
Eye of the Moon Plan in RWBY

A boy who cursed the world for its harshness and hated the cruel reality he lives in, unlike everyone else who is living happy lives with money, love and safe from what truly lurks around. He envy's how they don't have to feel the fear of death almost everyday or be killed. Watching the beliefs of Madara Uchiha and his dream, he wondered why anyone would turn down the offer to live in a dream world such as that. Committing suicide, he decided to leave the world in hopes of never suffering anymore. However, once he dies, a god decides to help him start the Eye of the Moon Plan in another world. Cinder Fall x Male

AyanoChibi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Prologue 4: The Sword Of Destruction

Currently in the middle of a snowy forest was a woman in a white cloak on her last legs as she was fighting against a woman with deathly pale white skin that has purple veins going through her arms up to her face. This woman was Salem.

Salem's body was currently regenerating itself as the woman in the white cloak had fallen flat onto the ground. Her last thoughts in her head as she knew what was about to become of her was;

'I'm sorry Ruby, Yang and Taiyang. I-I love you all so much.'

She started sobbing to herself as she looked up to see Salem walking towards her when Salem's movements stopped. Someone appeared in between the two of them, although Salem could only see his back, as the mysterious individual was facing the woman on the floor, she could tell from the overwhelming pressure of his aura, he is no ordinary person.

The man put his hand on the white cloak and sucked in the the woman into his eye. He then disappeared as well.


Salem roared as she presumed the man had saved her opponent and now the two were gone without a single trace.


In a certain dimension, where all you can see is randomly arranged and differently sized rectangular prisms amongst a dark and seemingly endless void. The woman in the tattered white cloak with blood stains laid on the floor, slowly tried to pull herself up. She looked around and could see a bunch of metal rods on the floor as well as giant shuriken. She was confused as to where she was and how she got here? And who was that man?

"Summer Rose."

Hearing a deep voice call her name, she immediately looked towards the source, and jumped in surprise as she saw a man swirl into appearance. He wore all black and had an orange mask that only revealed one eye. As she looked into the eye, she saw it was red with some sort of pinwheel in the middle.

"W-who are you? And where am I?" She asked.

"Away from Salem if your asking."

"S-Salem. That's right! I was about to die... But you saved me! Thank yo—!" Summer was cut off as she about to thank Y/N.

"I wouldn't thank me if I were you."

"W-what do you want then?"

Y/N simply never said anything as he sucked her transported her and himself out of his dimension. Soon the appeared right in front of a vault and Summer, who was on her knees right beside Y/N, looked up and saw a familiar door.

"That vault... H-how?! You brought me to Shade to open the vault! I wo— Ugh!"

Y/N decided to shut her up as he punched her in the gut and grabbed one of her hands, dragging her towards the door. He placed said hand on the door and it glowed up, a strange orange light slowly flowing through the patterns of the door. Summer widened her eyes and started punching and kicking Y/N, trying to get out of his grip, but without her aura and being too damaged from the fight with Salem, she couldn't as she barely had any strength left.

"I... can't... let you... get the... Relic!" Summer said in a weak voice as she struggled with all her might, but in the end;

"It's futile, you might as well give up." Y/N responded.

As the doors open, Y/N throws Summer to the side and grabs the Sword of Destruction Relic. He hears Summer mutter a 'No' as she's failed to stop him. Using Kamui on it after inspecting it with this Sharingan, he walked back to Summer.

"Are you with Salem?" Summer asked.


"Then why take the relic. What are you planing with it?"

Summer was trying to pry information out of the masked mystery man as she crawled away while he walked towards her. Extending out his right hand, a black receiver appeared. As Summer was backed up to a wall, Y/N went for a stab, to quick for her to follow. She looked down and saw her slowly start to bleed. Looking up, the last thing she was was a red eye with 3 commas spinning.

Taking the black receiver out of her, Y/N's eyes turned into the Rinnegan and he place his hand on her head as he started to absorbs the maiden's power out of her. Y/N then used Kamui on her for the last time and transported her back to where Salem was.

Salem started to leave the forest and beside her was  a man, who had a scorpion like tail. They came to a halt as they heard a thud and looked back to see Summer bleeding, turning the snow around her red. Walking over to her, the scorpion faunas poked her with his tail, while Salem looked at her full of curiosity as she saw her life force fading. After a few seconds, her breathing came to a halt and she was dead.

Back in Y/N's dimension, Vinshki spoke out to his host.

'It seems we were able to get the first relic'

'You're right. But it was only by the sheer luck of her being on the verge of death, was I able to force her to open the vault in Shade.'

Vinshki- 'While that may be true, we've been watching her for a while now ever since we found out she was a maiden.'


Y/N took out a scroll in his dimension, it was no ordinary scroll, but a sealing type. Thanks to a certain god he had the memory of basic fuinjutsu, therefore using his aura as the same way he'd use chakra to make it. He looked at his right hand as a bright orange orb came out and he slammed it into the scroll. Closing it, he set it on the floor as he starts to think of his next steps.

Vinshki- 'What are you planning to do next?"

'Ozpin will be keeping an eye on the Fall maiden, while Ironwood has hidden the Winter maiden somewhere. But the location of the Spring Maiden is still unknown.'

Vinshki- 'There's also the vault in Beacon which you have yet to find.'

'That's right, Ozpin hid it somewhere that even his little crusaders don't know where it is. I'm going to have to start looking for it while I attend Beacon.'

Vinshki- 'When is that?'

Vinshki- 'When the time is right. For now I'll need to train and soon make connections with Salem.'


Years have passed since Y/N got the sword of destruction, he recently attained a silver eyed faunas and ever since then, he's been working different part time jobs in the four kingdoms. The reason for this was because if Ozpin ever looked him up, he'd be labelled as a traveller. It goes without saying he hasn't been wearing his mask when working.

However, Y/N has built up a reputation in the criminal world as he worked with people like Roman Torchwick and some of the White Fang members. Of course the best way for him to do this was to instil fear in them as Madara. He's also been lucky enough to stay off the news and not outing himself to the public.

As Y/N was sitting in his dimension, he immediately sat up and looked ahead as he sensed something interesting.

'Do you feel that?'

Vinshki- 'A maiden. But it's not just that.'

'She slowly losing her powers.'

Vinshki-'Your right, someone's taking them from her. Shall we check it out.'

Nodding his head, Y/N used Kamui and transported himself out of his dimension and appeared 50 metres away from the maiden. Jumping through a few trees after appearing in the middle of the woods, he saw someone he never thought he would.

It was Cinder.

Two people were restraining the maiden while Cinder was wearing a white glove and had her hand out. Y/N's eyes widened as he saw a small Grimm coming out of it and it spewed black webs onto the face of the maiden. Slowly he could see the powers being transferred to Cinder. As the life force of the maiden was falling, halfway through it a man with black hair came at them and cut the black webs. Y/N recognised him as Qrow Branwen, a man who is able to turn into a bird thanks to Ozpin's magic.

Cinder made the ground beneath Qrow explode, but he jumped away from it while holding the maiden. While the Branwen was distracted, Cinder and her friends made their escape. Y/N seeing everything over, went back into his dimension and sat down.

"HehehehahaHAHAHA! CINDER! You never cease to surprise me! Ahahah!"

Vinshki- 'That girl keeps exceeding my expectations.'

'So she's working with Salem huh.'

Vinshki- 'I guess that gives you another reason to join Salem.'

'Your right, but for now I think I'll tease Cinder a little and catch her attention as Y/N and not Madara for now.'

A few days later, Y/N was in Vale working as a waiter in a restaurant. As he was pouring water for someone, his attention was dragged to the window where he saw the two companions of Cinder. Smirking he thought it was time to get to work.

"Hey! I'm going on break."

Y/N told his fellow employee as he went out the back entrance and started walking to an alleyway near Cinder's friends. As he did, he used Kamui and brought out a few thugs and putting them under the effects of his Tsukuyomi, he forced them to start yelling out a few insults at him and promised to let them go.

"W-who the hell do you think you are brat?!"

"T-that's right! Give us your money!"

Outside of the alleyway, this peaked the interest of Mercury and Emerald as they heard shouting. They then heard groans, thuds and saw a guy trying to crawl out of the alleyway. When the thug laid his eyes on the two, he started yelling at them for help.

"H-hey! You guys gotta help me! He's a PSYCHO—!"

His words were cut short when a sword with lightning dancing around it had pierced the back of his head and come out his mouth. Seeing the sword taken out of the head, they heard someone talk.

"If only killing was allowed, then I wouldn't have to be so discreet."

As they look up, they see a handsome black-haired male come out of the alleyway and look at them. But the guy didn't do anything other than walk pass them  and when they turned around, they see him gone. Emerald however, looked down at the scroll she snatched with her pickpocketing skills. But unbeknownst to her, Y/N let her take it.

"Nice work, any idea who he is." Mercury praised and asked.

"There's no contacts, just his details and where he's been for the past years." Emerald responded as she looked through the scroll. "It seems he's a traveller and worked at different places. He also has a hobby in taking pictures of all the people he's killed. Look, there's at least 80 here."

"Cinder would want to know about him and probably recruit him."


Days have passed as the two told Cinder about him. Cinder thought she would pay him a visit and see if he's worth the trouble. And he is, she was currently in a restaurant, sitting at a table, waiting to be served. As she saw her target come over, she smiled seductively and saw him smile back before he asked a question;

"Are you ready for me to take your order Ma'am?"

"Is ordering one of you allowed, or...?"

"*chuckling* Sorry, but I'm sadly not on the order."

"Is that so? Well, how about a date after your shift handsome?"

As Cinder said this, she saw his eyes moved towards her body and eye her up. She took this chance to cross her legs over each other and it had the intended effect when Y/N's eyes moved further down. Smirking, she knew she had him where wanted. Or so she thought;

"How about a no?"

"Great! What ti— Wait, did you say no?!"

She looked at the waiter incredulously, who just had a smirk on his face as he nodded in conformation. Her mouth was agape as she watched him walk away and through the staff only door. She was rejected! Her! Cinder Fall was rejected! After a few minutes of calming down and not seeing him come back, she went over and asked a random waitress for him.

However the waitress said he had just quit;

"Oh! You must be the woman he left this note for. You are what he described."

As she said this, she handed Cinder Fall the paper which had an address written on it. Her eyes twitched as she had a feeling she was going to be led on some goose chase. Leaving the shop and making her way to the apartment building, there were specific instructions that the receptionist will give Y/N's room key. She promised to herself she'll get him, after all Cinder always gets what she wants no matter what.

After Cinder Fall got the room key, she walked to the room door and slowly opened it, preparing herself. But as she entered, she saw a sign that said;

Look Right—>

She looked right and there was another sign on the wall that said;

<—Look Left

She looked left and saw another that said;

Look up^

Groaning in frustration she did so, but there was another sign that said;

Look behind the door 🚪

Grabbing the door and slamming it closed she saw;

💩 Idiot, I'm at the forests!

Having enough of his games, Cinder decided she wasn't going to recruit him but kill him instead. Making that declaration, she burned the entire room in anger and immediately went to the forest and saw Y/N, waving at her with a smirk.

"You! I've had enough of this, I'm going to kill you!" She shouted.

"Ah, come one Cinder darling, it's just a joke."

Cinder immediately stopped in her tracks and looked at him with wariness and caution as she glared at him and fire glowed in her right eye.

"How do you know my name?"

"You don't remember me? I'm heartbroken!"

The man said dramatically, though Cinder was confused as she was sure she's never met him before. However, all her questions were answered as she saw him pull out a mask and put it on, speaking in a deep voice.

"Remember me now?"

"It's you! Your the one that helped me torture my sisters."

"I'm glad you remember me."

Cinder stopped the fire in her eyes and watched as he slowly walked towards her.

"What's your name?"

"Me? Well without the mask it's Y/N, with is a fake name, Madara."

"I think I've heard of the name Madara before."

As Y/N came right next to Cinder, he took off his mask and raised his right hand. He rubbed it on her cheek as he continued speaking;

"You've taken my words literally to the point where your working with Salem and stealing the maiden's powers." He leaned his mouth near her ear. "That's what I like about you?"

Cinder blushed a little before narrowing her eyes. "I would've gotten the full power of the Fall maiden, but I was interrupted."

Moving away from her face and looking at her eyes, Y/N asked a question."I know. Anyway, why don't you and I go on that date Cinder?"

"...Sure why not?"

Hesitant, Cinder agreed, but as she did, she saw Y/N's right eye turn into the Sharingan and he used Kamui on her and himself as they appeared in his dimension.

"W-What is this place?" Cinder asked.

"This is my own personal dimension."

Cinder looked around and saw a blanket with candles and a picnic basket on the floor. She sat down and Y/N did the same.

"It's time I explained, you see I'm not from this world."

After an hour explaining to Cinder his powers, the relic in his position and his plans for the future, he promised her something;

"Join me and I'll give you more power than the maidens, I'll also give you Salem's if you want, giving full control of the Grimm."

"You can get me it?"

"Of course but not now, for now we'll use her resources and people to get the other 3 relics and then steal it under her nose. We'll then use it to summon the gods for me to take their powers and commence the Eye of the Moon Plan."

"I see." Soon an evil smirk and her eyes full of hunger for power, even greater than when Y/N saw years ago, had appeared. "Then I'll join you."

Standing up, he holds his hand out to help Cinder. As she stands up and shakes hands with him, Y/N spoke;

"I'm glad to know I have you on my side beautiful."

A red tint appeared on her cheeks as he said that, but she smirked and put a finger on her lips.

"Who knew you were so handsome underneath that mask of yours."

As she said this, she walked towards him with her hips swaying. She could see his eyes on it as she put her face right in front of his. Their mouths inches apart to the point where they can feel each other's breaths. As it looked like Cinder was about to lean in for a kiss, she moved away, slapping Y/N's chest before talking;

"You should take us back to the real world. I'll take you to Salem so you can talk to her."

Her words brought him out of his thoughts and he just shook his head and chuckled to himself and walked to Cinder. Grabbing her waist and pulling her close to him, he teleported them both out of his dimension.