
-Chapter Four - Lord of Tree-Top Castle

The late afternoon raced by and Oliver had found himself eating a large bowl of pork stew as he sat in one of the many booths in Svetnica's bar. The now empty bowl was pushed to the corner of the table, as he dug deep into his rucksack that rested on the seat next to him. Undetectable extension charms that he placed within his bag, were extensive, his arm stretched deep down grasping at objects.

The first item he pulled out, was a beige leather glass case, it was fairly unremarkable apart from the golden bird claw clasp that sealed the case. He placed it onto the table as he delved back in. Next, he pulled out a small silver box, he too placed that upon the table. The next objects he pulled out of his bag was the glass bottle that Dumbledore had given him, as well as a large red candle, and then a small wooden rack containing various potion filled glass bottles.

Letting out a sigh he reached back in, this time he pulled out the very thing he was searching for, his treasured notebook. It was a large book, in length, width, and depth. It was clearly crammed, with ripped pages from other books stuffed in. It was bound closed with golden thread, which wrapped several times around all the sides of the book.

After meticulously placing the other objects back into the bag, Oliver took out his wand and waved it over his notebook, which now rested on the table in front of him. The golden thread unravelled and recoiled until there was a single knot of gold thread on the front cover, which within seconds sunk into the book, leaving an image of a gilded loop on the cover.

Opening the book, about halfway through, Oliver starred upon blank pages. He again waved his wand over it. Instantly words appeared on the page. He quickly read through his last entry. After a few minutes of reading his fastidious notes on his exploits, the words on the page began to slowly fade. He managed to read the entry before it vanished completely.

Wondering if there was anything really worth entering now, Oliver contemplated getting out his quill, but before he could move, the lanterns within the bar flickered and a deep voice bellowed.

'Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for joining us here at Svetnica's tonight. As you are all aware, we have an amazing treat for you tonight. I will not waste any more time. Please show your appreciation, for Madam Du'Papillon!'

The announcement came from a small plump man, his wrinkled face resembled that of walnut. As he finished speaking, he slipped off to the side. The lanterns within the bar all dimmed, as a spotlight appeared at the centre of the stage. There within the light, rested a large brown, six-foot-high cocoon. Oliver was instantly intrigued, he closed his book, waved his wand to reignite the golden twine, and once the book was re-sealed, he quickly threw it into his bag. As it went in, thuds and crashes sounded out. If his attention had not been elsewhere, he would have realised that the organisation within his bag, which he achieved moments before, was now completely undone.

His eyes fixed on the cocoon, as were all the other witches and wizards there. Three bright red sparks appeared at random spots on the brown shell, as a soft violin melody played out. The sparks raced around the outer shell, like muggle sparklers being waved carefree in the air.

As the sparks got faster and faster, they traced outlines of individual small bow shapes on the surface. Within seconds, what was once a brown husk was now filled with shimmering golden outlines, which culminated when the three sparks raced around and collided with each other. In that moment, a bright gold light flashed, as the cocoon shell transformed into thousands of small brightly coloured butterflies. The butterflies flew out to the sides of the stage in several swarms, as the spotlight began to dim. In the centre of the stage, a beautiful woman was sat on her legs. She was facing away from the audience, her dark hair falling down her back. As the witches and wizards vision began to return after the bright flash, they could make out the magnificent young woman's body, perfectly curved and bare. As eyes started to take in her complete naked appearance, they started to look down towards her bottom. Instantly a swarm of butterflies flew in and rested on her behind, covering her back private area completely.

Madam Du'Papillon looked over her shoulder and towards the audience, she burst into song. Her sweet serenade was acoustic velvet, smooth and warm. It comforted and captivated every patron in the room; Oliver was no exception. His eyes were transfixed as she sang in French, with a stunning, gentle, operatic melody.

She rose to her feet as butterflies swarmed around the stage creating mesmerising images in the air. More of them began to land upon her as she turned around to face out towards the crowd. Large flocks raced to her flawless skin and concealed her breasts and lower half with a stunning organic bikini.

'Remarkable she is. I introduce, if you like. Vunce she finished of course.' The deep husky voice came directly in front of Oliver.

As Oliver turned his attention away from the stage and towards the person now sat opposite him in the booth, he was surprised to see a familiar, if somewhat aged face.

'Finikis!' Exclaimed Oliver.

'You seemed surprised. I got your owl; you send it?' Said Finikis.

'Of course. I just didn't expect you to just show up.' Said Oliver, as he examined his old school friend's face. It was more aged than his own. Finikis' hair was dark brown, much like his eyes. A scare ran down his right cheek, it was shaped like a crescent moon, raised, yet smooth.

'You know me. I am not von to plan ahead.'

'True. It is good to see you. Although time hasn't been to kind to you.' Said Oliver, his eyes locking on to the scar.

'You joking right? It's been vat, ten years. And you mean this thing?' He pointed to his scar. 'It's vom an encounter vif angry hippogriff.'

'Aren't they all angry?' Said Oliver, with a large smirk.

'Ya. Vo this von vas particularly angry.' Chortled Finikis.

'It suits you. So, how have you been?'

'I have been vell. My father passed avay not long after I came home from Mahoutokoro. I manage the estate since. Vell that vas until vord reached of problems in your country. Since then, the vorld has gone mad!'

'Mad indeed. So, word of his return has reached here?'

'Ya, everything feels as before, vo vorse. Every vizard from here to Japan is vorried. It's a good job you have.' Finikis paused, leaned closer and whispered, 'It's good job your country has Dumbledore.'

Oliver eyed his companion suspiciously; his conduct was surprising.

'Why the whisper Finikis?' Asked Oliver.

Leaning back in his chair, Oliver's old school friend grinned widely.

'His name isn't alvays popular in these parts. You know Svetnica vas haven for lost vizards, back in day and it vas very much the sanctuary for the followers of Grindelwald. Vo I should visper his name too. Ha. His name still causes much trouble these days as your Dark Lord's.'

'He is not my Dark Lord.' Rebuffed Oliver, vehemently.

'Course. I did not mean like that friend. But you know vat I mean?'

'Sadly.' Replied Oliver. And that moment an elf apparated at the table.

Finikis ordered them both a pint each of an ale called, Dragons Wrath. When the elf returned moments later, with the beverages, Oliver glared and the thick tar-like liquid, it had a slight purple tinge to it.

'You tried before?' Asked Finikis, as Oliver lifted his glass.


'Vell, you in for a treat.'

Oliver took a large gulp of the ale, it was primarily malt in flavour, with subtle hints of muscovado sugar, cinnamon, and lavender. It was an odd taste at first and as he swallowed the drink down, his mouth was instantly filled with flame. The momentary fire that appeared in his mouth, filtered away, as he opened wide and breathed out. The small flames were no dragon's fire, and it was clearly mostly a magical gimmick. However, his mouth felt fleetingly hot, which gave the lingering flavours of the ale, a whole new taste dimension.

'That's nice.' Exclaimed Oliver, as he caught his breath.

'The fire brings it alive, you think? Not for vegan vizard.' Chortled Finikis.

Oliver took another sip and enjoyed the experience again.

'Oliver. Your owl message, vas brief. Vat you doing in Riga?'

'Same as ever, businesses and not pleasure. I'm looking for something for a client. Something, that is oddly linked with your family.'

'Domantas Bracelet?' Interjected Finikis.

'Yes. How did you know?'

'I hear vumours some British visitors been asking about it avound here. And you show up, it's obvious. Vo, their search and yours, will be fruitless.'

'I know. I remember your talk on it at school. It's never been seen by any living person. And the only record of it is your grandfather's letter and the portraits you mentioned.'

'Great-Grandfather.' Corrected Finikis.

'Pardon me?'

'It Vas my great-grandfather's portrait and letter. But you right, there is not much else avound it, apart from the legends on Tear of Ra itself.'

The music in the room came to a climax that drew both men's attention away from their conversation towards the stage. Madam Du'Papillon's captivating and powerful voice ended with a culmination, coinciding with swirling clusters of butterflies that whirled around her until a bright golden flash briefly blinded the patrons. The room then, momentarily went completely dark. As light returned the stage was completely empty.

As Finikis blinked his eyes to restore his vision, he caught a glimpse of a short man, dressed in a beige raincoat and blue hat, resting at the bar.

'ZAGLIS!' Shouted Finikis, as he stood up and glared at the man.

Oliver switched his attention following Finikis' eyes. As he saw who his friend was talking about, he noticed that the man's demeanour showed that he had quickly realised he had been spotted.

A terrified and shocked expression crossed the strange man's face as he instantly darted for the exit. Finikis quickly gave chase.

Oliver grabbed his bag and followed his old school friend in the chase.

The two companions raced down the corridor that led to Svetnica's exit. The short strange man reached the door and burst through it arriving on Riga's central street. Finikis moments later passed through the door himself, his wand in hand. He frantically looked around, the streets were filled with muggles, and he could not see his intended target.

'Damn it!' Shouted Finikis.

Seconds later Oliver exited the doorway and took up Finikis side. 'Where did he go? Who is he?'

'Despicable thief,' Said Finikis, his tone vengeful.

'Oh crap, the doorway.' Said Oliver, as he turned on hearing the door close behind him. 'The one-way system in an out of that place is annoying.' He continued.

'Don't Vorry friend. You stay there no longer. I vont have my friend staying at refuge of the lost. You stay vith me. You the guest of Tree-Top Castle now. And suddenly I have great idea.'


The villagers of Sūdaži, a small community a few miles west of Riga, continued to refer to the dominating residence as, 'Tree Top Castle', even though everyone knew it was called Bergmane Manner. The three, red brick turrets of the mansion stood tall above the tree line, clearly visible for miles around. The large manor had over twenty rooms for visitors and a grand dining hall and an exquisite library, much revered within the wizarding community. It was a remarkable residence that had been well maintained, despite the limited number of occupants over the last half a century.

Finikis was a wealthy man, who owned the grand residence ever since he inherited it when his farther passed away, not long after he returned from studying at Mahoutokoro. Just like Oliver, Finikis was expelled from his country's affiliated school for the witchcraft and wizardry. Although Oliver was expelled for attempting a forbidden spell, Finikis was ejected for property destruction. Durmstrang's definition of property destruction in that case, was the accidental killing of two house-elves. The unintended deaths were a result of a misguided and unsanctioned duelling contest. The fact that they were both kicked out of their respective schools, was the main reason they bonded at Mahoutokoro. When the young men graduated, Oliver returned to England to start his Auror career, whilst Finikis returned to Bergmane Manner, to manage the family estate.

It had been over ten years since they both graduated from the remote Japanese school. Oliver and Finikis had not seen each other since that day, yet the pair sat in an ornate dining hall in Tree Top Castle, talking and laughing like not a day had passed. The dining room was adorned with all manner of magical artefacts. A large fire roared in an exquisite fireplace, it reminded Oliver of the one in the Great Hall at Hogwarts. The two wizards had been reminiscing for a couple of hours, the conversation focused mainly on their time at Mahoutokoro.

'You vemember ven that professor... vat vas he called, the transfig teacher?'

'Ka'Mereon.' Replied Oliver, thinking fondly of the stubborn old wizard.

'Ya. That is it. vas funny. That day you dispelled the translation charm. He vould vell at us for hours and ve had no idea vot he was saying.'

'Ha. I remember. I had to. He would shout at me for hours. I think it was like a week before he realised we couldn't understand what he was saying.' Chortled Oliver.

'I nearly had to tell. Unlike you, I could not keep up vith class.' Replied Finikis, speaking with deep admiration for Oliver's natural talent.

'Oh, come on. You were doing fine. I helped you.' Oliver paused for a moment. 'Do you remember what he used to always say? No transfiguring other students. Ha. Even though it was tempting hey?'

'You did it, vemember. That bully. Haru he vas called. He always tormented Mei Xing. You stepped in. Vas a Vabbit for like a day before Ka'Mereon resolved your spell.'

'He was a prick. He would never let here be. Someone had to step in. I think that was around about the time when I removed the translation charm. Ka'Mereon gave me a hard time after that. Master Manannán, No transfiguring Students. No Transfiguring of magical creatures. Cannot be done. No to that, don't do this. Can't do that. Merlin, He was a broken record.' Said Oliver, trying to keep his thought off of Mei Xing.

Finikis laughed out loud as he stood up and walked towards a small table and picked up a small bell and gave it a ring.

'He said a lot, about not transfiguring magical creatures. I remember you vere determined to prove him vong. Did you ever manage it?' Said Finikis looking back at his friend.

'Still working on it.' Oliver smirked as he spoke. Before he could continue two house-elves apparated into the room.

The two elves were larger than the average house-elf Oliver had seen before. The taller one had a bit of plump belly, whilst the slightly shorter one, was missing his right ear. Where the ear would be, a blackened stumped could be seen in its place.

'Is the voom veady?' Asked Finikis, bluntly.

'Ya master. Veady. Very veady.' Replied the larger elf, his tone was high pitched, which was most common for elves.

'I tidy master. I cleaned.' Interject the smaller elf.

'Ya, vatever Alberich.' Finikis dismissed the smaller elf. 'Voran, start preparing dinner for three. Vheres Jynx?'

'Me not knowing master. She vent out earlier. Not back.'

'Alberich, go find her. Now both be gone.'

The two elves quickly disapparated on hearing Finikis' command.

'Thanks again for putting me up. It's appreciated.' Said Oliver.

'Velcome my friend. Ve can talk business at dinner.'


The next hour of conversation between the ex-Auror and Lord of Tree-Top Castle, passed without any mention of the Domantas Bracelet or what Finikis had in mind, when he earlier that night, said he had a great idea. Conversation remained on their school days and only just started to cover Oliver's career.

'You left year ago?' Asked Finikis

'A little bit more than that. I was with the Aurors for just shy of nine years. The last two years were a tad dull for me. When I started, I was dropped in the deep end, hunting down Death Eaters who were on the run. But when that ended, most of the work was bureaucratic nonsense. Very political at times. Wasn't my mug of butterbeer.' Replied Oliver, as he reminisced.

'You alvays did like exciting, adrenaline stuff. No von at school vas as keen at having dragon heartstring core vor his vand than you. And you vern't fazed by the prospect of taking on von.'

'I wouldn't say I wasn't fazed by it.' Said Oliver.

'Who took on a dragon?' A bold, female, southern American accented voice cut the air. Both wizards turned to see who had just entered the room.

'Jynx!' Said Finikis, loudly.

The beautiful young witch strolled towards the sitting area where the two men were sat. She was oddly dressed for a witch, Oliver thought. She was slender and tall, nearly as tall as him. She didn't wear normal witch robes, in fact she looked very muggle like. She wore black trousers, a red blouse and black leather jacket. She also had dark blue hair with two bright neon jade strips on the left side, all tightly tied back.

'So, who are you dragon hunter?' Asked Jynx, as she sat down in front of the ex-Auror.

'No. I hunted, but never Dragons. Well not since school anyway.' Replied Oliver.

'Oliver, this is Jynx, she is head of security and general household.' Said Finikis, as he gestured to them both with his hands.

'Nice to meet you.' Said Oliver, as he extended his hand.

'Pleasure.' Jynx shook the hand and quickly turned her attention to Finikis. 'So, I searched the usual haunts in Riga, but no sign of him Finikis. I think he has scurried off into his hole. I spoke to the barman at Svetnica's as well. But he didn't really provide any insight.'

'Vell maybe Oliver can help?' Said Finikis, as he threw the ex-Auror a yearnful look.

'Help with what?' Asked Oliver, curious to hear about any mystery.

'You haven't told him? Is dinner ready by the way? Today's seeking has left me feeling ravenous.' Replied Jynx, boldly.

'Dinner ready, ve have just been vaiting for you.'

As Finikis spoke he got up and made his way to ring the bell again. Instantly the two house-elves appeared. He instructed them to get dinner ready and they quickly whizzed off. A few seconds later they returned to the room, with a few snaps of fingers, the table was laid and hot pots of meatball like stew and bread appeared, with accompanying wine and water.

'Eat and talk business.' Gestured Finikis.

All three sat at the large table that could easily sit twenty wizards. They helped themselves to the stew and bread, and Finikis started by pouring a large glass of wine for himself. He took a large gulp, which he quickly replaced, before passing the open bottle to Oliver.

'Thank you. This business you talk of. I take it it has something to do with that gentleman we saw earlier?'

'Ya. That scum, use to vork for me. He vas curator of my antiquities. He Vas to oversee the maintenance and restoration of family treasures. But that vizard I long trusted. Betrayed me. He took something special to me.'

'What?' Blurted Oliver, not overly surprised in the vagary of this unnamed wizard. He had always believed, prepared himself, for people to do what was unacceptable, although he secretly always hoped he would be proved wrong.

'You see that shield there?' Said Finikis, as he pointed to a silver shield hanging on the wall. 'That is the shield of Bergmane. And until recently there vas a sword that vent vith it, just underneath on that stand. The Sword of Bergmane. That Vhat Armands took. The thief.'

'When?' Asked Oliver.

'Nearly a month now. We know he still has it, as he has made attempts to find a buyer. From Budapest to Paris. But he keeps coming back as the real money for such an item, is found in these parts. But he's like fog. Every time I get close to his whereabouts, he's gets away.' Said Jynx, feeling deeply aggrieved the item was stolen under her watch.

'Well, I think it is something I could help with. In exchange for unfettered access to your library and records, for my own particular search.' Said Oliver, seizing the opportunity.

'Agreed. Bring back the sword and you can have all the time you vant. You can stay here for as long as you need.' Replied Finikis eagerly.

'I take it the Sword itself is value beyond Galleons?' Asked Oliver.

'Yes, it, the shield, are goblin made. Gifted to my ancestor who oversaw the building of this place. Both are said to be indestructible and vhen taken, used in battle, ensures that sides victory. It is fundamentally the symbol and pride of my family.' Finikis was quick to offer an account which conveyed the importance of the blade beyond its financial worth.

'There are books on it in the library. I have read them thoroughly to see if I can get an insight into how to find it. It seems to be resistant to any of the location spells that I've tried.' Offered Jynx.

'I do love a good challenge.' Let me review the books on the Sword Finikis and I will get it back for you. And then, if you can help me with my thing, that would be most appreciated.' Replied Oliver, intrigued by the mystery of the missing sword.

'I can give you an update tomorrow on everything I've done and the places I've searched.' Stated Jynx, smiling at Oliver, who seemed too confident to her when he spoke.

'Excellent. Vith you two on case, my family sword vill be returned to me. Now let's drink and eat.' Said Finikis, as he raised his glass.

The three devoured all the stew and finished off three bottles of wine, before they well all slightly too intoxicated to continue. As Oliver retired to his wonderfully spacious and decorated room, he was thankful for the change in sleeping arrangements. The bed was so comfortable, he drifted off almost instantly and had the best night sleep he had had since Dumbledore visited him at Postbridge Manor that fate-filled morning.