
Evos Legacy: Rise Of The Strongest System Bearer

In the far future, humanity's brink of extinction leads to the discovery of Shunri Paradise, a mysterious dimension filled with formidable beasts known as Evos. This brings humanity to the age of System Bearers. Beings with the capabilities to explore Shunri Paradise and gain unfathomable power from consuming the Evos flesh. About a century later when System Bearers are at the top of the food chain, Atrixus Timothy, a young boy growing up in the poverty-stricken slums of Paricus City, faces life's harsh realities head-on. Haunted by the disappearance of his father, a renowned scientist lost in an expedition within Shunri Paradise, and burdened by his mother's debilitating illness, Atrixus's life is steeped in struggle and uncertainty. He fails the System Bearer evaluation, plunging him into further despair. Desperate to change his fate and save his ailing mother, Atrixus embarks on a daring and illegal mission into the heart of Shunri Paradise. In the untamed wilderness of a world unlike any other, Atrixus discovers a legacy left behind by his father— This discovery leads to a twist of fate but Atrixus has no idea of the perilous journey that lies ahead...

TimVic · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Cornered At The Rooftop

As Atrixus took in his surroundings, marveling at the sight, his awe was abruptly disrupted.

"Out of the way, plebeian!" a harsh voice barked.

Atrixus was shoved aside by a man following closely behind someone who appeared to be of considerable importance.

The figure at the center of the entourage was clad in gleaming Evo-based armor, which was crafted to perfection, accentuating his muscular build.

He rode atop a massive assimilated summon, a beast that resembled a cross between a dragon and a warhorse, its scales shimmering with an ethereal glow.

The man was led by a group that almost seemed to worship him, each member waving flags emblazoned with the emblem of the Iron Guardians faction.

Around Atrixus, other System Bearers quickly stepped aside, their expressions a mix of reverence and envy. Whispers filled the air as they recognized the man.

"That's Heavens Mightiest, one of the top warriors of the Iron Guardians in Pariscus City," someone muttered in an admiring tone.

As the Iron Guardians procession moved forward, another group approached from the opposite direction.

The group was led by an equally imposing figure—a woman known as Red Phoenix.

She was quite the vision in her exquisitely crafted Evo armor that hugged her curvaceous figure, showcasing her smooth, sun-kissed skin which contrasted sharply with her fiery red hair that cascaded down her shoulders.

Her armour gleamed a deep, rich, crimson, reflecting her faction's name—the Flame Wielders.

The air thickened with tension as the two groups neared each other. Insults began to fly, escalating quickly.

"Iron pretenders should stick to their forges!" one of the Flame Wielders shouted, his voice dripping with disdain.

Heavens Mightiest, atop his mount, glared down at the Flame Wielders.

"Keep yapping, firebugs. Next time, it won't just be words I'll be throwing at you!" he retorted, his voice booming over the crowd.

Despite the commotion, Red Phoenix remained silent, her expression serene yet aloof, as if the vulgar exchanges were beneath her. Her eyes, sharp and calculating, took in everything with a strategic calm that contrasted sharply with Heavens Mightiest's overt hostility.

As the two factions finally passed each other without further incident, Atrixus couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with apprehension. They were some of Shunri Paradise's elite, warriors who had turned their System Bearer status into something akin to celebrity.

"Maybe one day I will be famous just like them," he muttered.

"Pfft! Not even in your next life, dreamer," Someone who seemed to have heard him from the sidelines scoffed before walking off.

'One day...'

Pulling himself together, Atrixus moved away from the scene, his mind racing.

The green zone was bustling, a hub of activity where System Bearers bartered, boasted, and prepared for whatever their next adventure in the wilds might bring. Atrixus felt a mixture of fear and anticipation as he stepped further into the new world, ready to find his path, whatever it might entail.

"I'm not just here to marvel at the sights. There's work to be done." With a clear objective in mind, he set off toward the wilderness that lay beyond the green zone's protective barriers.

His heart was heavy with the knowledge that he was venturing into unknown territory but also light with the possibility of what he might find.

The common Turil Frogs were his target, a seemingly simple mission that held the key to starting the change of his fortunes.

Unlike seasoned System Bearers, equipped with their Assimilated summons to traverse the vast landscapes, Atrixus had only his determination and two legs to rely on.

Armed with nothing but his memory of the digital map he had studied back in the Internet café, he set off toward his destination, a journey estimated to take at least four hours on foot.

The world of Shunri Paradise was a realm of unparalleled beauty and danger, a place where reality seemed to twist into fantastical shapes and forms.

The air was alive with the vibrant colors of alien flora, towering trees with luminous leaves that bathed the forest floor in an ethereal glow, and bizarre, bioluminescent plants that seemed to pulse with an inner light.

The sky above was a depiction of shifting hues, reflecting the unique atmospheric conditions of this otherworldly dimension.

As Atrixus trekked through the mesmerizing landscape, he couldn't help but marvel at the sights that unfolded before him. It wasn't his first time there, yet, many of the sights were new and no doubt unique.

Crystal-clear streams flowed with water of an almost unnatural purity, their surfaces shimmering with the reflection of the exotic vegetation that fringed their banks. Fields of flowers that defied description, their petals emitting soft luminescence, created a sea of light amid the wilderness.

Despite the enchanting beauty that surrounded him, Atrixus remained vigilant, keenly aware of the dangers that lurked within the paradise.

He steered clear of areas marked as beyond his current strength, a precaution borne out of the knowledge that Shunri Paradise was as perilous as it was beautiful. The threats were not merely environmental; the Evos that called the place home were creatures of formidable power and unpredictable behavior.

For the first two hours, Atrixus occasionally crossed paths with other System Bearers. These brief encounters, ranging from cautious nods of acknowledgment to warnings from some rather nice people, served as a reminder that he was not alone in his quest.

Yet, as he ventured deeper into the wilderness, signs of other life began to dwindle, and sightings of System Bearers became increasingly scarce.

The isolation did not deter Atrixus; rather, it sharpened his focus. His journey was punctuated by encounters with Evos—some curious and benign, others menacing and best avoided.

Each sighting was a learning experience, a moment to observe and adapt, to understand the delicate balance of power that governed the land.

The deeper Atrixus traveled, the more surreal the landscape became. Mountains seemed to touch the sky, their peaks shrouded in mist and mystery; vast, open plains where the ground itself seemed to breathe, pulsating with the life force of Shunri Paradise. And beyond, the dense, uncharted forests that promised discovery and danger in equal measure.

With each step, Atrixus delved further into the heart of Shunri Paradise, driven by the dual fires of necessity and wonder.


In the grim surroundings of the slums, atop an abandoned building that loomed over the area like a specter of despair, Jael found himself cornered by a group of menacing figures.

Their dangerous demeanor was accentuated by the desolation surrounding them, a perfect setting for an encounter of that nature.

Jael, with nowhere to run, retreated until the back of his heel hit the cold, unyielding edge of the building's roof, the drop behind him promising nothing but peril.

The thugs, closed in on him, their intentions clear in their predatory stance. Among them stood a man whose presence was especially ominous, his face adorned with tattoos that told stories of violence and power.

The man was not just a thug; he was a System Bearer, his aura of danger magnified by the latent energy that coursed through him.

"You were seen talking to the boy," the tattooed System Bearer spoke, his voice low and threatening.

"So, you're going to tell us where he is, or things are going to get very unpleasant for you."

"I swear, I don't know anything! Please, I haven't seen him since—" Jael, with his voice trembling with fear, persisted in his innocence.

His plea was cut short as the System Bearer, with a dismissive flick, dropped his cigarette to the ground and seized Jael by the throat.


The grip tightened, cutting off air, as Jael began to choke, his legs kicking futilely in the air.

With a menacing deliberation, the System Bearer moved forward, forcing Jael's body over the ledge, the sheer drop looming ominously below.

"Last chance," the System Bearer hissed, his grip unyielding.

"Tell me where Atrixus is, or you're taking a very quick trip down."

Panic surged through Jael, the instinct to survive overriding his loyalty. In a voice choked by fear and desperation, he blurted out the only piece of information he hoped would save him.

"He—he came to borrow money! Said it was for his sick mother in the hospital. That's all I know, I swear!"

The revelation seemed to ignite a spark of interest in the System Bearer's eyes. His grip loosened slightly, and he pulled Jael back from the precipice, though not releasing him entirely.

"His mother, you say? Hospitalized?" The menace in his tone was replaced by a curious intensity, a new avenue of inquiry presenting itself.

"Yes, yes!" Jael gasped, greedily sucking in the air as the pressure on his throat eased.

"He's always talking about her, how he needs to pay for her treatments. Please, that's all I know!"

The System Bearer considered this information, his gaze distant as he weighed the potential value of the new lead.

After a moment, he released Jael, who collapsed to the ground, coughing and clutching at his bruised throat.

"Where is Atrixus's mother hospitalized?" the System Bearer demanded, his interest piqued by the implications of Jael's revelation.