
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

44. Mythic grade Gauntlets






After three days of searching, I finally have found the cave where that weapon was supposed to be.

"This trait is amazing"

[ Vampires Trait in effect:


- 20% boost in overall stats

- Enhanced Night vision and perception 

- Darkness attribute attacks gains 20% additional damage

- 20% additional defense against Dark related attributes 


- 20% decreased defense against Light-related attribute ]

Unlike last time where I had to use my mobiles flash. Now I can clearly see in the darkness. The reason of course was the vampire traits. What I know is that vampires are stronger in darkness. Their planet source of heat was actually a blue star. It was similar to the star called 'Rigel'. It gave a good heat source and was very bright, however unlike the sun It doesn't weaken the vampires.

Other than darkness favorability, vampires have a stronger physique and more perception to magic than humans. I will probably need to start practicing dark magic spells.

There was this dark magician who was exctriminated as it was a taboo for humans to use similar magic to demons.

I remember that there was a little girl who was born with a huge affinity to dark magic, and she reached the level of S rank in a very young age.

I am pretty sure that she is still alive, but the problem is that she hate humans. She is currently sealed, but that won't be the for long. The seal is at its limit... maybe I can kill her and take whatever she got on darkness magic?

" Do I free her?"

All I know is that her dark magic was in a side quest for the main character to clear. He didn't clear that quest as he wasn't interested in her dark magic. However, in a future ark he had to kill her with his light attribute.


" Let's just focus on this"


'walking deeper into the cave' I met a dead end where nothing but stone was found.

"....where is it?"

In front of me was a dead end made of rocks. Anyone who reaches this point would probably turn back except that the compass would keep directing at a specific part of this wall of rocks.....


I had no idea which part it was, but what I know is that all you need is to gently press it. Once you press it a the workshop will appear behind this wall. The workshop had many good swords, but they weren't the treasure but a mere puzzle to solve. The key to this puzzle was the compass. It would change form a direction to instructions.



Yes! This is it!

'Crack' 'Rumble'


as some sort of a mechanism was initiated, the wall started to crackle and opened like a huge gate.

what appeared behind the gate was a massive blacksmith's workshop.....


" Nice "







In one of the eastern continent forests, there was a huge muscular women sleeping peacefully without a care in the world when all of sudden...


' Beeep ' 'Beeep'


an annoying beeping sound woke the huge women from her deep slumber..


" Huh? It is that compass? What the hell is wrong with it? "

{ Welcome to the Workshop of Puzzles }


"....The hell?"

{ First, find a weapon that has death and life dancing in harmony }


".... Dance?"

{ Congratulations!!! You passed the first step!!! }



{ Secondly, in this weapon there's a a hidden part that describes the importance of---}

{----Congratulations!!! You passed the second step!!!}

" What? It didn't even let me read it..."


{ Congratulations!!! You passed all the trials!! Now you can open the treasury!!!}


".....He said it must important.....Haaaaaah....whatever... let's just go back to sleep..."


Little did this huge women know that she just lost her future strongest friend.....







" It is the exact same puzzles from the novel "

'I remember that the leader of the Freedom group brought a smart person to help her solve the puzzle, there was no time to clear the puzzles. It took them 3 whole days to clear them, luckily I already know the answers so I did it in less than a minute...


" Let's check it out "

[ Doomfist ] [ Mythical Grade ]


{ This item is the subsequent reward for the S rank dungeon ' Giants Domain '. The gauntlets are made from a mythical creature from an ancient extinguished species known as the 'Giants'. Those species were the complete opposite to mages. Before millinias where magic was the ruling power, a single race were known for their ' Anti-magic nature '. They couldn't use magic, but that didn't they were weak. As a matter of fact they were the most feared. Magic to them was a joke. This gauntlet has the ' Anti-magic ' attribute making it possible to crush all magical attacks and barriers. }


" Wow..."


They immediately accustomed themselves into my fist...

" With this my offense is now great "

For now I can deal a great amount of damage, but the problem is still with my senses.

" I am too slow "


Although, I have a good physique and good offensive, but I am too slow to hit or dodge fast attacks.

" Heldon, for example is too quick for me" 

He can quite literally teleport to right behind me and with another spell of his space splitter, It would be the end of me.

"Hmm... there was actually an arcane but the one to get it was the Harold"


It helped him a lot as well...

" Wait?! Why didn't I think of that?!"

The elves had the best dexterity skills, and I can actually contact them easily using a specific ritual.... but in the novel they were neutral and only self centered people... how can I coax them?

" maybe they will like Sali..."


The elves were very perceptive to the feelings of others. If I contact them hastily, they will notice that I had an ulterior motive to learn their swiftness.... but Sali will be like an angel to them.


"She died before even meeting them..."


Do I need to make sure she survives by hunting Ezec? He was a being considered as an immortal because of his ability to become misty. 

" I should kill him "


If Sali was indeed going to be a factor in uniting with the elves then killing Ezec is a small price.

" Can I punch him with this? "

I'm not quite sure as this never happened in the novel... 


In the novel, the freedom group took control over the eastern continent after conquering all the elite families and power houses located over there.

However, when the second invasion happened she was assassinated by a powerful demon. 

" She is just a dumb musclehe-


"-Finally! I found you! "



He scared the living out of me...


" Yes... how did you even know the reward? "

How did he manage to get it this fast?! It was in an A rank dungeon in an island?! Did he clear an A rank dungeon in couple days?!

" Y-you cleared it already?! "

" Yes... it was a piece of cake..."




What a monster... thankfully he seems to be less aggressive now...


" But this feels too good... my heart started to beat again..."


?? Oh right he was in a state where his body was inanimate... now it should be back to normal. The reward was actually a time spell that returns the body one day before. It can revive the dead. What it has done to Heldon is that it returned his body to one day before becoming inanimate.. now he should be normal according to the novel...

" Kid...I have been thinking about it... are you a prophet?"


" It was like 100 years ago, I met this prophet... he also was talking about other races and a demon lord... meeting him was actually the reason in why I was curious about you "


" A prophet?"

" Hmm... looks like you are not one? Then how did you know all of these things? "

Was there really a prophet? I don't remember the novel mentioning anything about it? Could it be a person like me who read the novel? But why... wait... did h-

" Don't even ask about him, I don't know anything other than the fact that he was crazy "




Sighe... always useless infos... 


" Anyway can you return me back? "


