
Evil God Returns

Arthur was someone who tried to escape his shitty life. He loved fantasy novels and always wanted to have a life like fantasy novels. He was reincarnated as Magnus. And he realized that his life would be like in the fantasy novels he wanted.

froginthewell · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 5 - Good Old Days

It took minutes for Magnus to recover.

He looked at his hands. It was covered with pitch black dragon scales.

He felt like he could easily cut a human with his long, sharp nails.

He checked the rest of his body.

Apparently, his entire body was covered with black scales.

Then he realized he could control his wings on his back, just like his hands and feet.

The weirdest thing was his tail.

It was like a...


It would take time to control it.

His senses were better like never before.

He could easily see the vein patterns on the wings of a fly hundreds of meters away.

He could hear the heartbeats of an animal hundreds of meters away.

He was having a headache from the noise.

After minutes, he understood how to control his senses. He just needed to focus.

He clenched his fists. He felt a power he had never felt before in his hands.

Life force flowed through his body like a waterfall.

He was like a volcano ready to erupt.

A feeling of arrogance he had never felt before invaded his mind.

He felt like he could do anything.

Unable to resist, he let out a roar between his long teeth.

A deafening sound echoed through the forest.

All wild animals instinctively bowed their heads upon hearing this roar.

Magnus took a deep breath. He had finally taken control of his senses and emotions.

When he started to think clearly, he asked a question to his bionic chip.

"Bionic chip. What is an Evolver?"

A mechanical voice echoed in his mind.

"Evolvers are humans with Danger Level 1. The main purpose is to break the chains of the human body and surpass limits. To become an Evolver, you must combine the bloodline of a biologically superior entity with your own human bloodline. In this way, the human bloodline does not disappear but becomes stronger. Evolvers lifetimes are quite long. All Evolvers live for at least 1,000 and up to 10,000 years, depending on the biological entity they inherit from. This system is called the Evolution system and can only be used by humans. The reason for this is human DNA has the capacity to swallow and evolve different bloodlines. In the Evolution system, Evolver is just the beginning. A different bloodline must be used at each stage of evolution."

A loud laugh echoed through the forest.


After a few minutes, he calmed down.

"Bionic chip. What's the next step in the evolution system?" he said.

A mechanical voice echoed in his mind.

"Not enough data."

Magnus drifted off in thought.

"It seems that my bionic chip is insufficient in many ways. Or rather, where did all this information come from? It may have been obtained from my current body's bionic chip, but what if it also know this information from my past life's body?"

"Bionic chip. What happened on Earth?" he said.

A mechanical voice echoed in his mind.

"Conditions are met. Necessary information is being transferred."

"Planets evolve when they reach a certain stage. As a result of these evolutions, planets begin to concentrate and radiate their mana energies. Because of the concentration and radiate of mana energy, disasters occur on the planet."

The mechanical voice continued.

Magnus said, "Bionic chip. Did the Earth Empire know about this?"

A mechanical voice echoed in his mind.

"Sorry, this information is top secret."

Magnus thought.

"There's something strange about this. Anyway, it doesn't concern me much. At least for now, returning to my own world is impossible. Even if I could, why would I want to go back to that crappy planet when there are millions of planets out there?"

Magnus looked around.

"Bionic chip. Where am I?"

A mechanical voice echoed in his mind.

"The Human Dominion Galaxy Cluster. EG-666 Galaxy. Metamorphosis Planet."

Magnus furrowed his brow.

"I thought I was going to a different planet. I'm so naive, I'm still in the same place."

Magnus looked around.

On one side was the decayed body of a white tiger, and on the other side was the burnt body of a human.

Magnus walked towards the burnt human body.

"How strange. Why is the body burnt, but the clothes are undamaged?" he said.

Magnus' eyes caught a glinting bronze ring on the burnt finger of the corpse.

"What's this?" he said, trying to take off the ring.

As he tried to remove the ring, the burnt finger of the corpse fell off.

Magnus held back his vomit and removed the ring from the finger.

As it seemed like a special item, he decided to ask the bionic chip about it.

"Bionic chip, what is this?" he said.

A mechanical voice echoed in his mind.

"Spatial ring. It has its own space inside. It is used to store lifeless objects. It operates with mana. It is not possible for you to open it right now. First, you need to reach to the mana condensation stage."

Magnus put the ring on his index finger and said, "I understand. A bionic chip. How do I reach to the mana condensing stage?"

A mechanical voice echoed in his mind

"Conditions are met. Necessary information is being transferred."

"First, call your profile to learn about your own affinity"

Without hesitation, Magnus said, "Show me my profile."

A screen appeared in front of him with the following information:

Name: Arthur ????Magnus????.

Potential: SSS.

Abilities: Reincarnator (When his body dies, his soul seeks another body and retains his memories), Life Force Absorption (He strengthens his body by absorbing the life forces of the biological entities he kills).

Status: ???

Mana Affinity: Light (SSS), Life (SSS), Darkness (SSS), Death (SSS), Gluttony (SSS).

"Error! Error! Error! Profile mismatch. A completely different second profile was created from the first one."

After some thought, Magnus said, "Bring up the first profile."

A window appeared in front of him with the following information:

Name: Arthur XXXX

Potential: SSS.

Abilities: Reincarnator (When his body dies, his soul seeks another body and retains his memories).

Mana Affinity: Light (SSS), Life (SSS).

Status: Dead.

Magnus thought to himself, "So it became clear I was reincarnated because of my ability. In my previous life, my mana affinities were Light and Life. And what does SSS mean? Is it good or bad? Judging by how overpowered my reincarnation ability is, it's probably good."

"Why do I have two profiles?" he wondered. "I guess it's because my soul merged with Magnus'. When I merged with him, I also gained his mana affinities in addition to my own."

"Darkness and Light, Life and Death. Hahaha, two opposing forces in one body. And I also have Gluttony as a mana affinity. What could that mean?"

Magnus took a trip down memory lane and asked the bionic chip a few questions, but received no answers.

"I remember Magus saying something about the Seven Deadly Sins when he tried to kill me. But the bionic chip doesn't seem to know anything about. I guess I'll forget it all for now"

"Life Force Absorption. This explains how Magnus was able to absorb the life forces of the people he killed."

Magnus made a decision. "Bionic Chip, Arthur is dead. You know that Arthur died on a train during the world disasters," he said.

The mechanical voice replied, "Calculating..."

"It has been confirmed that Arthur, a citizen of the Earth Empire, is dead."

"The data has been compiled, and a new profile is being created."

The new profile appeared on the screen:

Name: Magnus.

Potential: SSS.

Abilities: Reincarnator (When his body dies, his soul seeks another body and retains his memories), Life Force Absorption (He strengthens his body by absorbing the life forces of the biological entities he kills).

Mana Affinity: Light (SSS), Life (SSS), Darkness (SSS), Death (SSS), Gluttony (SSS).

Status: Alive.


Someone appeared in front of the long wooden walls of a small tribe that had fallen into ruin.

This person was about 190 cm tall. His entire body was covered with frightening scales that were even blacker than the night itself. These scales were absorbing all the brightness of the sun's rays like a black hole.

He had a pair of jet-black dragon wings from his back. Two horns were growing from his forehead. His purple vertical pupils sparkled with a frightening light. There was a large tail extending behind him. His tail was moving spontaneously, as if it had a mind.

This person was Magnus.

He took a step inside the doors made of decaying wood of the tribe that had fallen into ruin.

The smell of decaying corpses was wafting in the air mixed with the smell of ash.

As Magnus walked, he looked at the decaying bodies on the ground. He recognized some of them, while he didn't know others. Some of the bodies were unrecognizable. They were either too decayed to be recognized or had been completely shattered. Some of these people looked at him with sympathetic eyes, while others looked at him with mockery.

All these people had one thing in common.

They were dead.

Minutes later, Magnus stopped in front of a familiar house. This house was where he used to live.

He took a deep breath and entered with fearful steps.

The smell of decay rushed into his nose.

There were three bodies on the ground. Two of them were unrecognizable. They were so decayed that they looked disgusting.

Magnus's eyes were only focused on one of them.

This person was lying on the ground like an angel that had fallen from the sky.

There were dried blood stains on her blonde hair. The light in her bright blue eyes had long since gone out. Her face was covered in bruises. But she still looked like an angel.

Magnus bent down and gently closed his sister's eyes. He took her in his arms very gently and carried her out of the house.

He started digging the ground in front of his house with his own hands. With Magnus's current strength and endurance, this was a very simple matter.

After digging a beautiful pit, he gently placed his sister in the pit.

He looked at his sister once more.

He knew he shouldn't cry. But his body didn't seem to listen to him.

He cried like a baby. His tears flowed like waterfall.

He thought about the past. He thought about the beautiful days he had with his sister. She was the family that Arthur could never have. She was Magnus's life force. But now she was gone.

Hours had passed. Magnus had cried until he ran out of tears and until he cried blood.

He couldn't cry anymore, even if he wanted to.

He made a decision.

He would become much stronger so that he would never cry like this again. He would continue to become stronger until he could solve all his problems with his own strength.

Suddenly, Magnus remembered his own ability, and a glimmer of hope appeared on his face.

"Of course! How did I not think of this!!! Now that the concept of the soul has been confirmed, people have to go somewhere after death or at least reincarnate. It doesn't matter which one it is! If I'm strong enough, I can bring my sister back!"

He took a deep breath and began to cover his sister's grave with soil.

Minutes later, Magnus had made his decision.

He was going to become so powerful that he could resurrect the dead.

"There is one last thing I need to do."

Magnus went back inside the house and began dragging out the two decaying corpses lying on the floor. He carried the two humanoid creatures to the far corners of the tribe.

Now his sister could finally rest in peace.

Until Magnus woke her up...