
Evil Gods Prophet

Anti-social student reincarnated by a goddess to win a bet for her.

ericthener · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Class presentation II

Aurones took a more somber expression as he rumbled over what Theodor proclaimed. Not letting any emotion flow out, lest he'd unsettle his assembled kinsman around him. He took as calmly as he could manage a short sip of wine before he motioned for the human boy to sit down. 

"Sir Theodor, may I ask to which extend you are aware of the misfortune that befell my people?" he asked him now accusingly. Before letting Theodor form an answer he cut him off

"My clan has been pushed off our land west of the Hyreltonis by humans. It was humans that ruthlessly attacked, killed or enslaved us, only to then damn the rest of us into these wastes, forcing us to consider if consuming ourselves would be too great a sin for our descendants to carry or not." he said, clearly straining himself to keep his composure. Of the people sitting with them few let out quiet sobs. Aurones gave those a understanding smile before facing Theodor again.

"With all due respect, we Ashenfolk have trouble trusting a divine being in the shape of a detestable human. Believe me we understand you to not be of those wretched monsters, but your sight alone let's memories resurface that most wish to bury and never revisit." he argued, which most agreed to. 

To this Theodor looked blankly through Aurones for a few moments, slouching in his seat in thought. He up to now had not really considered the scale of their feud with these humans or the pains inflicted upon them. Now his internal lack of sensitivity towards these people's strife made him somewhat ashamed of himself. He looked directly into the eyes of some of his audience. He thought of what to say to them. In his heart he still considered himself a human. And even besides that, how should a student of all people be able to comfort victims of such peril. 

"Do your people wish for revenge?" were the only words that left Theodor's mouth. Rebtoch now shimmed in, his voice as agitated as Theodor remembered it. 

"If it was plausible sure, but most here just want to leave the past behind and settle here. Regarding what our king wishes for though..." he said, looking towards Aurones for a statement. 

"I understand the wishes of my people, but I won't let it rest until all my enslaved brethren have been freed and lead back into our company. As small the likelihood of that happening may be." he proclaimed in a monotone sound. It sounded as if it had been repeated so often it had become a chore to say. To this Theodor got an idea. He could make this king his ally by promising to do all in his power to return his subjects to him. With that he'd secure his livelihood and probably win over the people who distrust him for looking like a human and if he'd free slaves whilst doing it, why not?

"Ahem, your Majesty." he began, his voice filled with shaky conviction "I now know what ails thee, I also now know what my goddesses test for me shall be. You're a people without home, thrust by devils into the dust and shadow of this world. I hereby humbly invite you to settle into this valley. Place yourselves into the merciful hands of goddess Ashtka and all your people shall be blessed with a future filled with peace and prosperity, and by your people I of course also mean those west of the great mountain range." 

Aurones wasted no moment in his answer "Again with these promises. As much as I'd love to believe you, a ruler cannot act on hope alone." after which the assemble sat in silent for a moment, aware that the king had not yet finished, but was himself still considering if what he was about to ask of would be acceptable.

"Tell you what, when we arrived in this land we had to give up our head priestess to a vampire lord that apparently rules this region. If you're able to bring her back, I promise you that I and my flock will convert to your goddess and heed your commandments. Does that sound acceptable to you?" he asked Theodor, who got cut off when Rebtoch asked why that would be reasonable way to "test" the viability of converting. To this he got a simple but clear answer, one would have to be mighty and powerful to defeat a vampire lord who was able to nest so deep into the cursed continent.

Lembrandt was still alone with his worry about the exact identity of Ashtka. As he read a tome he dug out of his personal belongings, filled with stories and accounts older than most could fathom, not minding the discussion before him, he delved further back into the history of his people. From the first scribbles and markings that would eventually develop into their currant alphabet noting nothing more than harvests, hunts and the rare royal weddings or magic incantations to the early civilization they build in a long forgotten river valley. He even read the first contact between a fairy, which in their ancient tongue was called Lofera, meaning 'Ever burning', and their first king Firines, who was so enthralled with the beauty and power of Lofera that he and his people started worshipping her as their goddess Loressa, meaning 'Ever divine and fair', laying their religious bedrock that held up strong till today.

From this point on he read further and further along the rising dates, finding accounts of when Loressa was instrumental to the survival of his people, to when his people wronged her and got punished or ignored in return. It seemed as if their relationship was quite active, until about 1000 years ago. From there on any time Loressa got mentioned, it was in past tense. Lembrandt also felt that most who must have been present at the shift wrote with shame or regret about her. Many writing of her having left them for their arrogance, cursing themselves. The name Ashtka for that matter only appeared in a footnote. Apparently a great sorceress of that name visited their valley at some point, teaching their sages some new magic. Much more was not written. Lembrandt for that matter was not yet finished with his research though. He had to make sure to find something, anything, before his majesty decided to accept the help from the possible demon.

By now the sun threw long shadows once more, as she went her steady path along the sky behind the tall peaks. By now had Lembrandt caught up with the discussion and was on one hand happy that their head priestess, which most had accepted as dead by this point had now at least a chance of being saved. On the other hand he was now sure to understand the plan of Theodor. Get them indebted to them. Only question remaining was to what end. The answer to that would for ever elude him.

As the about ten people walked out of the stuffy tent they all took a deep breath of fresh air, smelling the many flavors of meat, sugar and oil.