

More powerful than the Lucifer... She turned heads, could lure any man with her emerald orbs that could hypnotize. Lucifer needed someone like Exoticá Exotica needed someone like Lucifer.

theAkuhle · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

0| Prologue


There was a stripper from Vegas.

Exotic was her middle name, because that's what she did. She did exotic things, with exotic moves, cause she was an exotic creature. Her long legs wrapped around the pole and her turquoise blue hair moved in motion before the hairy men's chest.

Men stare in awe as she moves her slim yet toned body to the rhythm of the song. Her eyes that shine like emeralds seduce those who dare look her way.

And one day, she caught the eye of a certain mafia lord...


She heard a lot about him. He was what every body called him but she wasn't ever fazed. Exotica was far from fearful and intimidated. In fact, she was the one who could intimidate people, she turned heads. She was always called out because of the color of her skin- the envious and dirty looks said it all.

She didn't have a care in the world because she could lure every gender that existed.

She feared no man, who are the easiest in her eyes. She was gallant, valiant, a dragon, the emerald orbs that could hypnotize, was about to see Lucifer, for the first time.

Exoticá poured herself a shot of tequila and made sure to close the glass bottle. She could feel a certain stare.

She didn't know who it was, or if it was just her imagination, but without her even thinking- she whipped her head to the right. She was met with- not electric, not piercing blue or blue oceans eyes. Not a stormy grey, but an innocent, yet, not, looking emerald orbs. They almost matched hers as she felt like she was staring at a reflection of her own ones.

He was tan, a sharp jaw that made it look like it was cut just for him- what made it all better was his midnight black hair, along with his beard that was perfectly cut.

They locked eyes and his stare was utterly unreadable. The right edge of her lip twitched but she refused to smirk. Suppressing it, she tore her gaze away and downed her tequila with one gulp.

I could feel him staring holes into me but I ignore him. "Jason," his name slips out of her mouth. "You never fail to make me feel uncomfortable," she looks up to the blue eyed man.

"It's something you're most probably used to," She purse my lips at his words. "Why the hell would I feel comfortable in a room of over 20 men, basically eye fucking me?"

"I don't blame them," Jace, my 'brother' jumps in. "I don't know of any brother that says that," says Exoticá, her face scrunching up. "That's because it's my brother saying it," I almost jump when I hear the voice from behind. I look at the tan skin idiot who was my actual brother- no blood relation but he was- and you know that moment where you can't even see the difference between twins? Like at all? Yeah, it gets hard.

As they get older it somehow changes and they start to look like brothers. Instead of twin brothers. "Could you stop doing that?" she glares at him. He never stopped wanting to scare her. It was like his hobby. "Oh my," her eyes follow Jason's.

"What?" she utters, curiosity always getting the better of her. "That man is gawking,"

"Duh, now why wouldn't he?" Jace rolls his eyes. "She's the most beautiful women here,"

"Is he a; somewhat over 6ft, emerald eyed and has gorgeous tan skin?"

"Hon do you know him? Because he just can't stop looking but I can't lie and say his not a hot one," Jace looks at me and I nearly turn around- nearly. "I think everyone knows who the Lucifer is. But not every body is fazed nor triggered by him," she respond.

"Bold," An unfamiliar yet intoxicating voice overtakes. It was husky, cold and absent. It held no emotions whatsoever but what had her thinking about it was it's- uniqueness. "What a bold thing to say," He says again. "but I don't blame you. Coming from a strong, independent, hooker- like you... it's cute. Very acceptable. Wouldn't expect any less,"

She finally turns around and she's see the now familiar emerald orbs. Lucifer had the perfect jawline, face, skin, the perfect suit, and tie. He was good looking- one thing she couldn't lie about.

"Coming from a Don, it's not the least bit shocking- you're just impersonating Satan anyways, you're not as good and bad as you think you are,"

She knew from the moment he called a hooker- that he and her would never get along.

And that the "Lucifer" had met his mate.

exoticá is here!!! more of it coming very soon ;)

keep reading The Victim & Silent Cries everybody!

thank u!

theAkuhlecreators' thoughts