
Evolving As A Space Monster After Reincarnating

Lost in the vast expanse of space, trapped in the icy confines of a metal spacecraft, I was forced to face a horrifying truth. That I had transformed into a ruthless alien predator in a space survival game. [This Is A Translated Work] __________________________ Cover By: _not_so_bad_ (discord username) _________________________ 20 Advanced Chapters are currently available on patreon of each novel we upload— PATREON: patreon.com/Immortal_author DISCORD: https://discord.gg/KscfBegBPT __________________________ Second WN Account: Immortal_Darkness_ (7 Books Ongoing) __________________________ Original: 진화하는 우주괴물이 되었다 작가명 Author: 공포의거북이

Immortal_Darkness2 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
147 Chs


Ep. 118

Night once again fell in the jungle covered with redwood trees hundreds of meters long.

The dark green leaves and the red colors of the trees combined to give the darkness of the forest an indigo color.

In that dull and cool space, six heavy walkers were moving forward with their lights turned on.

'Let me see.'

I looked down at them from the tree.

Honestly, since they have become semi-adults, you could just go down and kill them all, but there is a reason why you don't.

'Because I don't want my appearance to be caught.'

If Muriel discovers that I am a semi-adult, she will either prepare accordingly or try to escape into space to escape me.

It doesn't seem like there is another ship other than the cruiser, but if it has a means of escaping into space, I can't stop it.

To prevent this, you must destroy all six bodies at once to prevent enemies from filming you with a camera in the first place.

And I am waiting for that gap to arise.

"What kind of trouble is this without being able to sleep?"

"Hey, are you sure you're around here?"

"okay. "That guy is close."

"The bastard who said Mr. A was injured is running around all the time."

"It's a good thing that it's nearby. "Let's hurry and go back."

Walker pilots are grumbling, as if they are bored with just following the trail all day.


Everyone has relaxed for a moment, so I'll do it now.

Hidden in a suitable spot to prepare for a surprise attack at any time, I tightly wrapped the tip of my tail around a tree and stretched my upper body above their heads.

Coincidentally, the number of walkers was exactly six, matching the number of tentacles I had. I quickly activated my erosion tentacles.

Erosion tentacles with six sharp appendages rained down like a rain of arrows, aiming precisely at the cockpits of six heavy walkers.

The tentacle penetrated the top of the cockpit and pulled out or crushed only the head of the pilot inside.


Gryphon Wolf, who had been noticing me from earlier, ran forward. Unfortunately, the vampire tentacle that jumped out of my hand did not reach its target and only hit the ground.

Griffon Wolff, who had jumped out, jumped straight up.

Its body flies into the air, ignoring the laws of nature. It moves quickly, kicking the air as if there were invisible stairs in the air.

There was a chain connected to the walker around the guy's neck, but it didn't seem like he had any intention of running away in the first place.

Like an eagle that has found a fish, the griffon quickly attacks. What it is aiming for is not my upper body, but the tail, or the part that holds on to the tree.

I quickly released my tail, spread my glide membrane, and flew to another tree. In a split second, its front paw struck the redwood.

With a crackle,

the solid redwood was dug up by its front paws.


The guy's eyes widened as if he didn't know I would fly and dodge.

I moved to another tree and shook off the tip of the tail.

A huge thorn hair, bigger than a kitchen knife, flew towards the guy floating in the air.

The guy with the eyes of an eagle read the trajectory of all the flying thorn hairs in a short period of time and dodged them.

The moment it landed on the ground, the walkers, who had lost all their pilots, slowly fell forward.

"what? Why is the signal all cut off? Heavenly Mother? How did this happen?"

"The walkers were attacked by this guy."

Muriel's panicked voice came from the communicator inside the walker. The griffon answered briefly in a voice reminiscent of a bird of prey.

"what? "I heard you got hurt?"

"I recovered in the meantime."

"What the fuck?!" What bullshit is that! hey! Take out the camera attached to the walker and show me! "I have to see it for myself!"

I can't leave it like that.

I activated my acid fungal glands. The acidic fungus seemed to be boiling near the esophagus and was vomited out onto the walkers' cockpits.

The acidic fungus that fell on the walker bounced around and spread to all six bodies.

「I'm dealing with that guy.」

「Put the bullshit aside and get it out quickly…Chijijijijik」


The entire cockpit melted, and the cameras and communicators also disappeared along with it. The griffon broke the chain around his neck by touching the fungus.

When I saw that, I was convinced.

He's also a player.



Gryphon answered calmly without taking his eyes off me. Then he immediately frowned.

"…Damn, I thought I had found happiness, but then I met this psycho bitch one after another."

Judging from the conversation the walkers had before her death and her current attitude, Gryphon Wolff didn't seem to be on particularly good terms with Muriel. .

'I've already met two players.'

It seems that there are more players in this world than I thought.

'I'll find out about that later.'

First, I need to deal with Gryphon Wolf before Muriel comes here.

I'm not sure because they took an ambiguous attitude earlier, but it's enough that Muriel caught me off guard.

Perhaps sensing my hostility, he slowly moved to the side.

A griffon that lowers its body and slowly roams around, like a lion stalking its prey. I also followed his long tail and targeted his loopholes.

'There's a wound on my stomach.'

I know that Gryphons have excellent recovery abilities, but it seems like the wound was quite deep. Even now, blood was dripping through his fur.

Just as I was examining him, his eyes were also carefully scanning my body. Gryphon's eyes have the effect of identifying the enemy's weaknesses, similar to the 'Insight' trait I have.

'Well, it may be of no use.'

If you look at the gap between him and me, I have a huge advantage. Moreover, his injury has not yet fully recovered.

If I were another Amorph, he would know my identity, so it wouldn't be so frustrating.

As proof, I can feel his heart beating violently. It is due to tension and fear.


After a short exploration time, it was Gryphon who took the lead.

It roars briefly and flies towards me.

The direction its front paw was pointing was where my arm was.

'I know your head is hard.'

Considering the force used to break the redwood earlier, it seems possible to break the arm even if it is impossible to cut it off. In other words, it is better to avoid it than to get hit.

I twisted my body like a dancing cobra to avoid its front paws.

When its front paw hit the floor, an explosion sounded like a grenade exploded.

Since the attack failed, the guy's posture collapsed. Without missing the opportunity, I pulled the bone ax out of my hand and swung it towards the guy's back.

But just as his attack failed, my intentions also did not come true. In the meantime, it flexibly twisted its body and narrowly avoided my attack.

He used the recoil of his body to kick me with his back foot, right near the area where the monster's tentacles were.


I quickly pulled back and the tentacle only lightly grazed me, but I felt quite a bit of pain.

'It's pretty good.'

The monster's tentacles are an attribute that is not often seen in games because it is an attribute based on a supernatural organ. Because none of the Amorph players have acquired superpower organs.

Nevertheless, he was able to catch the weak part of my body in a short period of time.

I stepped back and admired it, but it didn't make a follow-up attack.

To be precise, I couldn't do it. Because I was busy dodging the erosion tentacles sticking out of my back.

The tentacle pierces the ground and air where it was standing, and the creature kicks the air and narrowly avoids it as if performing acrobatics.

But my means of attack do not end there. The eye-shaped patterns on my head light up all at once.

The Watcher of Fear suppresses the spirit of the Gryphon.

The guy whose eyes became blurred for a moment. The griffon quickly came to its senses because it was resistant to mental attacks, but it was already too late.


The vampire tentacle shot out from my hand and scratched the griffon's side. He gritted his teeth and tried to dodge back somehow, but my fighting arm didn't let go.

I used Ghost Claws while holding the creature's front paws. When my hand touched the area of bone and muscle on the inside of the foot, I dispelled the trait effect.

Of course, my hand was bigger than its front paw, so its front paw was completely ruptured by my hand from the inside.


It screamed loudly, as if it couldn't bear the pain of its front paw exploding from the inside.

Meanwhile, my other arm grabbed his neck. And I slammed him straight into the ground.

He couldn't resist and was grabbed by my hands and thrown to the ground.

To finish off, I slashed at the fallen body with my huge tail.


The guy vomits blood. The previous blow broke all of his back and leg bones.

If he wasn't a gryphon with excellent vitality, he would have died instantly.

'My sense wasn't bad, but my opponent was bad.'

The timing wasn't good either.

The suppression of him is complete. I grabbed the guy who was barely breathing and lifted him up.



"Yes, go, let go, let go, let go."

I don't know what his relationship is with Muriel, but it is true that they worked together. If so, he must know a lot of information about Muriel.

I plan to decide whether to eat him or not after I get all the information.

But the guy showed an unexpected reaction.

"Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk… As expected, nothing has changed."

Griffon laughed while coughing up blood. Of all the people I've killed so far, there was only one type that laughed in front of me.

"Are you pro-US?"

「Kuok! Cough, cluck…. That's not wrong. "I'm going to do crazy things from now on."

The guy who said that looked straight into my eyes.

Some emotion was boiling in the guy's amber-colored eyes.

It wasn't fear of death or despair over the fact that I would soon be eaten.

The auxiliary organ under the chin guessed that the emotion was fierce anger.

"I'll tell you everything I know. If you ask for my cooperation, I will listen, and if you want to make me your slave, do whatever you want. "I don't care if you eat me."


"Instead, promise me this."

The blood-covered griffon says through gritted teeth.

"Give Muriel the greatest despair you, Moffak, can show. If you promise that, I will give you everything you wish for."

It seemed that the relationship between Gryphon Wolf and Muriel was not very good. Because even to me, the grudge that Gryphon held seemed to be true.

"Yes, go, mine, do, do, ask, do, enter, enter, eun, ah, neil, ten, de."

"know. Cough, my position is like this. But you know. "Disadvantages of parasites."

His eyes turn to my arm. The arm containing the parasitic colony.

"This girl, ah, me?"

「Kuhkkk, how much I suffered from that…kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk how much it's real! Cough… It may have changed, but it's probably not perfect."

Gryphon Wolff's sharp eyesight was unusual. Of all the enemies I've faced and fought so far, not one has figured out about me this quickly.

Thanks to acquiring the infection-enhanced type, the number of parasites I can control has increased to 10.

Also, if I stay still and concentrate, I can dominate the body of one being controlled by parasites for 10 minutes. Even in games, there have been more than one or two instances where clans have exploded with mimicry organs and parasitic colonies.

'It's true that there are weaknesses, though.'

Although it is very effective in inducing internal strife in the enemy, the interrogation function itself has not been greatly strengthened.

Therefore, as seen in William's case, even in extreme pain, a person may not tell the truth or may have other thoughts.

'Plus, he knows quite a bit about me.'

From what he was saying, it seemed clear that he had fought with me a few times in the game. However, he had fought so many times with Wolff that it seemed like he couldn't remember.


When I remained silent, he closed his eyes as if telling him to do as he pleased.

This dying Griffon Wolf is quite an interesting being.

'how will we do it.'

It would be nice to think about it more, but I don't have time.

After making a decision, I reached out for its head.


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