
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

69. Worries

Arthur's POV:


" Finally a peaceful moment "


Now that I have left the main lead alone and confirmed that the dungeon boss was indeed the same one as in the novel, I can finally relax and chill by myself.

" ... "


Wait... there is something wrong. Isn't this too peaceful? I feel like I have forgotten something but I'm not sure what exactly it was.


" Whatever... let's just eat something for now. Good thing I brought some food with me. "

' Taking out spices and the sirloin steak from my rare grade spatial ring ' I placed them on top of a cooking pan I bought recently.

Good thing I learnt this skill.

[ Dark Flame ]


who would have though that a terrifying A rank darkness skill is currently being used for cooking. 




" Nothing beats a good spicy steak "


" Man, I should have eaten something before getting inside the dungeon "

This world has a lot of good dishes with different ingredients and types of meats that one can never imagine, but no matter how fancy or profound a meal is, nothing can compete with a steak in hunger.

" The smell is too good, I can't wai-


" -Maaan! what is this damn good smell It's hella good "


" -?! "


N-no... this voice?! Please it can't be?!

" Yo! Is that you bro?! Wooow... what do you have in there let me get som- "


" -HELL NO "


" PLEASE BRO! I beg you It's so scary and dark here! You have everything here! Remember when I gave you that cookie?! Wow your fire even has a cool color-Blah-blah-bla "


Oh... I see...


" Blah blah I thought you are a real brother blah....blah "


This is what was missing.... this constant annoyance...

" Blah and blah bro come onnn don't be selfish blah blah blah..."


I should have never saved him back then...







Back in azure city,

Demulein, Patriarch of the Sylvicous, was reading a document when all of a sudden….

" WHAT?! "


" Your excellency... we received news that the dungeon where the young master have entered

turned into a black- "

[ Eye of the above ]


" Your excellency? "


" M-my son?!!! "

Seeing his injured son in a pathetic state. Unconsciously, demulein leaked a terrifying pressure.


" 'gulp' P-please calm dow-"


" Cancel everything else and contact 'Twilight' immediately! I need an explanation on why the fuck is my son inside a black dungeon! "


" Y-yes master! "








Inside what seemed to be a luxurious office. A dark haired lady was relaxing in peace after finishing some tiring paperwork.

" Haaah…. when are you going back Lily.... this is too much "


Alicia, the S rank huntress who is known as the leader of the ' golden seagull ' muttered in a low voice.


' Knock ' ' Knock ' ' Knock '

" Come in "


" B-boss! "


" ?? What's wrong Sam? Is everything alright? "

Sam, a member and an administrative staff member of Golden seagull , entered the office with a flustered expression drawn on his face.


" I-It's the young miss! I just received a call from Tomas telling me that the dungeon she was exploring appearently have turned black! "


' Crackle ' ' Crackle '

Hearing the sudden news about her sister, The S rank huntress Alicia, released her pressure crushing the nearby tools. Then she asked in a deathly tone.


" Where is she.. "

Without any delay, Sam fearing her wrath answered in a shaking voice.

" 'T-t-twilight' guild "


" I see... "


* Dash * * BOOM *


Before Sam could grasp what happened. A huge whole was made in the walls of the office with nothing left behind but ashes and him staring into the hole in a daze.







Harold's POV:

Staring at zen who was lying on the ground while agonizing over his headache. I couldn't help it but feel uncomfortable about what transpired for him to act this way.


Just what in the world happened? Is zen hiding something? 


" Harold... what do we do now? "

Hearing Sophia's question, I noticed that she was worried about our situation. I tried reassuring her and letting her know that we should rest, but unfortunately a deep horrifying voice interrupted our conversation.


" Don't worry. For now we shou-

All of a sudden, an ominous humanoid silhouette emerged from the shadows.


" Looks like it's you kids who I should kill? "


T-this pressure?! Could it be the dungeon boss!!? I have to warn them!


" - I Know! "

[ Fire Salamander! ]

" Hoo? C rank summoner? Not bad "

How can this monster speak? No something feels off, why do I feel my mana reacting aggressively?

" Cough! Cough! H-He is a demon! Be careful of his-

[ Puppetry Art: Cunning wires ]

" My oh my, who would have thought that we reunite again this soon, dear servant? "

?? What did he just cast? Servant? Wait… how can zen suddenly move on his own?

* Stab *

" ??? "

!!! N-no!

" S-Sophia?!!"

* Thud *

W-why? Why did he stab her? Was he just acting all along? This can't be!

* Slash *

* Parry *

He was this strong? And to dare attack me?!

" Y-you bastard! Were you acting this whole time?! "

I thought he was some trash young noble, but to become a servant of a demon?! There's no need to show any mercy to such a trash of a human being.

I hate killing people, but now that it has come to this point. As I resolved my doubts about getting rid of him, I can do it without any regrets.

* Slash *

* Cling * Clang *

* Parry *

" Pathetic "

Is that it? I don't even have to use my skill to overpower him.

" You are just wasting my time "


I need to finish him off and help Livia to kill that demon.

" W-wait Harold! "

Hmm? What's wrong?

" Zen is under some weird spell! I couldn't tell at first but he-

" Tsk… why would ruin the show? "

??? Hold on…

" Zen? "


He didn't say a single world since the demon has shown up. I see… it must be that demon.. the fact that I almost killed him because of my lack of awareness…

" I'm sorry "

After knocking him out and tying him up I quickly went to check on Sophia.

" S-soph-

" - I'm not dead you idiot… sorry but I don't think I can help you out "

' sighing in relief ' I took out a healing potion from my inventory and handed it to her.

" Rest, I will take care of the rest "

As I got closer to Livia I heard the same voice of the demon.

" Summoner you ruined my mood now… I guess I should teach you how frustrating it is to lose a servant…. "

" Harold be careful! He is using that weird spell again! "

Shit… what in the world is this weird witchcraft?

[ Puppetry Art: Mental Corruption ]

* PSSSSSS!!!!*

" W-what is wrong s-salamander? "

Shit! Why is her summon attacking me now?!

" kehehehe! "

" Livia! Cancel your summon "

" I can't!!! I already tried but he doesn't respond! "

Shit! Why is her summon is a damn C rank!!

" This is a little too easy.. I thought that human was lying when he told me about these kids…"

There's also that demon who is a B ranker… how are we going to get out of this mess?!




hello dear readers, I would like to first express my sincere gratitude for all of you. I have seen every comment and I’m happy to see that you are enjoying this novel. fortunately the treatment is going well but I still need time to recover. thank all for everything so far :)

Daoistv0hCZscreators' thoughts