
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

53. Prophecy





In a far away planet, where nature shows its true colors.


The planet's most obvious feature is the greenery covering the entire landscape.


Small houses could be seen built in the giant trees of this green heaven. The habitants of these houses looked extremely similar to humans, except their unusually sharp ears.


The only other exception is how they all seem more beautiful and feminine compared to humans. Even the males looked like some famous cute idols in the human domain. ' Elves ' as described in the novel. Were very friendly and caring for the nature.

Inside what seemed to be the most prominent house, or maybe better described as a whole castle made of wood. An extremely guarded space was suddenly invaded by what seems to be one of those habitants.

 *Slam *


" Hff!...hf!... M-my queen! "

Behind thin transparent curtains, an extremely charming elf who was called ' Queen ' by this elf, the Queen Elizabeth. The reason for covering her appearance is because of her S rank Charm that makes everyone around her act uncomfortable and lose their eyes focus.

" For what reason have you caused this ruckus? "


The young elven male finally caught his breath as he relayed his message to the queen.

" T-the tree is reacting! "


The nonchalant queen had a surprised expression at the mentioning of the 'tree'. Her relaxed expression turned into a serious one as she said in hurry. There was only one tree that could bring such reaction from the queen. The ' World Tree ' known as the wisest of all.

" A Prophecy!! "


The tree after such a long time has shown a reaction which only indicates a vision or what the queen called a prophecy.






Compared to the other trees in this planet. A single tree was so massive that the other trees cannot even account for a single branch of its might and massive size.

Surrounding the grandiose tree were the elves who were In quite the dilemma of the sudden change of the tree.

' The World Tree ' was shaking which scared many of the people who were close by. 


Finally, someone who most of the elves can trust dearly, have emerged to solve their worry.

' The Queen ' Elizabeth, after getting closer to the tree. She put forth her own two hands and embraced the tree.

"Oh.. tree of wisdom... for what purpose have you called me "

{ ----------- }

" A Prophecy? "


{ ----------- }

" The time is near.... " 

{ ----------- }


" ?!! What do you mean the evil will prevail?! "


{ ...... }


" Oh.. wisest of all... I plead... what shall we do to prevent such tragedy ? "


{ ----------- }

" Seek the foreign soul? What do you mean? "


{ ...... }

" This is it?..... sighe..... what in the world is going to happen?..."




In another far away planet, where a war with the demons was ongoing. A huge army of massive muscular green creatures called ' Orcs ' were howling and growling their victory against some demonic creatures.

" Demon! weak! Hahahah!!! "


"" Graaaa!! ""


Little did they know that their little party was being watched by the very same demon who orchestrated this whole war...


" Good....looks like we can proceed with the next step "


Entering the room where the demon was spectating the party of the orcs, another demon bowed and said.

" Lord Mephisto.....The troops are infuriated.... they want to kill more demons...."

Mephisto, the demon of wickedness and trickery, replied in an annoyed tone.....


" How many times did I tell you already? Not now... The liege is still recovering. Also the orcs conceiving season is not even close..."


" But--"


" -Enough. Go and initiate the battle in the west. Again, kill as less as possible. We need as many souls as possible on this planet. We haven't reached the quota yet "

" Yes...Roger that my lord...."




In another planet? No more accurately in a massive galactic station, where machines could easily be seen everywhere.


Many short statured creatures wearing some sort of a space suit, were controlling such advanced and high-tech machines that only are seen in sci-fiction movies.

Inside a monitoring room, a signal started beeping in one of the monitors.

" What is that? "


The person in charge of the monitoring room inquired about the signal. There was no one in the room, yet a robotic voice coming from the monitor responded to the dwarf.

" It's the ship No. 3710, It was lost after being attacked by the race called ' Humans ' "


The AI who united with the dwarves, were working in harmony. The dwarves were their best friends since they were honest and smart to understand them while at the same time the dwarves also had a favorable view of the AI. Not only were they smart, but also very fast and efficient in most of the tasks they find troublesome.

" Hoo? Humans you say? "


" Yes, apparently they managed to recover the central core system. "


The dwarf was surprised at first but then... his expression turned into annoyance...


His impression of humanity was not good. They were greedy and stupid, it even became a slang in the dwarves domain to call someone a human was basically saying they are dumb. However, now these dumb creatures managed to activate a ship which is pretty surprising, yet troubling at the same time.


" Sighe.... I guess this intel is worth bringing to the elders..."



