
Eye of Iguada

Built on the land of freedom, the Tierra School of Magic, as long as you can listen to the voice of the earth, you can become one of the students. Here, regardless of class, gender, or race, as long as it has life, it can be respected. Eyes gave everything of their own, for the safety of Tirla, and to protect the lives of the people of Tierra.

Unexistgod · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


After learning that admissions would not be held until tomorrow, the girl decided to find a place to rest first.

But during this period, almost all the hotels in Tierra were full, but the girl could only try her luck.

"I'm very sorry, but we don't have a room anymore." The hotel owner told the girl apologetically.

"This is already the last hotel." The girl sighed, "It's been such a long time since I came back here, but are you still going to camp?"

"This guest, there is actually a place where you should be able to spend the night." The hotel owner seemed a little hesitant to make this suggestion.

"Can you tell me where I am?" the girl asked hastily.

"Just, it's Chiello's house." The hotel owner then hurriedly added, "Not only does it provide accommodation, meals, and baths, it can even treat your pain, and it's all free."

"Yeah, why did I forget that I can go there. Thank you." The girl thanked the boss happily.

"Well... it's rare that outsiders don't resist the Chiello clan." The boss touched his bald head. He has been scolded more than ten times for making this suggestion, and he was even scolded by an outsider. Injured, "However, I really don't understand why outsiders hate them so much."

After leaving the hotel, the girl walked for about 20 minutes based on her own memory and came to an isolated building.

Since the road only leads to this building, the girl did not encounter any outsiders after leaving the street.

In front of the building, there are several Tierra guards watching over them, probably to prevent extreme outsiders from harming Chiello.

Among the four major countries and the thirty-two small countries, no country is willing to accept Chiello, just because of their different looks.

Most countries will kill Chiello on the spot when they find out, but some countries will capture them so that they can use their power, but once Chiello is caught, he will choose to die and not be used by those countries.

Chielloo is a people from the sky, they believe that their abilities are a gift from the sky, so they will never abuse them.

When the girl walked into Chiello's house, the guards standing guard at the door blocked her and prevented her from passing.

"What are you here for?" the guard asked.

"I heard from the nearest boss that they provide accommodation and meals, so I came here."

"I'm really sorry, but I can't let you in."

"Did something happen?" The girl never remembered that outsiders would be prohibited from entering, and the hotel owner didn't seem to know.

"A stranger asked for accommodation last night and then tried to hurt a Chiello, so please understand that I can't let you in."

"Stupid people, can't you understand until now." The girl was disappointed by the behavior of those extremists, and then she took off the cloth on her feet, revealing her blood-stained feet, "I'll leave now, but Can I ask any of the saints inside to heal me?"

"This..." The guard didn't know how to answer for a while, and the other guard also said he didn't know.

At this time, the door opened from the inside, and a young girl came out. Her eyes were not divided into whites and pupils like ordinary people, but were completely composed of light green, "Let me treat her. Bar."

"Salvatore, is this not good?" the guard asked a little worriedly.

"It's okay, because you are right here." After speaking, Salvatore walked up to the girl and squatted down, "I'll treat you now."

"Salvatore...is that you? You became a saint?" The girl seemed to recognize the person in front of her.

"Who are you?" Salvatore maintained a squatting posture, then raised his head to look at the girl.

"I'm Secura, it's really been a long time, Salvatore." The girl completely took off her turban, revealing her unusually white hair.