
Extra's Magic


Gurdon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
209 Chs

River monsters

"I should've been an archer..."

Looking at the massive Lava Drake, gazing at me with its eerie eyes, I sighed. There was simply no way I could fight this monster with my sword.

I didn't want to be blasted away by its Fire Blast, so I couldn't get close enough to land any hits.


A thought of using Explosive pebbles crossed my mind but I quickly discarded the idea. I didn't have enough time to prepare them...

My eyes scanned the area, trying to find anything that could help me in this dire situation.

However, no matter how hard I looked, there was nothing but barren land and the looming presence of the Lava Drake.

I could feel the sweat trickling down my forehead, mingling with the dirt on my face. I somehow had to find a way to kill this creature.
