
EXTRA: In The World Of Mages

Michael a normal teenager found himself in the world of novel when he wake up inside the body of Ian a teenager who awakened rather special talent and the protagonist-half brother who never was part of the story

IanHolmes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


Waking up in the morning I was extremely hungry so ordered myself a breakfast and checked out of the hotel and left for the bank.

Rune-masters are special and privileged people in this world and no matter which planet you go to you are given special treatment and banks also give them these special privileges of taking a loan up to a million dollars against their rune-master's certificate.

Most of the time rune-masters come from a rich family so it is rare to take a loan. Entering the bank i was first suspected of fraud but after checking my certificate i was given a loan.

I didn't waste any time and ordered a few things required for my plan with a standard quality rune paper and ink from the Mage's Association, they were extremely expensive and cost 700K Arcas.

"Now for the final step"

"First draw the reverse energy conversion rune circuit, on the rune paper and then connect input through rune ink and then here is the outlet"

The whole thing took the whole day for me to complete and i have to use tens of mana potion to complete this circuit, in the world runes are a very important and every planet and civilization are very strict about research and development of these runes.

This reverse energy conversion rune can use electric energy and convert it into mana, this is done by very simple rune formations but then also it is very tricky, for greater races it is not a rare to find these but for the planet i live in now it is a a huge thing and can earn me a lot.

I once again entered the Mage Association's building and submitted my rune project to the council for checking and once again checked in the hotel for spending a night.

Early in the morning i didn't have anything to do i can start cultivating to get stronger but mana in this hotel is not very abundant and it will take me days to step on my first realm so i decided not to and instead went on shopping.

I have more than 200k right now and i don't have any clothes to wear. I went to a nearby shopping complex and bought some nice sets of clothes for me, mostly casuals and a black suit for myself.

After shopping i got myself a haircut and checked in a nice hotel for a week for me to stay.

3 Days After,

"Ok now then it's time for the rune projects submitted by the rune-masters ok well this time we don't have much only 5 projects are there so let's start"

"First is usage of aviation runes with a combination of wind and lightning elementals to increase the speed of the vehicle "


As an old man was speaking from the high platform a sudden voice disturbed him, looking at the source of the voice he was also surprised,

"Master Reeves don't you want to look at this project"

"No, i already checked it the idea is good but it's not the first time we received this and it isn't the first time we get to see the lightning element destroying the carrier itself"


"But yes i do have more interesting project"

"Interesting one you say"

From one of the chairs a middle-aged man with a thick moustache got up and walked towards the platform where the old man was sitting on his wheel chair.

"Yes, a very interesting one the number fourth reverse energy conversion rune circuit"


Hearing the name of the project everyone in the hall was surprised.

"Yes, you heard it right, you see this"

He called the prototype that Ian made and showed everyone it's working

"This formation can convert electric energy to mana which is the exact opposite of what we do now and the rate of conversion reach is as high as 80% and really what you can say"

Listening to the middle aged man everyone in the room was in a state of shock, looking at the working and the perfection of the model no one could hide their excitement and also began to carefully study.

"It's truly amazing i don't know which genius made this"

"I did a check on it and found out the person who created this model is called Ian Holmes, he awakened a month ago and was in coma due to it and 4 days ago he registered himself as a rune-master"

"Impressive, which family does he belong to"

"Well, he is an orphan i was also a little curious so I checked and found out he doesn't receive any official education on runes and according to his statement it was an old man who taught hi"

"Really amazing who is this oldman?"

"Well we didn't find any information about him"

"Hmm, let's visit this young prodigy ourselves, Reeves"