

Saafiya Pov

I opened the courier box There was a bouquet, a laughing emoji smiley sticker attached to it.

And there was a parcel from the restaurant I am working from..On top it there was a note

" Hi my Hitler lady. I heared you

are stricter than Hitler in work.. Angry look doesn't suit my Butterscotch...But ok.. your rude is also acceptable because Butterscotch shell is hard but the interior will be sweeter.. Likewise it doesn't matter how strict you are in your job you are still my sweet Butterscotch and will always be.."

you Marshmallow...I am going to kill you..How dare you flirt with me in my workplace..I continued the letter

" Oops I think you got angry..You need to calm down right...Mmmm what shall we do? What shall we do ?..

What shall we do?






idea , " Why don't you have a Butterscotch ice cream with hot Marshmallow topped with fresh cherries and Caramel syrup

( Saafiya widens her mouth)