
My Herry

Watson kids reached Watson Mansion..

Henry held Sophia in right hand while Sophia held Zyan.

" You bitch" , they heared a loud voice of Christiana followed with a glass breaking sound..

Zyan hugged Sophia knees on hearing it and Sophia hugged Henry by his arms.

Henry carried Zyan and held Sophia hand and entered inside the Watson Mansion.

Both Sophia and Zyan hugged Henry tightly in fear and Henry entered the Mansion without fear ,Yes there were no sort of fear in his face..

Christiana hands was in air and Lisa ( Sophia Mom) was sitting in floor..

Christiana , " How dare you serve me Carrot even after knowing I have alllergy on it. I know it now if I die you can peacefully live with David right?"

Sophia hugging Henry tightly, " bro.."

Henry decided to speak up, " Mom..What's going on? "

Christiana shocked seeing Henry, Zyan, Sophia..

Henry, " Mom, What's wrong with you? why you pick fight with Lisa mom "