
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

61. Day of the dungeon hunt






Arthur's POV:

" Wow.... what is that car? "


" I don't know, but I think it's hella expensive!"

" Wait isn't that Zen Sylvicous? "


" S-Sylvicous?! You mean that elite family?! "


Zen.... I still don't know why he joined this club. I didn't see him in the bus, but that is normal considering that he is from an elite family, there's no way he would be with commoners in a tight space. 


" Psst.. dude... you also excited right? "


We are currently standing right before the dungeon, but before we enter... a list of instructions and directions are being taught by both our club leader and the hunters from the ' Twilight ' guild.

" Again! Please treat this dungeon seriously. Although it is D rank and the worst monster you could encounter is a C ranked one, but still... alway be vigilant with dungeons. The main reason on why people lose their lives is due to their lack of caution. Although we are sure it is a D rank dungeon, but we know nothing inside. It could be a forest or maybe an underground ground cave or even in an ice land "


Well, I already know what is inside. However, as he said I also should not let my guard down just because I know something from the novel. Just like in the practical exam an unknown variable could appear and destroy all my plans.

" It is a blue dungeon, so you have nothing to worry about. I and the respected hunters over here can come and help you if something arise, but to insure the immersion from you guys and make sure that you guys have a real life like experience , we will remain outside. That means you can still get injured, but mainly if you slack off or play around "


Hmm? What is the meaning of this? Insure immersion? How did they not account for a black dungeon to manifest? Although the chance is extremely rare, but still they should have.... oh right!! 


I think this was the reason why they dropped in rank, I see now so even the most elite members still make such naive mistakes.

" Looks like everything is ready "

Let's see whether the dungeon environment is the same or not...


" Everyone! Group up however you like, and enter together! "


Unfortunately for you my guy all of these arrangements are of no use... after all....


" Ready? "


As soon as we enter the dungeon, 

* GLOW *

" Everyone! Enter! "



We will be randomly teleported away from each other....








Sophia's POV:


" Finally! "


That old geezer never allowed me to go inside dungeons... now that he disappeared somewhere. I can finally hunt with no worries!

" Are you also excited? Sali? "


After the dungeon attack me and Salli have grown closer with each other, although I find her a little too innocent and pure. I still enjoy staying close to her, for some reason her calmness makes me feel comfortable. she should become a saintess or something.

' Nodding In affirmation ' Sali replied 

" Hmm! Yes but still we need to be careful "


" Of course! Let's go inside! "







" Woow... a cave? I have never been in a dungeon like this before! Have you? sali? "


* Silence....*


" Hmm? Sal- eh?! Where is everyone!! "


W-what?! Is this a prank or something? please anyone... is this a joke?

" Creeek! "


" This?! It looks like a C rank ' Arachnid '.... wait how is that possible? Is this the dungeon boss? "


" Shit!!"

[ Fire Elemental Explosion!! ]

* Boooom *

" I-is that enough? "



It is too fast! 

" ?!! Kyaaah! "


* Parry * 

* Slash *


" Hmm? Wait...Another student? Did he just part the C ranked creature? "



* Slash *


* Thud *


A-amazing... is he also a C rank? Wait this is! Isn't that Harold?! 


" Hi Sophia, are you okay? "


He has grown even stronger than before... did he reach C rank already ? Just what did he do to grow this fast?

" Yes.. thanks, by the way is this normal? I was with a friend, but she disappeared "


".....No, the dungeon has turned black... it is around C rank now"


" ?! "


C rank?! Also it turned black... that means we can't exit unless we clear the dungeon.... but wait... how did Harold know the dungeon rank as well?

" I know that black dungeons rank up randomly.... why did you say C rank? "


" ..... "


Hmm? What's wrong? Why isn't he answering?

" Sighe.... so you just gonna keep it to yourself? Am I too dumb for you? Do yo-


" -I'm sorry Sophia, I can't tell you the reason.... just trust me on this one. Alright? "


Tch.. when he says it like this, I can't really keep bothering him... he already saved me....


" Alright, Let's try finding other students. Since it's a C rank... although it might be too difficult, but still we need to at least give it a try "


" I was also thinking about that, Let's go! "







Livia's POV:



Where is everyone? Didn't we just ent... wait could this be like that time when my sister cleared that black dungeon?

" Creeek "


" Arachnas.... C ranked "

This is definitely not normal. This is probably a black dungeon as well, But fortunately it doesn't seem to be that much of a difference from the original dungeon rank. I reckon that this is probably either a C or B ranked dungeon.

" I need to find Arthur...."


Although I hate admitting it, but he is the strongest person I know from the first year students. Still I need to be careful when I approach him, I might make it seem like an accident that I stumbled upon him.

" Sighe last time he got mad at me-




" -Yes yes I heard you "

Let's see... Arachnas weakness was as I remember fire... then that shoul be enough....

[ Fire Salamnder! ]



A new summon I made, utilizing the salamander fire attribute dealing with these Arachnid creatures is a peace of cake.

" Go! Burn it salamander! "










* Cree..e.k *


" Nice... thankfully they also allowed us to use our own tools "


Fire salamander takes up a lot of my mana, but still it's worth it. Also, I don't have to worry as I brought some of my artifacts.


Now.... I need to start searching this place more.





