
Chapter 19

Bai Xiaowen continued to read the log. The following content was what happened after the log writer, Margaol, and his master, Falca, came to Earth.

"Year 1153, June 12."

"Hunger, thirst, exhaustion … Master and I trekked in this plane called Earth for ten days before we saw any signs of life."

"My God, how can there be so many towering palaces? Any one of them is more magnificent than the palace of the Lionheart Empire. The civilization of this plane called Earth is far more developed than the Aaron Plane where the Lionheart Empire is located. "

"Master and I sneaked into the human city of Earth and tried to exchange some gold coins for Earth currency to buy some supplies. But what is an ID card? What is a Skynet account? What is online payment? Why do we need an ID card or a Skynet account to exchange gold coins? "

"Maybe it is because we are dressed a little differently. Many people looked at us as if we were crazy. Anyone who hasn't bathed or changed clothes for a few months would have this kind of stench. "

"Year 1153, June 13."

"Someone gave us some coins. Praise the Lord of Light, Master and I don't have to starve anymore. "

"But Master's self-esteem as the Royal Chief Alchemist did not allow him to become a beggar. A new plan had been hatched in his mind that was close to madness, and just like before, he told it to me. "

"My God! Master wants to rob a bank in such a powerful plane like Earth! "

"I tried my best to stop him. I don't want to live the life of being hunted anymore. Being a beggar is better than being a fugitive. "

"Maybe our dispute was a little too big and attracted the patrolmen. Damn it, I don't understand a word of the human language on Earth, even Master is the same. "

"The patrolmen obviously noticed our abnormality. He took out a black box and loudly chanted a mysterious incantation. "

"We had no choice but to use the Secondary Invisibility Potion to escape the sight of the patrolmen and escape from the human city on Earth."

The corner of Bai Xiaowen's eyes twitched. After a long while, he finally choked out a sentence.

"Ignorance is terrible."

First, let's talk about the exchange of gold coins. If the master and servant pair's first stop after passing through the spatial rift had been the evil capitalist United States, it would have been easy to exchange gold coins. The United States federal government's control over its citizens had always been weak, and it had been even worse since the beginning of the Psionic Era. There were many powerful guilds that dared to go against the government for their own interests.

Even if they found an American civilian, as long as they confirmed that the gold coin was genuine, they would probably be happy to exchange it with some US dollars. Not to mention the collectible value and use value of the gold coin in the Spiritual Realm, the gold and silver used to make the gold coin was also a hard currency.

The most important thing was that the master and servant were speaking ancient Latin. In the United States, where English was the mother tongue, it was not difficult to find a few people who understood ancient Latin. It was easy to communicate.

However, this pair of master and servant just had to die. Their first stop after transmigrating was the great socialist China. In terms of control over the state machinery, China could be said to be the best in the world. Although the Awakened Guild had certain privileges, they would never dare to go against the state machinery.

As for the language … the difficulty level of the Chinese language was hellish. The "History of the Lion Eating the Shi Family" was enough to make countless foreigners cry. What? Foreigners say that this is classical Chinese, so it doesn't count? Good, modern Chinese also teaches you how to be a person.

For example:

The conversation between Xiao Ding and the leader.

Leader: What do you mean?

Xiao Ding: Nothing. Just a little.

Leader: You're not being nice.

Xiao Ding: It's nothing. It's nothing.

Leader: You're really interesting.

Xiao Ding: Actually, there's no other meaning.

Leader: Then I'm sorry.

Xiao Ding: I'm sorry.

Question! What did the "meaning" in the above materials mean?

Bai Xiaowen's thoughts flew a little too far. It was easy to stray from the topic. This was an unavoidable side effect of having a super brain.

In fact, with so many words, if converted into thoughts, it took less than 0.1 seconds for Bai Xiaowen to complete a round in his brain.

Later on, when he met the patrol officers, Bai Xiaowen complained.

Black box? Walkie-Talkie. As for the mysterious incantation, everyone knew it.

(Slackers like us also listened to the incantation when we took the college entrance examination.)

"June 21, 1153, Light Calendar."

"Master and I wandered in the wilderness. At the same time, we worked hard to learn the language of the people on Earth. I have to say that it was very difficult."

"July 2, 1153, Light Calendar."

"The nightmare came again! That Royal Knight named Gloria was as crazy as a fly chasing feces. She actually came to Earth too! The Soul Perception Potion refined by Master can't be wrong. The moment Gloria stepped onto Earth, we learned of this bad news. "

"Master was tired of the endless escape. He wanted to hold a forbidden ritual and completely absorb the power of the soul stone! "

"Master said that as long as the seal of the soul stone was completely unlocked, he could kill Gloria like crushing an ant!"

"Is the soul stone really so magical? At that moment, I even had a bold thought. If I could have this power … "

"July 4, 1153, Light Calendar."

"We chose an underground cave as our hiding place."

"The original owner of the cave, a group of plague rats, didn't seem to welcome our arrival and attacked us. Master could easily crush them, but he didn't do so. Yes, he needed these plague rats as materials for the forbidden ritual. "

"After expending a lot of effort, Master managed to capture the leader of the plague rats. The other plague rats finally submitted to Master's power and stopped attacking. We used a large number of stones to seal the original entrance of the cave to avoid being tracked by the outside world. "

"The rat's cave was a little too narrow for us. We couldn't even set up a place for the ritual. Under Master's orders, I, who was almost all skin and bones, began to dig with difficulty. "

"Damn it, why did he give me such dirty and tiring work to do? Just because he was the master and I was the servant? What if I had more power? "

"Ambition and desire sprouted in my heart like weeds …"

The two lines of words were scribbled a few times with a black pen. Bai Xiaowen spent a lot of effort before he could barely make it out. He could see that Malgor's spirit was already on the verge of collapse. As for his master, Falca, he might have already gone mad.

At this point, a large section of the diary was missing. There were only sporadic entries. Obviously, the author of the diary, Mr. Malgor, had been working miserably these days and didn't keep the good habit of writing a diary.

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