
Extra's Perfect Ending

John has been reading [The Legend of Divine Twig] for years, but at the end, the author rushes through it, leaving him with a bad taste in his mouth. He furiously contacts the author, stating he could have done better. To his surprise, the Author replied to him with one word Bet John has been plucked from his room into the world of the divine and wretches. He enjoys reading the novel but he wouldn't want to be in it. The world is full of hotel knights, priest, mysticism and worst of all eldritch horror.

Divichan02 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
314 Chs


Reeva is having the best time of his life right now. For the first time in his life, he felt mystic power came from outside. 

He got his first prayer! His story about the star giving them good luck works! He went around many houses, spreading the word about the star.

Naturally, his position as an apostle helps his legitimacy. It would not be this effective if he was a radom guy trying to sell his lucky charm. No doubt he would get reported as a heretic.

And even with his reputation, only like two people pray for his good luck. But he knew that much more would be coming. He just needed to keep the hustle up.

Max is also quite supportive of this activity; he thought that Reeva was supporting the church. Which helped Reeva spread the star around.