
Execrable Salvation

"Ye who acts righteousness will suffer greatly, only thee who cunningly wise will prevail," mutters Arnel as he stood on top of the mountains of human corpses. knowing the world he lived in is a brutal and unforgiving world for the naive and weak, he discarded his old self and become a person who is driven to survive by any means. even by taking advantage of others to suit his goals. "I will survive... even in this wretched world, I will survive..."

Rinal_Cruz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Episode 9

(The next morning)


[I never felt this well rested in both of my lifetimes. And I can see Naiah is still sleeping soundly next to me. This bed is amazing I tell you…] (Arnel)

(swipe hair gently)

(eyebrows twitches)

"Nnh… mornin…" (Naiah)

[pff! Naiah can be cute sometimes. Though they say, looks can be deceiving. She's practically a walking calamity powder keg that could go up explode anytime. Those fools at the orphanage is literally spelled their own death after treating her harshly in the past. Speaking of the orphanage… I guess that wench Sola haven't open the envelope that she took away from me. But at the time she does, we will be long gone from this kingdom. Too bad I can't see the face she makes when she found out that I switch the envelops with fakes.] (Arnel)

(at the same time)

(the orphanage)



"What did you say…?" (Sola)

"…. We were unable to find both the little witch and Arnel anywhere within the capital city-…." (Barek)


"Ack!" (Barek)


"I gave you a strict order to watch for them, didn't I…?" (Sola)


"I even let you become the head of those idiots that I had placed all over the capital, but you still failed to find them!?" (Sola)

(quickly prostrating on the floor)

"P-please give me a chance once more! I will-…" (Barek)

"Silence!" (Sola)


"Murn!" (Sola)

"Yes, my mistress…?" (Murn)

"Take and "deal" with him. Make it look like an accident-…" (Sola)

"N-no….! P-please give me another chance…! I will do everything even if it cost me my life…! Please!!!" (Barek)

(pinned down!)

"No…! P-please, mercy…!!" (Barek)

"…..no, I change my mind." (Sola)


"T-then-…" (Barek)

"Just kill him." (Sola)


"Wha-…?" (Barek)

"Make it as painful as you can, Murn. Feed his body to the dogs for all I care." (Sola)

"Yes, mistress. Up you go…" (Murn)

"N-no please! Please have mercy…!! Mistress-… ghaak…!" (Barek)


"Take that "thing" out from my sight!" (Sola)

(drag away harshly)

(door shut!)

(bit nail)

[dammit, dammit, dammit!!! Useless! All of them are useless fucks! Out of all my money making slaves, Arnel is the one who contributed most to my pocket changes! Now that he's gone, I can't even hope to survive till next month! Those ruthless bastard loan sharks will eat me alive if I fail to pay them the amount that I borrow from them that I lost in the gladiatorial battles by the end of the month! What should I do now…?! Should I sell some of my toys away for extra money…? But I can do so without the approval from the director! Even though he gave his approval, all the money will go to him!] (Sola)

"Fuck!!!" (Sola)

[damn you, Arnel…! After all I done to you, you dare ran away!?] (Sola)


"Mark my words. If I catch you and that witch of yours, I will make sure you'll never even thinking of running away again!" (Sola)

(at the same time)

(Arden's market streets)

"*aaa… choo!" (Arnel)

[damn… why am I felt a sudden cold? Am I gonna be sick? Winter is approaching quickly…] (Arnel)

"Cold?" (Naiah)

(check temperature)

"Maybe." (Arnel)

"Should we head back to the inn?" (Naiah)

"No. We still have things to do." (Arnel)

[we head out early in the morning to the market streets to find some goods to spend our money with. Since I had planned to leave Arden by road toward our next destination. Though, there are plenty goods that we can procure since this town was the hub for local farmers to sell their goods with the best prices to barter, I haven't managed to find the most important item that we need for our journey.] (Arnel)

"Oh? Fancy to see you here, youngster." (Old Gentleman)

[its the old gentleman we met yesterday. Is he doing shopping as well? By the looks of it, he had a vibe of an aristocrat. But I haven't seen any of those arrogant nobles go out in the streets without any bodyguard with them.] (Arnel)

"Is this the first time you youngster in Arden?" (Old Gentleman)

"Indeed, Ser…?" (Arnel)

"Its Garland. And oh, please don't be too courteous with me, I'm not a noble. Well, not anymore. I'm only a lowly merchant who makes a living after all." (Garland)

[Then again, he's an ex noble. But turned merchant huh? This guy might be useful…] (Arnel)

"Kind Ser, may I ask where I can buy a cart for peddling uses?" (Arnel)

"Hoho…? Polite and direct to the point, aren't we lad? Youngster like you are rare in this time of age. But I may be unable to helped you with your findings." (Garland)

"Why is that, Ser?" (Arnel)

"It will be hard for you to procure such item in this place. Horse pulled cart is a luxurious commodity for anyone who isn't a merchant to have. But…" (Garland)

"But?" (Arnel)

(approach nearer)

"If you interested, come and find me at the inn this noon." (Garland)

(walks away)

[Hoo…? He's more than what he seems to be. My hunch maybe right after all.] (Arnel)


(later at noon)

(sips tea)

(puts down)

"I'm glad you come, youngster." (Garland)

"You got me interested with your proposition earlier. So, what can I do for you?" (Arnel)

(businessman smile)

"You see that man who seated on the table across the room?" (Garland)

(take a peek)

"That drunkard?" (Arnel)

"That's right. He's one of my competitors peddler that had some "items" my client wants. I already make several attempts to approach him with offers, but that drunkard…" (Garland)

(smile vanished)

[I say he was turned down rudely for him to make such expression.] (Arnel)

"You want him "gone"?" (Arnel)

"Oh no… that will be bad for business for a merchant like me. But I can't say the same for you though…" (Garland)


"Right… new in town, had no connections with anyone… no one will suspect your hands if anything happens to him. And if it goes sideways, you still kept your hands clean, right?" (Arnel)

"I like the way you are thinking, youngster! If you can "deal" with him and get his legal papers, I will let you take one of his cart as well as half of his inventory. What do you say? A good proposal, yes…?" (Garland)

[What a cunning old man. But if that will get me a cart…] (Arnel)

"Still… how can I, who's a nobody, would even catch his attention in the first place?" (Garland)

"That… there's a reason why I approach you, youngster. Your wife…" (Garland)


"Now, now. Please don't be alarmed… I had no bad intentions towards your wife. She is your wife, is she?" (Garland)

"Correct. But what is she had anything to do with this?" (Arnel)

"She… is a witch, right?" (Garland)

(eyes widen!)

[What!? Charlotte dyed Naiah's hair to brown color and I even had her wear a headdress! How did he finds out!?] (Arnel)

"As I said. I mean you no harm. So please stop looking at me with those murderous gaze, youngster." (Garland)

[Damn. I lose my cool for a moment there… I can sense people are looking at us behind my back. I can only presumed that they are working with this old man in the shadows.] (Arnel)



"You seems to know well about your surroundings… as is suspected, I chosen the right man for the job." (Garland)

"Quit with the idle chat, old man. Just tell me what my wife's role in this ploy?" (Arnel)

(businessman smile)

"Of course. That drunkard had obsession towards witches and would do everything to procure such specimen. If your wife caught his attention, take that chance to "deal" with him. Simple right?" (Garland)

[words can be simpler than action… but this might work.] (Arnel)

"Alright. If that is all, I say we are done here? Lets go, Naiah." (Arnel)

(smile brightly)

"Indeed. I expect great result from you soon, youngster." (Garland)

"Just make sure you hold your end of the barging." (Arnel)

"Sure. I'm a merchant, after all…" (Garland)


(inn's hallway)

"*hiccup! Fuuukkk~…!" (Drunkard Peddler)

(swaying walks)

"Shhi~… I tink I drink tuu mucc~… huh?" (Drunkard)

(rub eyes)

"Wuhuhuhu~… am I dreamin~…? Or I see a wetch jus now~…?

(gaze attentively)

(hair's swipe by the wind)


"Ehehehe~… witch… I'm getten hardp~…hic! uhihihihi~… ouhh wiii~tchh~…! Com tu dahdy~…!" (Drunkard Peddler)

(follows inside room)

"Playin hart tu get~… huuhhh~….?!" (Drunkard Peddler)

(breathing hard)

"*P-phuitt~…! Yer one sexsay beatch~… aran't cha…? A yung un ut tat~…!" (Drunkard Peddler)


"Uhiuhihihi~…! Yasss…! Tha pace… mak ma cock hardd~…!" (Drunkard Peddler)

(takes off pants)

(slowly looming from behind)


"Obhu! W-who-…!?" (Drunkard Peddler)



"W-wai-…" (Drunkard Peddler)

(continues thwacking!)

(blood splattered!)

(skull cracking sound!)

(blood oozing on the floor)

"*gasping!" (Arnel)

(throws bloodied candelabra to the floor)

(wipe blood on face)

"Arne…" (Naiah)

"I'm alright. Wear your clothes back and bring me a wipe…" (Arnel)

"…. Yes…" (Naiah)

[This is the first time I killed a person… my hands still haven't stop shaking. But I already prepared myself to do such thing to ensure my survival in this world and this bound to happen anyway since this world is not my old world. But this leave a disgusting taste on my conscious as a human being. I need to get to "that" place, fast!] (Arnel)