
Evil: Naruto

Naivety doesn't imply they can escape consequences! Naruto, a cheerful individual brimming with boundless kindness, stands as one of the strongest ninjas in all the land. What if, at his birth, Naruto becomes host to an evil soul from another world? Could anyone endure the power of Evil Naruto? How many can survive or endure? Discover in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Z. #No-system #Decisive-killing #Scheming

Aurelius_Imperator · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

Nanny, three years of torture

Finally, the calamity brought by the nine-tails came to an end.

Minato, the Fourth Hokage, had perished in the battle, sealing the monstrous beast at the cost of his own life.

He was proclaimed a hero, the saviour who sacrificed himself for the village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, remained silent about the true origin of Naruto, leaving the village in the dark.

The entire village rejoiced, their faces alight with joy. Amid the celebrations, voices echoed with a mix of gratitude and pity:

"The Fourth Hokage has made such a sacrifice just for the sake of us!"

While everyone grieved their injuries from the nine-tailed fox's attack and prayed for their fallen hero, an Anbu operative arrived at a dilapidated house, carrying a baby with fair skin and a pair of indifferent eyes.

"You are to take care of this child from now on," Anbu said coldly. "If he dies, you and your family will die along with him."

"How long should I take care of him, master?"

"Until he is three years old and can fend for himself." Anbu's figure vanished from the place.

The nanny scowled while looking at the baby with a ferocious expression on her face.

"So you are the container of the nine tails, you monster!" she said with a furious expression, deep hatred reflecting in her eyes that couldn't be concealed.

"Because of you, we suffered losses, and my husband died." Her eyes gradually became bloodshot.

She didn't give Naruto any milk, instead throwing it to the plants. "You have no right to drink milk, you monster," the nanny said with twisted justice.

However, her heart wasn't satisfied with just taking away the milk. She didn't dare to kill the baby, but that didn't mean she couldn't make his life miserable.

The nanny went to the kitchen with fierce eyes and started to heat a metallic pan until smoke began to rise.

"Little devil, I will make your life miserable," she muttered, smiling evilly as she returned to Naruto.

Without hesitation, she pressed the boiling hot pan against his shoulder, causing a sizzling sound to permeate the room.


The scalding pain jolted Naruto awake, his indifferent eyes staring at the nanny.

"Hahaha, little devil, this is your retribution…" The nanny cursed the child.

After venting her anger, she finally stopped, noticing that she was getting no reaction from Naruto.

When her eyes fell on his blue ones, she suddenly felt a chill down her spine. Her legs grew weak, and she collapsed to the floor with a thud.

"Monster…" she cried out, trembling all over.

The nanny finally stopped trembling when she realised nothing had happened as she looked at Naruto.

"You…" With a somewhat flustered appearance, the nanny hurriedly ran out of the place, an embarrassed expression on her face.

"I am hungry."

Naruto, his shoulder burning with pain, his tender baby skin nearly burnt to a crisp, stared blankly at the ceiling.

"So, I reincarnated, huh," he thought in his heart. "And that too in this ninja world, becoming the main character as well."

Calmly gathering his thoughts, he struggled to think clearly. The burn from the pan on his shoulder was excruciating, and the looming hunger wasn't helping either.

He hadn't had his mother's milk, and the damn nanny had left without doing her job.

Now he was left alone, his body weak, and he could feel the countless gazes of people who were constantly watching him.

Perhaps because his soul had merged with Naruto's, his spiritual perception was terrifyingly large, and the spiritual energy within his body was abundant.

"Those Anbu must be watching me from outside," he thought, his eyes drooping as he slowly fell asleep.

It was a defensive mechanism since he hadn't eaten anything and hadn't been nourished. All he could do was sleep to conserve his energy and survive.

To survive this hell.

Slowly, he drifted off to sleep with a hungry stomach and the scalding pain on his shoulder.

Just like that, three years passed, and this was the last time he would see the nanny.

"Finally, I am getting rid of this demon," the nanny muttered, heaving a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I am going!" she shouted from the bottom of the stairs. Without waiting for Naruto to come, she escaped the place.

A small head popped out from behind a door, looking at the empty house.

"That bitch is finally gone," Naruto muttered.

If it wasn't for the surveillance, he would have killed her already. The human body has many weak points; as long as you catch someone by surprise, killing with even a pencil is quite easy. A focking pencil...

He returned to his empty home, took out some ready-made ramen, boiled some water, and started to eat it wholeheartedly.

At the moment, he had a very small stature, his fair skin clinging to his bones, looking very malnourished.

If it weren't for the subsidies provided by the village, he would have died already.

Thinking of this, Naruto sighed.

"In the original work, Naruto was really miserable. His father wanted to make him a hero, but because of the Third Hokage, he had to bear all the humiliation and disdain from the villagers his father fought to protect."

Naruto shook his head. "Despite all this, he was still able to maintain a pure heart and compassion. I really admire him, but unfortunately, I am not him."

There was a deep indifference in his blue eyes.

"Since I am reborn in this world as you, this is a god-given opportunity for me. I can gain power beyond my wildest dreams and achieve the longevity I always longed for," he thought.

He made a fist and punched the air with determined eyes.

In his previous life, he succumbed to an incurable disease, but in this life, he wanted to accomplish the goals he had set out to achieve but couldn't.

To attain the power of a god, become invincible, and gain omniscience.