
Chapter 27

Three people sat across from each other at a table in the corner.

One of them carried a greatsword on his back, while the other carried a shield on his back. They were clearly different from the other patrons who were here to watch the show. Their expressions were fierce, and their bodies were strong. The wear and tear on their chainmail, weapons, and shields showed that they had been on the battlefield and were ruthless characters who had seen blood.

The three of them introduced themselves to each other.

The one with the greatsword was called Ralph, and the one with the shield was called Lorga. As for Bai Xiaowen, he gave himself a name that didn't seem out of place — Dior Skyboom.

Bai Xiaowen looked at the stats of Ralph and Lorga and was secretly shocked. Lorga was a level 3 Shield Warrior with a total stats of almost 40, while Ralph was even stronger. There was even an elite rank behind his name. He was a level 3 Champion Swordsman!

"Dior, what made you leave your hometown and come to this remote place? Waltram was a rich town, as I remember, 'said Ralph, in a low voice.

Bai Xiaowen continued to act like a hothead, "The North was waiting for liberation. I left the warm Waltram to join the battle for the liberation of the North! "

"Well said!" The younger Lorga beside Ralph praised.

"That's right, my brother. The Northern Territory belongs to us Vikings. We must chase those damned Imperial dogs out!" Ralph said in a low voice, "If you want to join the Usok resistance, we will gladly welcome you. However, the resistance needs strong warriors."

Lorga nodded, "You need to prove yourself. A fight in a tavern doesn't mean anything. "

Bai Xiaowen showed a timely expression of shock, "You are members of the Usok resistance? Then why did you let a flea humiliate the great Viking leader? "

"Shh …" Ralph said in a low voice, "We came to the city of Aelu to complete a special mission from the Usok Lord. Although the city has no prejudice against the resistance, we still need to be careful. A dragon won't care about a wild dog's bark, and the Usok Lord won't care about what a destitute bard says about him. However, we are still very grateful for your words of justice. From you, we can see the hope of the Northern Region. "

Bai Xiaowen's thoughts were:

"Tsk, I knew you two were from the resistance long ago! When you heard the song 'Usok the Kingslayer', you drank 30% faster. The one with the shield clenched and unclenched his fist five times, as if his father was humiliated..........

. but on the surface, Bai Xiaowen still showed an excited expression.

"I am willing to join the Usok resistance. I've been wanting to kick their asses for a long time! "

Ralph nodded in satisfaction. "Don't worry, brother. .... when I return......... when I.....


. "Ralph and Lorga looked at each other.

"Brother, there is a small stronghold of the Imperial dogs in the mountains fifteen miles northwest of Aveu. You just need to bring us a nameplate of the Imperial dogs, and we will recognize you as a brave warrior. "

… …

In the north wind, Bai Xiaowen left the "Wild Mare" tavern and walked towards the northwest of Aveu.

As he walked, Bai Xiaowen called out the mission panel to check the new mission.

"Side Mission: Proof of Allegiance."

"Mission Objective: Kill a soldier of the Imperial Army, bring back his nameplate, and give it to the resistance warrior Ralph."

"Mission Reward: Unknown."

"Mission Duration: 48 hours."

"Mission Difficulty: C +."

Bai Xiaowen closed the mission panel.

"If I'm going to do it, I'll do it big! This mission must be completed successfully and win Ralph's trust. Only then can I further participate in the struggle in the North and meet the leaders of the Northern Resistance. "

Bai Xiaowen's choice to join the Resistance Army was a decision made after careful consideration. There were two main reasons.

On the one hand, the Imperial Army could not tolerate him.

Everything Bai Xiaowen did was to complete the Profession Advancement Mission: Black Soul Stone. The North County Monastery and the Royal Knights were all forces of the Empire. Wouldn't it be suicide to join the Imperial Army?

On the other hand, the Resistance Army should be more friendly to newbies with potential.

Think about it, in the North, the Resistance Army could still fight the Imperial Army. But the entire Yalun Continent was under the control of the Empire. Joining the Resistance Army meant going against the colossal Lionheart Empire! The Lionheart Empire's manpower and influence were more than ten times that of the Resistance Army in the North.

With such a small capital, the leader of the Resistance Army would definitely act like he was thirsty for talent. Whether it was the threshold to join or the speed of promotion, it was not something the old and rigid Empire could compare to.

The leader of the Resistance Army, Usok, was a lord after all. He should have someone who could remove the seal on the Soul Stone. As long as he had a certain status in the Resistance Army, he would have some progress in completing the Profession Advancement Mission.

The only difficulty was the time limit.

The Profession Advancement Mission had to be completed within ten days. This meant that Bai Xiaowen could not use the usual methods to advance. He had to enter the sights of the leaders of the Resistance Army as soon as possible.

"This is a small stronghold, but there are so few people."

An hour later, Bai Xiaowen arrived at the col mentioned by Ralph on the Route 11 bus. He saw a small group of four soldiers from the Empire.

Bai Xiaowen recalled that in the European wars of the Middle Ages, the number of soldiers participating in the wars was indeed not large. A battle with a few dozen soldiers was considered small-scale, while a battle with a hundred soldiers was considered a local war. In an all-out war between two territories, the number of soldiers from both sides might not even be more than a thousand.

Among the four soldiers in front of him, three of them were wearing linen clothes. Their bodies were relatively thin and weak. They had been busy feeding the horses and chopping firewood. Obviously, they were auxiliary soldiers. The other person's body was a lot stronger. He was wearing a thin chain armor and was sitting in a tent to rest. He should be the leader of the small group, a regular soldier.

Bai Xiaowen used his insight to observe the strength of these people.

The three auxiliary soldiers, their total attributes were around 15 points. Their combat strength was roughly the same as the bard in the tavern. They should be farmers who had just put down their hoes.

Bai Xiaowen mainly checked the attributes of the leader wearing the thin chain armor.

[Brian (Challenge Rating 2)]

[Race: Humanoid/Human]

[Profession: Giant Hammer Warrior (Level 2)]

[Attributes: Strength 9, Agility 6, Physique 10, Spirit 4]

[Skill 1: Heavy Strike: Raise a two-handed hammer to hit the enemy. Additional 150% weapon damage.]

[Skill 2: Intimidate: Intimidate the enemy. The enemy must pass a willpower check. Otherwise, they will turn around and run away. Lasts for 3 seconds.]

Bai Xiaowen frowned. Ignoring the fact that his combat strength was only equivalent to that of an auxiliary soldier, even if he possessed the strength of an ordinary quasi-Earth, rushing forward recklessly would only lead to disaster. All Brian needed to do was to intimidate the enemy. If he failed the willpower check, he would be beaten to death by the three auxiliary soldiers.

Bai Xiaowen considered it for a moment. Then, he turned around and quietly left the observation point. He found a nearby river. Bai Xiaowen hid himself between the branches of a big tree and the river where the camp was located. He waited quietly.

After about two hours, when Bai Xiaowen's legs were somewhat numb, the changes that Bai Xiaowen wanted to see finally appeared in the camp.

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