
The one who knocks

"I don't care if I like it! just make it.." Sha Na was hysterical before suddenly passing out. "Teacher what did you do?" Lilan Ka was watching the entire time and only saw Sidia Ari wave his hand. "I merely put her to sleep now that she's unconscious the spell should cancel." Shortly after the rain began to slow down before winding to a stop.


"Oh look it stopped raining!" Intalru shouted as he willed an opening in the side of the hut and jumped into the mud.. "Seems like sister doesn't approve." Amanda said before jabbing Velma's ribs with her elbow and jumping down after Intalru. "... but.. but.. ugh!" Velma stomped out of the hut after her companions.

After sitting in the wagon for a few moments to clear his head, Intalru decided to hook the Auroch back up to their reigns before using 'Move earth' to bring fresh dry soil to the surface creating a small road ahead of them. Once the girls joined him in the wagon Intalru snapped the reigns signaling the Auroch to resume their March. ... ... ... "That was rather sudden don't you think?" Amanda said trying to break the silence. "Yeah.." Intalru replied absentmindedly. "Why do you think Sha Na made it rain just to stop it a few minutes later?" "Dunno." Amanda tried carrying the conversation but Intalru just wasn't into it.. Realizing that He wasn't going to continue Amanda glared at Velma and made a chopping motion with her hand before climbing in the back with the disgruntled Daphnaie.

(Why did you go and do that!! now he won't say anything what were you thinking‽) Amanda scolded Velma mentally. (I couldn't help it.. it was dark, and he was close and..) (Shut it! I thought we agreed on going slow and making him like us! The hardcore seduction was supposed to be last resort remember?) Amanda cut Velma off mid thought. (I can't help it! I don't know why I'm like this around him! I'm supposed to hate men but he's all I can think about.. what's wrong with me?) Velma was having an existential crisis and began rocking back and forth while gripping her head.. (D@mn.. you got it bad girl.. ok what were you thinking would have happened when you tried making a move on him? if he didn't reject you how far would you have went?) (I.. I don't know.. I figured as far as he went..) Velma replied before she started blushing..

Pow! Amanda dropped her fist on Velma's head (What was..) Pow! Pow! Slap! Amanda cut Velma off by continuing her assault this time she even smacked her(Stop! what are you doing!) Velma roared internally catching Amanda's hands and began over powering the Myconid. (How come someone so stupid was graced with such beauty! It's not fair!!) Amanda was screaming in Velma's head so loud it caused the Daphnaie to lose her grip. (What are you talking about‽) Velma said before lunging at Amanda again.

Amanda kicked Velma away before standing up and waving her arms frantically. (I'm talking about how I'm a better fit for him mentally but physically I look like a giant dumpy mushroom! Look at me! now look at you! How is this fair?) Amanda was crying while pointing at herself.

(What is it with you two!!) Velma stomped towards the Myconid angrily (He said he's too ugly for me, you say you're too ugly for him! why can't you guys just deal with the way you're born? I think you're both good looking! besides if you hate how you look just raise your charisma! or learn true polymorph, or some other shape shifting spell why are you blaming me‽) Velma got right in Amanda's face and roared mentally.

(You have no idea what it's like! even if I change my shape I'll still know what I am on the inside..) Amanda cast 'Repulsion' causing Amanda to take a few steps back involuntarily. (What's that even supposed to mean? You just said you're a better fit for him! Get your cap out of your @$$ and deal with the fate you're given or change it!) Velma stomped back to the front of the wagon leaving Amanda to contemplate on her own.

"Hey Intalru! I know I was pushy earlier but I like you.. like a lot! and I know you just want to be friends for a while I get it.. I mean not really but if that's what you want then fine I'll deal with it until you want to move forward or push me away.. But you gotta talk to Amanda she thinks she's ugly and you need to prove her wrong!" Velma was shaking Intalru the whole time she was telling at him.

"What?.. wait how's that my.." Intalru began before Velma cut him off. "Now!" Velma pushed Intalru into the wagon easily over powering him since he wasn't shape shifted..Suddenly they felt the wagon lurch to a halt. "We aren't moving another inch until she stops crying!" Velma roared from the driver's seat. "Sorry.." Amanda said meekly to Intalru. "What's going on?" Intalru asked while taking a step closer to Amanda before he felt the effects of her 'Repulsion' But since his will power was insanely high he was able to ignore it and sat down next to the silent sobbing Myconid.. "Its nothing.." "If it was nothing Velma wouldn't have pushed me back here to cheer you up.. let that sink in for a moment VELMA! sent me to check on you.."

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!!" Velma shouted from the front of the wagon. "I thought you were going to let me talk to Amanda alone.." Intalru mumbled "Doesn't mean you can drag my name into it!" Velma shouted back before huffing..

Velma decided to hop off of the wagon and mess with the Auroch to give Intalru and Amanda some space.


Zul Sha and Uru Elna were sitting by the rivers side while she recited her speech. "Greetings young champion and future hero of draconians through the realms, We are truly honored to have you as one of our own and so have prepared a great feast for your arrival.." "And?" Zul Sha asked expectantly "And what? that's all I should have to say right?" Uru Elna replied before reaching down to pull the net they placed the fish in out of the water.. "Are you daft! you didn't even mention Bahamut or Tiamat!" Zul Sha shouted

"Ok which one should I mention first then?" Uru replied with a sky grin whilst tapping her tail against the ground patiently. "This.. That!.. Uhh.. ok maybe we shouldn't mention them separately how about saying Champion of the dragon gods?" Zul Sha sputtered for a moment before regaining his confidence. "What about the other dragon gods then? what if he doesn't have their favor?" "..." Zul Sha raised on claw before closing his mouth and mumbling to himself for a moment.. "Fine! but at least sound dignified when you're giving the speech." Zul Sha relented and used shape water to create a water bubble around the netted fish making them float along after the duo as they made the journey back to their village.


After playing with the Auroch for nearly an hour Velma noticed some movement inside the wagon before Intalru and Amanda hopped out. "Thanks Velma.." Amanda said sheepishly before she began patting a nearby Auroch. "No problem, are we good to go now?" Velma asked Intalru. "Yeah let's head out, Amanda do you mind casting 'Haste' on the Auroch again? we should be able to make the village before nightfall." "Sure.." A slight glow was seen coming off of the bovine before Amanda made her way into the wagon. with everyone on board they continued to Intalru's village.

...Six hours later...

Sha Na was wearing a hat made of reed's whille waiting by the village entrance hoping to be the first one to greet her brother. She shooed Zul Sha and the other elders away by saying. "He would be happier to see his sister than a bunch of old lizards he never met before.." Seeing as none of the elders could come up with a valid argument and Zul Sha was incapable of speech since he was vomiting blood they unanimously decided she should be the greeter.. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! A loud banging noise could be heard from the other side of the giant wooden doors that led into the village.

"Is that you Intalru!!" Sha Na shouted. "We are the ones who knock.." A kind voice echoed across Sha Na's mind. Suddenly she heard the sounds of combat from the other side of the door. "None of these people will catch that reference spore for brains!" a melodic voice could barely be heard.. "Umm is my brother one of the knockers?" "Open up Sha Na I'm home!" Intalru shouted much to Sha Na's joy. Sha Na waved to the gatemen as a signal for them to unbar the door and swing the gates open.

The doors swung wide to allow Intalru and company into the village. The first thing Intalru noticed was his sister bounding at him at top speed! Thud! "Oof!" "Haha I can bully you again!" Apparently Sha Na remembered how Intalru was stronger than her for a while so she focused a few levels towards strength much to Zul Sha's displeasure..

The second thing he noticed was the aroma of raw meat and fish in the air.. "Told you guys we were gonna have a feast.." Amanda said smugly

sorry for the delay who would have thought I would get an upper respiratory infection the first day I go on vacation in three years..

Sum12hatecreators' thoughts