my questions."

"So are you."

Anaroth's shoulders slumped. His composure had crumbled due to exasperation. "Fine! A pig like that would be easier to deal with than you!"

Veridin froze. Coming out of someone else's mouth, they would be groveling on the floor by now; But seeing the man in front of him, once dignified and regal, now vexed and indignant, he couldn't help himself. He burst out into laughter. A genuine, amused laugh. A laugh that froze Anaroth and made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. As his laughter died down, he leaned on his hand with a smile. This man never ceased to entertain him.

"Have you forgotten our positions? You really shouldn't speak to me so casually."

"What's the use of that when you won't answer me in a straightforward manner?"

"Neither do you. Shouldn't you be more concerned with the construction of the transfer circle? I figured you wanted to leave here as soon as you could." Veridin raised an eyebrow.

"Then you'll be funding the whole thing I presume? It was your idea."

"Of course I'll fund the construction in the human capital."

Anaroth narrowed his eyes. "Then I'll go find someone more capable than you to start the construction."

"Good luck with that. I have a bit of work to do."

"Ha! With that empty desk of yours?"

Anaroth let the door shut behind him, leaving Veridin alone in the silent office. Veridin set the crown on the desk and ran his hands through his hair. A devious grin stretched across his face when he remembered the high priest's red face. His calm face warped into a sickening expression of anticipation.

"Just wait, 'Father.' I'll show you even greater suffering than you could ever imagine. I'll pay you back what you've made me endure a thousand times over." Veridin relaxed into his normal stoic demeanor. "First off, how are those two rats doing?"