
Extra-ordinary: The Academy

A butterfly effect caused by one explosion changed the fate of the world. This changed the life of 16 years old Elise. After being in a coma for four years, things in the world has changed. The effect of the incident left everyone with a virus that enhanced a particular skill, a unique "Ability". How does Elise try to stabilize her disrupted life as a high school student with abilities? How will her choice affect her life and that of her friends? How would she overcome her new life and all the drama that come with it? Follow Elise as she navigates love, life, memories and abilities in Extraordinary. #EnemiesToLovers #HighSchool #Fantasy #Exes #Drama #Friendship

Ariel14 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 17



"Every muscle in the upper limb has its distinctive location and function. No matter how small and unimportant, it is there for a reason.", The petite lady expressed, pacing in front of the class, hands clasped behind her back.

Like clockwork, the presentation display changed to show a diagram of the muscles of the legs. Stopping in her tracks, Miss Namtan, the human anatomy teacher, angled to the class and posed a question.

"Looking carefully at the image in front of you, who can tell me the muscles that the Achilles tendon binds to the heel bone"

Without taking her eyes off the "Othello" book she was reading, Max held up her hand instantly, "Gastrocnemius, Soleus and Plantaris muscles."

"That is correct, Maxine", she acknowledges before saying, "However, I would prefer you pay attention even if you know everything about this topic"

The mild scolding got Max to drop the book in her possession and focus on the lecture at hand. The 5'4 petite lady was not overly strict with her students but she required utmost concentration during her classes.

"A quick swipe severing this tendon can render one immobile", she gestures with the pointer in the hand littered with silver rings. Her style has always been Bohemian, however, she preferred to keep her chestnut-coloured hair in a high bun.

"Every one of you requires muscles to go about daily activities, even when using your abilities. However, some would rely more on physical strength than others. Still, the knowledge of this class is very important."

Folding her hands in front of her as her hazelnut eyes looked around, the teacher gave a side grin before uttering,

"That reminds me, I know this might be coming too soon but I will let you in on areas you should focus on for your exams, about this subject"

Everyone's ears perked up at the disclosure, eyes widened in expectancy. Just as the freckle-faced lady was about to speak, the bells went off implying the end of that period. A sad groan erupts from the students at the disfavored disruption.

"Oh my! Where has the time gone?", checking her nonexistent watch quickly, "That's the conclusion of class for today. We will continue from here in the next class."

The teacher braced her tablet in her arms and made her way out of the room, her stilettos clicking behind her.


"We almost had it. We were this close, guys. This close! Now we'll never know what to read for anatomy", the ginger-haired girl wailed out dramatically.

"Bri, stop being melodramatic. I can just ask Miss. Namtan next class", Sophie shakes her head while clearing her desk.

Taking her hands off her face, she turns to the class president in realization,

"Oh! That's true. You are a lifesaver, Madam President."

"Bridget, I told you to stop calling me that" "Sorry, your Excellency"

Giving up on arguing with Bri, the brunette pulls out her tablet and turns her focus to it. She just doesn't listen

A loud voice cuts through the air, the culprit posing curtly on her desk. As usual, her school sweater is nowhere to be found, her blond locks pulled back into a messy ponytail, and her plaid skirt falls gracefully over her slim crossed legs.

"Girl's Meeting!!! Code Red!!!"

The alarm left both male and female students confounded.

Sophie massages her forehead in frustration, while Fancy rushed to her feet to diffuse the situation. Hannah, why must you be so loud?

"I'm sorry about that. What Hannah is trying to say is Could the boys please excuse us, we would like to speak to the girls about something", Fancy politely implores the boys

Questioning but complacent, the boys strolled out of the classroom as the girls settled into one group.

"I want to apologize once again for this impromptu meeting and also Hannah's behaviour earlier", the gentle girl said, giving Hannah eye signals to apologize.

"What! I didn't do anything wrong, did I?", the blond girl defended herself with a pout.

"Anyways, why we are gathered here is to talk about a few things. Hannah?"

As quickly as the pout came, the mention of her name ignited joy in her.

"Yes! First things, first before we get into certain gossip", glancing at Bri and Max, "Dresses!", she shouted excitedly.

"Dresses?", Sarah doubted.

"Yes, my weather forecaster. Dresses! There is no ball without pretty dresses. I can already imagine mine, embroidered with flowers. Oh! I wonder what blossom I should go with or what colour I should choose. The baby breathes would go great with blue but daisies and yellow–"

A cough paused her rambling. Seeing our blank faces gazing at her, she quickly gave a shy apology.

"Hehe. Sorry. About the dresses, because the ball is so close, we all need to get our colour and designs to the dressmakers today"

"But that is too soon, Hannah. Right guys?", Elise's remark sparked agreement from the girls.

"I'm sorry about the short notice guys. This is due to the number of dresses needed to be made and also to allow room for any form of adjustments", Sophie tried to make us see the reasons why.

With no other option, we all agreed on the issue.

"We decided to go with an antique theme. All forms of aesthetic decorations will be guided by Hannah. Hannah, please, don't overdo it with the flowers. The technical and other aspects will be directed by Fancy and I. Elise?"


"You will help coordinate the Ice sculptures and beverages."

"Human freezer? Got it, Mrs President ma'am", Elise teased, earning a high five from Bri.

"Bri, you are getting more minions under your belt", Sophie murmured under her breath.

"Moving on, Sarah will be in charge of the weather. These were Hannah's words, not mine by the way."

"Blondie, you are lucky I have been taking yoga lately", the tall girl threatened.

"Proceeding before anyone gets struck down by lightning, for any technical or electrical requests, see Pelz and Tome. If you can help in any way, don't forget to see us. That's all for now?", the brunette questioned turning to Fancy for any extra input.

"Yes, that would be all", Fancy confirmed.

"We have to go prepare now but don't forget to send in your dress ideas and colour. Hannah, I need the list of flowers you want to grow. It needs to match the theme", The busy girl replied mindlessly, typing away on her tablet.

Just as she asked, a green vine wriggled its way out of the blonde's hair and wrapped around the length of her arm. Different flowers bloomed along the body of the vine as Hannah explained each flower to Sophie, while Fancy watched diligently.


A knock was heard.

"Is it safe to come in now?"

A few shadows appeared behind the door of the classroom. The boys were hoping to go back to the room.

"Yeah, you guys can come in."

With that comment, the boys trooped in to mingle with the ladies and a symphony of voices followed.

Tome, with Sanya following right behind, sauntered to where Elise and her girls were chatting about their dresses. Taking a seat in front of the grey-haired girl, he tried to listen in on their conversation.

"Tome, you know it's wrong to eavesdrop", his partner cautioned loudly.

From his seating position on the desk behind the smaller boy, Sanya reached forward and ruffled his hair. The gesture earned a scrawl and blush of pink from Tome.

"Stop, you'll mess up my hair. Don't tell me you are not even a bit interested in what they secretly talked about"

"We spoke about Boob. Big, gigantic, jiggly breasts. Soft like a cloud–"

"Bri!" Sanya's palms blanketed the ears of the awe-struck boy from listening further.

"Jesus, Bridget! Do you want to kill the boy? He is almost as red as Sarah's hair"

Elise turned to the traumatized boy and softly said, "We definitely didn't say that, we talked about the party coming up. You know how this big-headed girl can be."

"Maybe we didn't talk about it, but I thought about it", Bri held a wicked grin on her face, her tone, naughty.

"Inside thoughts, Bri. Inside thoughts", Even quiet Max had to leave a low-toned remark from behind her book. Max, you know it is not too late to get a new partner.

"Not to pry or anything, but... what are your plans for the special day coming?" Elise wriggled her brows at the lovebirds sitting close to her. Elise took it upon herself to change the subject of discussion. Maybe it will calm Tome down a little, or not. Judging by the speechless look and bright ears of the younger boy, it was surely the latter.

Sanya responded, smoothing out the strand on Tome's head, "Let's just say, it will be an eventful day for me and my baby boy." He sealed his words with a sniff kiss on the cheek.

"Hey hey! No PDA in class. Respect our eyes", the PDA police in the person of Bri clamoured, to which Sanya buried a peck on his partner's lips instead.

The whole time, Elise observed them giggling at their antics. Even Max cracked a small smile from behind her book.

Suddenly, Elise felt eyes on her. Glancing around, she attempted to find who was gazing at her so intensely. Then, her eyes met the culprit. Samuel. For what felt like minutes, they sustained eye contact until a body obstructed the grey-haired girl's vision.

A pair of warm hands steered her head away from that direction. Who on earth dares to touch–

"Oh, it's you", Elise could feel her eyes almost roll to the back of her head.

The source of her irritation leaned into the seat right beside her. Adjusting to his regular seating style, Elise found herself gaping at him. His closed eyes and lids were slightly sheltered behind white messy overgrown waves of hair. Sporting a crested sleeveless cardigan, the uniform tie peaking out of the crevices of the V-neck, that's a new look, his white shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbow, signature. Trent was attractive; his attitude, however, was quite confusing.

Meanwhile, Max pausing her book, caught how Elise stared intensely at the zoned-out Trent. Even while observing, the lone hand that mistakenly fell on her thighs didn't catch her by surprise. Only one pixie head would be sly enough to do that.

Slowly, the wandering hand crept along the sides of her skirt. The owner of the hand in question kept a nonaligned face on as she poked fun at the male couple in front of her. Just before it made contact with skin, Max dropped her book on the hand, halting it.

Bri, interpreting that as a sign of refusal, quickly withdrew her hand, placing it on the desk in front of her. Playing the rejection off with a smile.

Engrossed in eye-tracing the veins on his arm, Elise didn't notice the now cognizant Trent had leaned into her space,

"Princess, if you want these arms around you, all you need to do is ask", Trent's woody voice whispers. His breath fanned the startled girl's ear, a stray curl brushing his pointed nose. Vanilla with a hint of the ocean breeze. Coconut oil?

"Shut up. You... In your dreams. I wasn't staring at you or anything," Elise rambled frantically, firing glares at the stoic male. Oak...Rapeseed...Honey.

A small smirk flickered on Trent's face as he watched the petite girl panic. He couldn't pinpoint when precisely it started but he felt the need to push her buttons. Anything to work a reaction out of her. Childish, but adorable. Close friends before the accident but the space of four years caused a rift in their relationship.

Why do I feel this way around you?

Catching the sight of Trent staring, her eyes met his and quickly fell to his lips. The memory of their kiss projected in her head. Choking on her breath, she fell into a fit of coughs.

"Elise, are you okay? Do you need water?"

The bubbly Hannah came to the startled girl's aid, Senza lurking behind.

"I'm... cough... fine cough. I just choked on my... hmm... cough... breath"

Elise reassured a worried Hannah that it wasn't anything serious, just before the girl attempted to sprint off in search of water. Shooting the fire user beside her a mean stink eye, This is your fault, making me feel things. He just shrugged lazily, concealing a small smile.

"Do you think they..."

"They could have..."

"Could have what?"

"This is not for your innocent ears, Tome"

Mischief was evident in both their words and expression as they goggled at Elise and Trent. Bri and her blond minion were certainly up to no good.

"Whatever you are assuming, stop. It did not happen and it never is going to. Kill that thought right now, you two"

Communicating an agreed look, they chorused at the exact time, "They absolutely did"

"Bridget! Hannah!"

"San, what are they talking about?", Tome cooed to his partner behind him.

Despite seeing the pout on the younger boy's lips, Sanya just ruffled his hair and dismissed him. The copper-haired boy found himself staring at the pouty lips. Those pretty lips would look even better around my —-. Shutting out the racy thoughts, the tie around his neck seemed a bit tighter as he eased the grip. You are lucky we are in public, baby boy or else I would have wiped that pout off your face.

The boy in question, oblivious to his partner's thoughts, still sulking about being kept in the dark.

Bri was busy listening in on Hannah when she felt a hand brush her pants. For a brief second, she assumed it was a play of her imagination. Until she felt the hand rest firmly on her thigh.

"I was thinking of planting more cherry blossoms. There can never be too much pollen. Pink is the theme colour for the day. We agreed that red might be too "in your face", you know..."

From the corner of her eyes, the owner of the hand was still focused on the book held in her other hand. Maybe her hand fell on me by mistake. Then, a quick squeeze. Most definitely not a mistake! The slim palm caressed around a spot as Bri tried, and failed, to follow along with Hannah's ramblings.

Gradually, painstakingly slowly, the slender fingers crept along the sides of her thighs, drawing grazing strokes. Max, what is this? Why are you torturing me?

Bri could feel her brain fog up, unable to keep up with the surrounding discussion.

All her senses focused on the lingering touches left on her legs.

Like Vote and Leave a comment or else, Bri will give a 1-hour presentation on the beauty of boobies.


Dear Chingus,

I decided to stick with the third POV for the chapter as you can see. It gives us a better knowledge of other characters' thoughts and manner of speech.

BL: Bed Friends episode 7 was sad asf.

Don't forget to check Rendezvous in High School and comment on what pair of smut you want to see.

I also decided that I will put the smut chapter in this book. You don't have to read it if it's not your cup of tea.

I am also thinking of doing a Trent POV but not yet. I will be writing a smut scene for our girls. It will be up on the smut book earlier than here. I have so many ideas planned up for the Ball!!! *twirls in Cinderella*.

Drink water, sleep well and use sunscreen. Love ya


"Living for you- Phuwin. Never let me go ost."