
Experiment 37B

On a Monday just like any other, the world changes for Ivan and every other inhabitant of the planet. After a voice announces the start of Experiment 37B, a new age starts. One that is focused on the dungeons and the futuristic tools that come with it. Ivan is just another university student when the whole world changes. With the coming of the dungeons and the system, the world changes and the people change with it. Just like many others, Ivan starts his new life. A life, that is full of dungeons, monsters, and growth. Follow him embarking on his journey.

IvanDeSchreck · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Planetary Spirit

[[ Congratulations, you have gained the achievement, "Forerunner of crafting", for crafting the first item using a self-developed script. ]]

[[ Congratulations, you have gained an achievement and have thus been deemed worthy of the Planetary Spirit System. ]]

[[ Info: The Planetary Spirit System (PSS) is a system designed to help those worthy of increasing the level of the planetary spirit. It contains a quest system with rewards as well as other functions that can be unlocked at higher spirit levels. ]]

These messages appeared in Ivan's tired mind. As soon as he read them, his tired mind was also filled with information containing the planetary spirit.

He slowly worked through them, attempting to understand them and find out how they would affect him.

According to the information, a planetary spirit was the spirit of a habitable planet. It was similar to the spirits of humans or animals and plants. But while it was a spirit it wasn't directly intelligent. It was more an instinct-based thing, which strived for self-improvement.

It had a symbiotic relationship with the inhabitants of the planet, in that it used its waste energy to provide useful items in the form of dungeon drops while using the inhabitants to structure the energy it had attracted to a form it could absorb. This structuring process was done by having the inhabitants run dungeons.

There was more to it, but these things weren't available yet, since the planetary spirit still had too low a level and Ivan too wasn't privy to the details yet.

What was important to him currently was that he was deemed important to the further development of the planetary spirit and had thus been granted access to the PSS, something that would surely be of huge help in the future.

Having gotten a rudimentary understanding of the planetary spirit he opened the PSS to have a look.

The interface looked just like a game menu. There was only one menu entry available currently, while another was currently greyed out.

He selected the only available menu, which was "Quests" and in front of him, a list appeared. Although to call it a list was a bit overkill since it currently only contained two entries.

[[ Quest: Advance the Spirit

Type: PSS

Task: Clear "Tower of Challenge" floor 10

Description: To advance the planetary spirit of Terra it is necessary to clear the current maximum floor of the "Tower of Challenge", which is floor 10.

! This quest can be finished by any inhabitant of Terra.


- First clearer: 10 Achievement points

- Others: 5 Achievement points


This quest seemed to be something like the main quest. It was designed to increase the level of the planetary spirit and could be done by any inhabitant of Terra. So even if someone without the PSS cleared the 10th floor first, he would only get 5 Achievement points by clearing the 10th floor as well.

Anyway, since he had only cleared the first floor currently, this still seemed far away for Ivan. Not to mention the fact that other more talented fighters had already cleared the fourth floor according to the forums.

He would just go at his own speed and earn the 5 points when he cleared the floor.

He then checked out the second quest to see if it was something more fitting for him.

[[ Quest: Practice makes a Master (1)

Type: Chain

Description: Only by repeatedly doing an action can you really master it.

Task: Craft 0/ 100 iron ingots out of iron rods

Reward: 2 Achievement points


And truly, this quest seemed to be much more tailored towards the action, which had gotten him access to the PSS.

Now the big question was how much 2 achievement points were worth. Since he currently had no access to the shop he couldn't check what could be gained from them.

Anyway, he had already planned to do exactly what the quest told him to do since he wanted to sell knives. So making iron ingots out of the iron rods was already necessary for him to do. For now, he would just use his newly crafter iron ingot and make another knife.

He wasn't planning to sell the second knife but wanted it as a backup. Only from the third one on would he sell them, although he hadn't yet found a good way to do so.

Feeling a bit more rested, he put the goblin leather into the NAT and once again selected the blueprint. Compared to using scripts, blueprints were so much more relaxed to use. He only had to use EC and the materials and would then get the item he wanted.

Soon a new knife appeared inside the NAT and after taking it out, it was now time for him to make a decision. Was he going to the second floor today or should he delay it until tomorrow?

If he went into the next floor and was too tired after it, then he just might miss the first class tomorrow. Usually, he wouldn't care about missing one class, but tomorrow the one who would teach the first class would be the Ice Witch. And nobody would want to miss her class.

In some way, the Ice Witch was an unusual teacher. She was the youngest and most beautiful teacher at the university. But if you expected her to be popular because of that, then you would only be partially right. Sure her beauty enticed many young boys and even older men, but all that was overshadowed by her personality and behavior.

Nobody had ever seen a smile on her beautiful face. And nobody had ever escaped her ice-cold stare if they did something bad. And the stare was only the best part. Her punishments were renowned for being cruel and imaginative. Hell, some people had even started to cry when they heard that they would have her as a teacher, so fearsome was her reputation. And it was a reputation that was well deserved.

At the start of the semester, someone had forgotten to do his homework and she had punished him by assigning double the amount. And if he failed, then she would directly fail him.

Basically, the students had created some rules when interacting with her. First, don't make any mistakes. And if you do, accept the punishment and finish it in time. As long as there was no talking back or not doing the punishment, then she would treat you like any other student.

Also even though she might seem like a horrible, scary teacher, in truth she was extremely talented in teaching. As long as you didn't fail her class because of missing your punishment, then it was nearly impossible to fail her classes. And this was not because the tests at the end were easy. By just comparing them with tests for the same class, held by other teachers, it was easy to see that they were the opposite. They were harder than most, which could only mean that the students had learned a lot during her lessons.

Anyway, all of this wasn't important to him currently. The question was just if he would manage to get up in time tomorrow if he did another dungeon run today. He took a look at the clock and saw that it was ten in the evening, which basically meant that he would be able to sleep for at least six hours. Coupled with the higher recovery rate, this should be enough, especially since he didn't think the dungeon would be that hard.

The information on the internet concerning the second floor was already quite detailed. After all, many had cleared it already.

He once again checked the forums to look at the information and what he found made him sure that he would be able to finish it without any trouble. After all, the first floor had become surprisingly easy after he had gotten his new knife. And the second shouldn't be much harder, as long as he was able to instantly kill his enemies, something with which his knife would help a lot.

His backpack was also already filled, so there was nothing holding him back from trying.

Having come to his decision of once again going into the dungeon he stood up and selected the second floor of the "Tower of Challenge" in his dungeon menu.

Just like with the first floor, a portal appeared in his bedroom. As soon as he entered it, he would then be on the second floor of the dungeon. He once again checked his equipment and when he found his backpack on his back and one knife on his hip, while holding onto the other, he took a deep breath and entered the portal.